






We need to build a wall.

Wonder how Trump is going to build and pay for a wall since white men are sissy bitches now and can't do hard labor and Mexico said they aren't paying a dime.


The Mexican President's knee is already bending. The whole reason we need a wall is entirely Mexico's fault, they're paying for it.

But WHY does he want a wall so bad?

>The Mexican President's knee is already bending
Is this one of those alternative facts I heard about


Because walls are fun in building RTS's.
Why do you NOT want a wall?

because it would fuck up thousands of peoples properties and cost billions, I hope the government has fun seizing people's land to build this stupid fucking thing

Really makes you think.

To keep welfare sponges and criminals from wandering back in after they're kicked out, and to block drug cartels from Mexico, Central America, and South Americans.

Building a border wall would also provide Americans with plenty of jobs.

What if Bowser is trying to build a wall in their world?

>Building a border wall would also provide Americans with plenty of jobs.

so illegals would be hired to build a wall full of holes, because no american would want to be paid frijoles to do that much work?

Why would he do that? He's probably a marxist.

You know Trump has a reputation for half assing and stiffing his contracted workers and buildings, you're gonna get a wall with gaps and it won't do shit to stop anyone. Enjoy your $10+ billion bill American taxpayers.


Your tears are delicious, Paco.

>to block drug cartels from Mexico, Central America, and South Americans
>Says world's first illegal drugs consumer

Have fun with a hideous wall blotting your land Cletus.

That's the point you retard.

Does he really believe he can pull off a FDR 2.0?


>shareblue on my Sup Forums
Fuck off.

It'll be funny seeing them just come by boat.

At least Japan is dying with honor instead of importing low skilled high crime third world trash by the millions every year.

Why don't criminalize all the junkies then? or make the legal?

That's the opposite of extreme. Extreme would be conquering their land and enacting genocide upon them.

It'll be funny watching them thrashing around in the water when I sink one.

small white penises spotted

Forget FDR 2.0, he's probably gonna try a power grab to be the first emperor or some shit. Good thing he's already old as fuck and in poor health.

Lewd When ??

Ok Rambo

>what is the Coast Guard

Are you being dense on purpose?

Obama already did that.

>Implying you ever leave your basement more than once a week

Its so funny seeing all of these Sup Forumsfags agitate for race war and threatening everyone over the internet.

Then why did he peaceably give the office to Trump then you conspiratard

I'm certain the owners would like it if Juan and gang wouldn't be able to trespass on their land anymore.

Because that's (probably) what you're supposed to do when you leave office, regardless of who is replacing you.

What's supply and demand? If there were no addicts or if they had legal access to them, there would not be illegal drug traffic

>First Emperor

Remember Joshua Norton

>the government shouldn't attempt to take measures to quell this illegal trade, because there are people in the country with destructive habits fueling an even more destructive industry
>no, it should legalize heroin, meth, and cocaine runners, so then it wouldn't be a problem anymore, because law is magical fairy dust that makes everything better

>muh drug trade
Cartels have drones

>OP is cute skeleton man
>thread is political discussion
I never doubted it.


blame the triggered trumpkins who think mexico is enemy #1

Cute face.

>blame the meaningless faggot mods that would rather enforce rule #15 than any other rules on Sup Forums


i really, really like that skellington

Blame the post that started it, your retards.

Of course, it's Fuuka's after all.

cute face with an empty head

What the fuck is wrong with his proportions?

Lies, Fuuka's head is full of sweet thoughts, and both scientifical and mechanical knowledge.

Yeah, the artist tends to draw him a bit too lanky sometimes

But the art looks nice all the same.

fuuka is a bumbling retard, don't let the navigation fool you

the only race with a different dick size than average would be the asians, at like 3 inches.

though I think that's just the culture

>idk how to hide or ignore threads

But that's not true, Fuuka is an honor student, and she has enough knowledge about electronics to build high quality headphones with her bare hands

>doesn't gift a music device to go with it
she's a fucking asshole m8


It's because MC already has one, silly user.

Did someone say Marx?

why is the wall better than that thicc fence we already have? what advantages does it serve when people will just get around it in the same way, not to mention most illegals being overstayed visas etc

it looks cool, I guess.

>why is the wall better than that thicc fence we already have?

We can brag about how much more of our taxes we wasted on this new stupid fucking wall

but is it worth the money that could be better spent on other avenues of border control?

user, it's not about the progress, it's about looking cooler than the other countries.

He's a big guy.