<3 <3 <3 <3

friendly reminder to all the lonely anons!
to all the sad anons!
to all the anxious anons!
to all the kind anons!

You matter.

You have value.

Don't give up!

We're all in this together.

Other urls found in this thread:



hideo kojima is behind this post

No I don't.

Fuck you

This is so fucking gay,.

I'm a terrible person and I'm a better judge of my character than you will ever be.

Thank you all...


everyone needs a little encouragement sometimes :-)

Nah mate.

ew cooties

thank you OP, I love you too


You're not the boss of me, faggot. I'm gonna be melancholy and there's nothing you can do about it.



you're welcome user!!!!

Nah, most people here are terrible.

r u a grill

This. Most of you are worthless betas who probably shouldn't even be alive right now. No offense.



To all other anons, please turn off your N64 controller deck and insert a controller.

many thanks, user
you'll never know how I needed this

Awww, thanks OP.

Just got my Everdrive 64 today!

Somebody post the twitter of the bald Japanese guy, please. I need it

this was fucking scary the first time I heard it.

Having a rough time fellow anons. My life is a roller coaster lately. I'm thankful I get to come here. I'm thankful for you all. Sup Forums is full of assholes but many have a soft spot. You don't wind up posting here daily without having at least a little empathy for your fellows.

Before the thread dies: