Ha ha

Ha ha

Serious question: why did Dobson so obsessively defend the Wii like he did? I'm a lifelong Nintendo fan and probably always will be and even I admit the Wii was indefensible in some regards.




I'm more pissed at him being a blatant hypocritical asshole.

>hey guys I'm a feminist and I believe in the rights of women and equality
>I also love metroid: other m, which involves a woman being shot in the back multiple times by a man because she wasn't being submissive to him


>and a grieving daughter should calm her tits

In fairness I think he's legitimately so autistic that he didn't understand that was insensitive and unfunny.

What kind of comics are we posting again?

He equates Samus talking about literally nothing but a man and "a baby" equates to her "having emotions".

if you're literally incapable of parsing the emotions of others you have no business championing for their rights


Not disagreeing, just saying I don't think he was intentionally trying to be a dick.



>losing her hips over time
Into the trash Mika-chan goes.


Well it's not funny but in the last of these comics he at least does have a legitimate point. Nintendo was always going for family friendly stuff that anyone could get into. Remember how they used to sell NES with duck hunt packed in? Yeah, and SMB, which was also actually a very casual-friendly game. My mother used to play it for fuck's sake.



Neither was I, really, just adding to the list in the post i quoted


He didn't even spell Butterfree correctly



Is there any point in shitting on Dobson anymore? Didn't this guy completely give up and move back in with his parents?



Who's ready for a proper vidya comic?

There isn't really a point anymore, but there are always people who're new to his story and people who can't let go.

i'm gone m8

>Is there any point in shitting on Dobson anymore
Yeah, for validating our lives.



>the MLP of vidya
No thanks


does anyone have the "anime club" comics

Cya then lads.

>not liking ponies
your loss




>Laugh like Spongebob

wew dobby some lofty goals there

Even The Donald can't avoid the animes.

He's pic related


>implying i don't
Only the ones with really puffy ponuts though


Is this the comic thread?

>the MLP of vidya
Explain, because I'm curious. It's forced and spammed?

I wanted to check out if he ever cracked $100 on his Patreon, but apparently he's so ashamed that the amount is actually hidden and you have to pay to unlock it.

I can lick my elbow, is that a talent? Should I write a comic about it?


Donald can't avoid doujins where he fucks a hot Hillary Clinton. At least I think it is. that's what the tag says. I can't find the English one any more.

>pic related



good taste

>not liking yurishit

It's like 50-70 buckaroos, check the source code






Probably because retards force it into situations that don't call for it, yes. As for this thread? It's vidya related, it's a comic, so it isn't out of place. Faggots who go "HUR DUR I WANT A 40K VERSION OF X GAME" are disgusting, but it seems like only Sup Forumsermin show this trait so I think it's a case of Barneyfagism. You know, do it enough and people will eventually hate the thing you're talking about.

Not him, but pretty much. Tons of people's knowledge of 40k extends to "4 DA EMPEROR SPACE MUHREENS HERESY XD"
