has buckley always written their comics?
I honestly don't get it
what hideous-looking cartoon characters
this is a comic written collaboration style at their PAX event. They take prompts from the crowd and draw it. They generally dont make sense. Only reason I can tell this is that hot dog fairy. they always do that for crowd comics.
Why is Gabe turning into the Trix rabbit?
Because Trix are for kids.
Love this comique
i didn't realize there was more acquisitions inc in 2016, it's literally the only good thing they do
Really made me LOL
haha Sally Whitford remind you of anyone? kevin this!
They launched like a fucking episodic podcast about it. You can watch hours of it on their youtube.
And yeah, maybe the only good thing they do, but it's pretty damn fun.
ha, classic Helen
who else /Leaky/?
you tell 'em martha!
i want to fuck that dog
that second bubble always gets me
What does this mean
hahahaaha betty aint ya glad that nigger is outt a office!!
holy shit
>Send request
>Tfw the loser that you used to bully is now a shitty cartoonist that the entire internet laughs at
Its porn he did called new kowloon or something like that
Uh excuse me Japanese comic makers but Hit Man cannot wear women's clothes mmhhmmhmhmh
I hate being able to understand enough of this guy's mind as I do
It's not funny the 200th time, autismo.
Where my fellow Sup Forumsegans at?
Oh come on.
how new are you?
How have you NEVER seen this?
Either way enjoy its very cute
I will never be able to appreciate this comic.
>gold iPhone
It's just a color retard, and worth the same as any iPhone.
this I can relate to
My mother always did that. It was annoying as fuck.
Why are vegans so put off by my cotton slave style visceral stew?
Well, makes sense to me. I'm vegan starting right now desu.
gonna post some Phil
except Ronnie is a grown man who should be able to pay the total if she really takes that long
>man finished his papers so he got a full dollar
>woman did half of it and wonders why she gets paid less
What are some other things your hot mother used to do?
>Gets 75 cents for half the work
>not 50
>the artist of this comic is extremely fat
do you also wipe people's asses when they can't figure out how?
Tell that to loss edits.
god bless phil, poor fella
here's your (you)
now to reply to your bait
>implying I can't pay by myself
Drugs dude
Flawed logic as some lesbians are not vegans.
me on the left
new album is gonna kick my ass
The moral of the story is stop bullying, it creates Dobsons.
What does cattle ranching have to do with bacon?
where are the dead wife edits
Why do vegans pretend they're people?
tee hee
Perhaps the first ones were more important?
Not even saying it's bad. I'll just never be able to like it.
I couldn't like it if my life depended on it.
The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.
Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.
On an unrelated note, is the wagegap real when it's exactly the same job and the same amount of work ?
man it's really easy to spot a Tycho joke.
No doubt their is some long overwritten accompanying blog explaining how hilarious the joke was but Im not about to read it.