I wish for Bloodborne 2 to release next week
I wish for Bloodborne 2 to release next week
I wish you would kill youself and stream in on Stickcam.
he does it but it turns out it's actually you staring into a mirror
I wish for Bloodborne 2 to never be released.
I wish for a Metroid game on the 3DS
Granted, it's now a Neogeo exclusive.
It's incredible, but it comes out on a console you don't have
It's shit.
Pretty easy.
Sony continues to do whatever it takes to release it, eventually hiring every single developer in existence to work on it in perpetuity
Granted but it's a multiplat on all systems but the PS4.
Granted but no one likes it due to its appearance.
I wish my legs would literally never stop growing
Granted, they now grow half a meter every 20 hours and doctors now use you as an endless supply of bone marrow
I wish all games were available on every single platform and were properly optimized for said platforms.
Then we can live in a utopia where we simply buy the machine with more genuine appeal (customer service practices on the part of the company, price, handheld vs. home, useful pack-in perks like how many used their PS2 as a glorified DVD player, etc.) Those who want the best thing will still go to PC, but will pay significantly more than those who opt for a highly customized budget PC that looks and acts like a console. Plus, mustards will finally get exclusives, so they can be happy too.
This can't possibly go wrong, right?
A fate worse than death
what the fuck?
Granted but campaigns now only last 3 hours combined
Bloodborne 2 on mobile
You get your wish.
It is in whatever state it of development it was in when you made the wish.
Monkey paw. A logical straight forward wish that is not granted from nothing.
It needs to come from somewhere and if not specific it may bite you in the ass.
Genie wish. Will bite you in the ass no matter what you wish for. Genies are dicks.
You're saying you want it on mobile because it would make Souls fans cry with misery, right? If the idea of a monkey's paw wish is that the intent turns around and fucks over the wisher, wouldn't that turn out great?
>Bloodborne 2 on mobile
>fanbase loses its fucking mind complaining, but From Soft stands its ground, continues development, and releases the game
>Not Pokemon Go numbers (it's simply not popular enough), but millions upon millions of downloads within the first week.
>Is not a freemium/ P2W game; flat $20 entry fee and no bonus charges
>Players and critics alike are floored by how solid the controls feel, and how well the game runs on all devices
>Gesture controls and multitouch add so many layers to the control scheme that the designers wind up getting creative and making inventive new weapons to support the tech. Example: a Winter Lantern head that opens more or less eyes depending on how tightly opened or closed your thumb and index finger are on the screen, "pinching"for a thin, focused blast of Frenzy, or open wide for a big AoE that inflicts negligible frenzy.
>Fanbase wholeheartedly adopts the new control scheme
>Soulsfags world 'round rejoice and consider the game Miyazaki's magnum opus
Sounds like a timeline I'd be fine with living in, senpai.
>Wishes for every platform to have all games
>Also wishes for PC exclusives
You get your wish granted, but you're cursed with retardation.
A Monkey paws wish doesn't turn around and fuck over the wisher.
That's Genie wishes.
Monkey paw wishes don't come out of thin air. Everything comes from somewhere and it the wish takes you very literally.
He asks for Bloodborne 2 right now and he will get bloodborne 2 right now. The problem is he won't get a finished game or a game at all. He might just get the games design docks because that might be all there is right now.
The monkey's paw only screws you over if your wish is retarded from the get go.
Found the buttblasted PCuck