Gravity Rush 2

Why aren't you playing Kat's game right now?

I am, just gathering gems to upgrade all my powers now

Too busy playing Yakuza 0/Tales of Berseria.

Because I already platted it. I'm only checking every now and then for treasure hunts and tokens

Just came in the mail today, I'm having fun with it. Only got to the ducks though.

Because I'm playing Grav 1 since I'm an autist and wanted all the costumes for 2.

>Finally seeing the holo-Kats all over.

I only saw one before. All you fags are getting "Nice"s.

The update is still downloading

just got done

>Why aren't you playing Kat's game right now?
Just beat Gravity Rush 1 remaster a few weeks ago. On a Gravity Rush cool down for now, but I'll pick up the second one here in about a month to play through it before Persona 5