Stop having such sexy eyebrows then!
i can't stop something i never started, bitch.
I want to smell her fins!
>not fapping to those thicc caterpillars
I love Zelda! She's the cutest and the best! The best ever! A cute princess Zelda! Yes! She's very cute and very feminine! She sounds like a proper lady and a proper princess! Very cute! She even knows how to cry! Not a robot! Dresses like a princess! Very modest! Cute turtleneck! Cute hairclips! Cute forehead! Cute eyebrows! She is very lovely! I love her!!!!!
Gerudo lives in the hot HOT desert, so she's sweaty! Sweat smells! Gerudo is smelly and sweaty! Ugly too! Brown skin! The color of feces! Feces skin! Ugly! Ugly with lipstick too! She uses lipstick to hide her ugliness! Immodest apparel! Ugly phallic forehead! Eyes too low! Ugly! Exposed skin! Minimal clothing! Easy access! She's a slut! Gross! Slut slut SLUT!!!!!!
Zora is a fish! Swims in water! Smells fishy! Baited easily! Expressionless face! Robot fish! No nose! Ugly! Wears ornate jewelry to distract from her un-nose! Ugly! Head is a shark! Yikes! Scary is not cute! Swims in water! Pees in water! Swims in pee! Yuck! Smelly gross ugly fish!!!!!
>those eyebrows
They need to be bushier, dammit!
>there are people who don't think this is the best Zelda
TP got surpassed, somehow.
because this is best Zelda, just look at her.
Girly, not stuck-up princessy, giving childhood-friend-simple-farm-girl vibe from the design
lol you aren't real
Zelda is for licking butt
TP Zelda was a waste of a good design. She was the least important 3D Zelda now that I think about it.
I've never been interested in a Zelda game until now, all because of those sexy eyebrows
>tfw Switch looks like shit and the english dub is mediocre
Yeah, by both SS Zelda and HW Zelda already. This is just another step further.
I would be lickin da ass
This is the worst kind of pasta.
if you knew how to draw, would you draw shit like this?
Well you don't have to worry about that you ugly cunt, i'm not
>moth pussy
I'd draw shit like this desu
didn't realize I wanted to fap to eyebrows before
I want to be cucked by a moth!
>moth eyebrows
honestly, because there's an audience for it, and with that, people willing to pay you money for commissions and such.
Fuck off
It would be extremely profitable.
Post Link and Zelda please
I feel like someone made that image just for these threads.
I wasn't going to do that but now I feel like I have to.
thats from the 404girl comic isn't it?
pussy and tits still ok?
It's true though. You'd have to be crazy to go through the stronghold of a bunch of cock starved milfs. Unless you want to get fucked, I mean.
I'm going to use my cum as shaving cream for her dumb eyebrows.
Tfw feminists will find a way to call her eyebrows sexually degrading
Yes, I would make it more in line with my tastes though
so that's why it looked familiar
how did you even notice it without knowing what's the manga called
Fuuka > Zelda
Would you prefer if I fapped *on* your eyebrows?
Hell yea