you can pinpoint the exact moment I realized smashfags wanted to boost Roy.
Final ballot r8 n h8?
Other urls found in this thread:
My man, not enough people voting for the Fireman
Only right answer here
hes too good for us all.
Superb taste friendo
Here we go.
superior christmas calavier coming through
Courtesy bump.
good choices anons
Putting two versions of the same character on the ballot was a mistake.
For everyone aside from best protag maybe.
L'Arachel doesn't get enough attention in my opinion
Waifu emblem
If she did win, what would her alt costume even be?
Lady Lel is gr8, I have a hard time picking between her and Clarine as my favorite Troubador.
What can I say? I've only played a little Broken Blade/Sacred Stones, Awakening and Fates.
>Broken Blade
let me just stop you right there
emulate PoR
Didn't mean to reply
Come at me
would not bang
If you didn't vote for Eirika you're letting the cancer killing FE continue to grow.
You sound like VenomRoy
that's no good
>Voting for waifu
The only cancer is you
Repost of my horrible taste
mine are better than yours
Why are Petrine and Titania so gr8?
Lyn for patricians' tastes
>he's okay with kamui(female), tharja, and camilla being in the top 5
so close to having good taste
I was almost disappointed they had no boss conversation. Since Titania used to be in the crimea army I figured they might have met in the past or something.
should've just voted PoR Ike instead of splitting.
What did they mean by this?
Started a bit late.
i want to keep RD ike above top 10
the ride never ends
great taste friend
Wait why would they have met? Was Petrine once from Crimea too or something?
>Scarlet & Vaida
Hail, comrade!
You tell me, I can't read moon runes.
I hope my energy reached her.
It's probably pretty delusional at this point but I still hope she somehow made it to 10th place for that calendar wallpaper.
I could've chosen anyone else for the three extra slots but I love Kagero and Libra too much.
My that's a lovely Reina and Scarlet you have there.
I appreciate your unique tastes. I was really lax with my voting, so I kinda regret a few of my choices.
Scarlet is best waifu, though.
>Sanaki was more or less a puppet of Sephiran and the senate.
Not really, no. It's just that the senate is established to have comparable clout to the apostle due to how their ruling system works. The apostle does not have the power to just bowl over the senators.
The only time she loses her influence is when they straight up put her in captivity. Otherwise she has about as much authority as a ruler of Begnion can have.
As for being a puppert of Sephiran- no more than anyone else on the entire continent(and that includes Ashnard).
Also, the people rallied to her as well.
Nice job supporting the few oldfags that voted. I promise I'll play them eventually, damn it.
I love Sanaki!
That Reina doesn't have more supports and Scarlet is treated so poorly is criminal.
Scarlet is gr8
Thanks mate, you got unique taste too. Nice with Tiki, Nino and Owain
Not right now, darnit.
>tfw I missed days
there are much better redheads though
>tfw I missed days
and yet you still wasted a vote on Cordelia
>Voting Honoka twice and Jill once
>Voting Cordelia and Mr. No-one-but-Smash-players-care-about-him
Is it possible to make a poem or sth?
That would be fun.
>Mr. No-one-but-Smash-players-care-about-him
I didn't see Roy on that list
>That Reina doesn't have more supports and Scarlet is treated so poorly is criminal.
I concur.
>Tiki & Scarlet
Is it Christmas already?
... Oh. Was that Ephraim?
Sorry user!
You can pinpoint the exact moment I realized that /ourguy/ needed more votes.
[[trigger warning]]
Honestly your Selenas were wasted votes. Owain proved the Awakening versions >>> Fates versions, should have just went all out on Severa.
I also like to fix the story of Fates in my head to actually make sense.
The outline is there. All it takes is some imagination.
I forgot all about this thing after the first few days...
Would have voted Ogma each day.
I like how the bar cuts off half of Guinevere's face
It was fun having these threads, It remind me a little bit of FE threads before /vg/ existed.
hope the tellius girls can at least stay top 20
integer scaling
Those threads must've been awful.
These threads remind me of the FE threads that went on a few years back, those threads actually got me back into Fire Emblem.
lets hope they did. Ike does carries the Tellius flag, though.
Gameplay preview:
rest are gud
couldnt even commit to shitposting.
delete yourself
>not liking best daughteru
>Ike does carries the Tellius flag, though.
Sure. but i wouldn't want only tellius main characters appearing.
It's nice to see characters besides those
she's shit
But I did vote for her.
My final ballot.
Cynthia can win!