Who is the most honest character in Smash 4?

Most characters in Smash 4 are very dishonest and win by safe aerial pokes and free down throw combos like it's a flowchart. But surely some characters in Smash 4 take skill and earn their wins right Sup Forums?

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Only Pit


Repeat threads are one of the many cancers killing Sup Forums, you are not funny, you are not clever, you are just an annoying cunt who needs to get is sorry ass beaten because apparently your daddy never did it.

>My two mains are Mac and Pit
>One is the gimmickiest, most unbalanced piece of shit in the game while the other one has no major strengths or weaknesses whatsoever, besides maybe his recovery which is arguably the best in the game as opposed to Mac's which is by far the worst



I don't know shit about whether he's honest or not but you can never go wrong with DK

DDD senpai

He is one of the worst characters in the game, and can really only kill on punishes unless you are playing against someone who has never had to deal with a Dedede player

Plus it is amazing to piss everybody the fuck off by being a dick with him

Is Jimmy Neutron's dad honest?

My mains are pretty honest

>Absolute ass close range outside of jab
>Slow as shit
>Juggle bait
>Combo bait
>Actually can't spam against people with brains
>Gets fucked in turn by spammers like Samus and especially Villager
>Easily exploitable recovery
>Kill moves on ground are slow as a sack of shit (Fsmash, dash attack)
>Constantly shit on by Toon Link

>No tippers, everything takes years to fucking kill
>Light, yet tall so easily combo'd
>No reward for spacing
>Just very underwhelming damage output as a whole
>Constantly shit on by Marth


any character I use
any character my opponent uses.
even if it's the same character.


his only true cancer I'd have to say is his down b


Go away Alex

pit's recovery is garbage

easy to exploit


>tfw have to deal with cancer like this user all the time

DK is actually silly in all smash games

but he's fucking amazing in Project M, best player in the world is a DK Main


Finish the Lucina one already, Contrast

Lucina ain't honest
>le tipless respectable marth


Hot arguments there lad.


Not complaining though

What's up Boney?

Nothing much, just playing some fallout 2 and watching some youtube...

>No Wario
The character with the most double-edged barely-even-gimmicks, that Sakurai forgot existed, who lost any viabile moves he had in Brawl while still retaining the weakness to grab-release, the hardest to catch an easy or even mildly difficult KO with unless you're utilizing your once-per-two-minutes usage of your Down+B.

There isn't a more honest man than Wario, so give him your money.

Everyday until i learn the neutral game

>There are people IIT that don't find Rosalina """honest"""


>that gif

she isnt honest!!!

>le mario's lightning of many bullshit combos with even more disjointed hitboxes than Marth

Luna should rip a stock off whenever it dies you faggoon

>Hitting children is funny

Mega man? The only way you can even use him decently is if you're really good at his own games, let alone relying on strategies to outmaneuver your opponent.


Looks like she isn't honest about what her body wants either.

hope your dog is ok though :c

And so you are exposed as the sham, your post was dishonest the moment it hit the board and you knew it all along.

Leave this honest thread N O W.

she's mostly fine now, just gotta monitor a lot more since she's pretty much totally blind now

That's a pretty cute anime girl btw.

I love you tho

Define an """"""""Honest character"""""" for me

Could be a lot worse, nice dude. ;o


Honest: No extremely powerful options but no utterly trash options either. Balanced in most ways, has a rather even matchup spread and takes ample skill to master.

I thought the whole point of limbo is to go as low as possible without falling over

If he is nailed to the ground with shoes that high he literally cannot fall over

one that isn't unfun to play against
an honest character makes you say "oh shit, he got me" instead of "wow, I somehow managed to get through all that bullshit to win"


>Rage/grab abuse: the characters


Trips of truth

>getting grabbed by a big slow ass character
must have done something wrong

I feel like very few characters in smash 4 have a wall of bullshit. Most times I just think "why is my character so bad". Smash 4 in general feels like a game filled with mediocre characters that should be better than a game with a handful.of overpowered characters

>he's never fought Bowser/Ike

l e l

An honest character is a character that wins through the applications of their moves, not their properties. Broken hitboxes, priorities, ranges, damage %s and KO potential are all dishonest facets of a character.
Also can't set your own pace though, so it isn't as simple as you'd think.
Bowser is relatively unbroken, maybe a little too strong on the ground with Smash 4 buffs, Gannon lost a lot of his aerial KO potential in Smash 4 so he's definitely less bullshitty than before. Rage can potentially unbalance them but it's a two-way street.

There is nothing honest about Ike, however. Swords are NEVER honest.

Lucina, Roy and Shulk are honest though.

By the way, are you going to the 2GGC civil war? reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/5r55e6/2ggc_civil_war_is_relocating_to_esports_arena_in/

Delet that flatter Marth from Sir Meta Knight's presence.


Nice meme but you don't wanna trigger my autism
I don't feel like posting my paragraph on the difference between Lucy and Mar-Mar right now

samus has no spam game u mong, her projectiles are garbage. Even fully charged charge shot gets stuffed by alot of things. Like ness and lucas's pk fire.

Counters and smashes with broken range and coverage are not honest, user.


But not Link, Charge Shot just shits on Link's projectiles and she's so much faster he basically has to chase her all game if she wants him too.
That and her off-stage game and combo game work wonders on him.

Frikken DK and Bowser are faster then rosalina and she doesn't even use her feet to walk/run, delete this

t. mario player


Run speed isn't all that important in smash. It's all about frame data and hitboxes

Meant more in terms of distance tbqh fampai

brow fite me later pls

Mario's close to honest but too flowcharty with his throw and aerial combos. This is magnified with his taller brother, once the most honest man in melee he is now just an assortment of broken priority and easy throw combos.

Nice now let's get the Link one pls

King Dedede.

I got you senpai

>Longer hair than Marth
>Smaller chest
>Worthless non-tipping Falchion bootleg
>Degenerated genes
>Worse fashion sense

fixed typos

Luigi sure as hell wasn't honest in melee. He's slippery as fuck and has a load of bullshit. If it weren't for his shitty recovery and sheik he'd be turno cancer

How do I fight dr. marios/ bayonettas as rosalina?

Even if this meme is half-baked it still got a chuckle out of me

Definitely Mega Man then, everything about him is balanced as fuck.

Yes! I will be attending civil war as well as midwest mayhem saga! Thank you for this. There is also a free online tournament that I would encourage you guys to join on the 12th! Open to anyone

Anyone here 1v1?

I did some 1v1's with Platypus's puff and lost slightly more then half. First good puff I played in a while

she's a gimped marth with nothing to make up for it


1. Who are you
2. Sure add me and I'll try to get on in a bit
NNID: gnic2322

What online tourney? ;o

But how do I fight them?? As rosa

>best player in the world

yeah, no

contrast NNID Spingebill9000

just added you

I'm not the man who usually makes these but I wanted to see how bad an attempt would turn out

thoughts on greninja? i wanna hear opinions on my main.


Why is it we like Marth and Fox from melee but hate Rosalina and Shulk from 4?

Cool, gimme about thirty minutes and I'll try to get on, if not then something probably came up and I might not get on.


I am only average/slightly above average at this game, and I can promise you that you are not playing Link right.

t. Samus / Link main

Please keep this trash away from Meta Knight. Thanks.

As infamous as his uthrow has become I still find Bowser honest by design. Hits REALLY hard, but easily punishable, terrible landing, combo food and a decent neutral. Hits hard but slow attacks, huge reward if lands a grab or hit hut pubished severely otherwise.

Wombo combobhas broken him into being able to now fight high and top tiers but still designed nicely in being read heavy, just a much larger emphasis on his grappling now.

I think of myself as an honest Samus main, and I use my opponent's thinking I'm gonna spam to my advantage.

But I'm not gonna argue that the typical Samus user are known to be the biggest spammers and dishonest players.

>starts at 10 am
>on sunday

Well shit
thanks for showing me tho

What's so dishonest about Link?

Hugh meme creator here


Having retarded frame data makes you dishonest.
