It's only been a couple months since the last entry, surely there are anons out there still wanting to discuss this breddy good RPG series from SEGA.
7th Dragon
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Also reminder you can play the fan-translation of the first 2 entries. 2020-II is the only one yet to be translated.
VFD would've been better if you had a 4 or 5 man party while also upping the difficulty.
Girls look cute but the chibi style reminds me too much of bravely default, and I hate that it is a thing now. It is the nip equivalent of shitty 8bit nostalgia western indie devs.
Which one is the best one?
Im more of a fan of the aesthetics/artstyle more than the cute girls so dont recommend a game based on that type of degenerate valuation.
VFD is a joke. It guarantees the series is dead.
I liked it a lot, the problem was that it was just too easy since certain classes were retardedly broken except that frost dragon in Eden when your party is split up fuck that nigger
But in a game where all the characters were shit, and exploration was shit, the difficulty was all you could possibly hope for.
Sadly *every* class is beyond broken.
>where all the characters were shit
2020-II aka the untranslated one.
Honestly, play them all, in release order too for reasons. Al the games are worth a play.
Not exactly because of the gameplay but because it finished the series timeline.
Of course, considering the post-game ending, there's always lol another universe for new games to be set in.
I'd like another Medieval Fantasy one.
>Every class
Hacker was pretty shit desu.