>games ending is a cliffhanger
>sequel is cancelled
Games ending is a cliffhanger
name 5.8 games that this happen
Poor VLR
ZTD didn't happen
still waiting for that sequel mr. G
>Game ending teases another installment
>Next game isnt released until years later and its a reboot or not canon
megaman ZXA
Dante's Purgatorio will never happen, and I'm actually a bit sad about that, I liked Dante's Inferno.
Freespace 2
Golden Shit: Dark Dawn
There was a cliffhanger in 2?
Seems pretty clear cut to me: Shivans fuck off back into subspace/their home dimension by making that star go super nova, new discoveries in subspace tech opens up the path to Earth again. I assumed the rebel assholes were eventually killed by the Shivans, I'd consider that a dropped plot point, not a cliffhanger
helping evacuating ships escape even if you get cooked in the super nova MASTER RACE
>game has a non-canon side story about a character that wouldn't have much plot relevance otherwise
>they have entire dialogue outside the main story when you talk to them
>realize that character will never have the spotlight again and will never be involved in canon in anyway
what a waste
she's still alive in my headcanon
too human
fuck you dennis
>games ending is a cliffhanger
>Sequel is to a previous game in the series that DIDN'T end on a cliffhanger
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a recent one.
Too Human
>mfw that recent announcement saying they're putting it on hold
Holy FUCK.
Though I'm kind of surprised it didn't do that well. I thought it was solid gameplay-wise. Story was kind of eh though.
>game ends on a cliffhanger
>probably the hypest ending of any video game
>sequel is more like a prequel and doesn't matter to the story at all
>better light next time righ-
>studio goes under
>next sequel is cancelled
It's so specific and so bullshit I'm sure one of you can name the game
In case you can't:
>IP is bought out
>only used for remasters
now you definitely can
>Sequel gets announced.
>Studio goes belly up.
>Sequel cancelled.
>New studio buys ip.
>They either don't do shit with it, or make some F2P cash grab out of it.