I cant wait for this fucking gem
I cant wait for this fucking gem
Other urls found in this thread:
the trailer got me pretty excited
Mass Effect Andromeda
Last of Us 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
I love this year
> gem
I loved the first but this is not only unnecessary crap but it looks like unnecessary bad crap - holy hell the trailer was embarrassing.
Games are pure fantasy. If they want to pretend a woman could beat up a man in their little imagination world, then let them
>Mass Effect Andromeda
You are the reason the real Bioware is dead. How anyone still buys their games, fondled by EA as they are, is beyond my small brain
What that play tester was actually complaining about was the fact that in uncharted 4 when fighting Nadine you automatically lose the fight regardless of the QTE's. It was frustrating that you had to complete the QTE's successfully just to lose
It's actually really simple.
I liked the previous games a lot.
And that you never get a chance to smash her up, she just morally opposes the fanatical treasure obsession of the lead, rich white villian and leaves. When i didnt really dislike raif too much, he was screwed over by sam, but i did want nadine dead.
It doesn't look like unnecessary crap, it looks like the sequal to a awesome game - the trailer was great imo
It says right in the interview "hes been influenced by femenist frequency". Do you honestly expect him to give a fair and honest representation of reality when he can just scream sexism?
> no gameplay
> cringe videogame character singing a song
> "im going to kill everybody with my edge"
It was a fucking laughing stock
Did you like some more than others?
It was cringey and felt like it was written by a highschooler
Awesome due to its characters and their story, which was finished. Leave well enough alone.
Cant wait for the mario trailer featuring him singing away in a whispy voice over a guitar like a 14 year old's girl definition of cool.
Trailers for games a year before its release doesn't usually have any gameplay and it was just to get everyone hyped up
it is unnecessary crap. The story was left at a good point, the only reason to make a second game is not to tie up loose ends but to make more money.
Its bound to be shit
They usually do have gameplay, in fact almost always. But a teaser trailer doesn't have to be so awkward and cringeworthy.
> girl quietly singing over a sparse acoustic guitar like its a gluten free recipe book advert from 2012
Exactly what i want from a game trailer
Its a teaser trailer, not the same thing as a game/gameplay trailer
Not him, but fuck off, faggot.
your hilarious meme is hilarious
>Hyping that piece of SJW shit.
How is he wrong? TLoU has about as much gameplay as a telltale "game"
>implying this isn't a b8 thread to draw all the SJW out like the roaches they are
The Last of Us is overrated garbage, it appeals to normalfags because it's like Walking Dead or some shit. You know I tried to play The Last of Us and it had SO MANY GLITCHES AND BUGS it was completely unplayable.
And this was with the patch, I played it on PS4 and it CRASHED about a DOZEN times I eventually said fuck it. Personally the parts I did manage to play they weren't even fun, it's literal normalfag trash. I'd rather sit and play Uncharted over The Last of Us.
>writers work off their views of the world
No they don't.
Fucking this.
The enemy A.I. is retarded. The gameplay is shit at stealth, shit at shooting. Puzzles consist of moving a plank, moving a ladder, moving a palette for Ellie to ride.
The only people who suck it's cock are story fags. I fell for the same spiel with Red Dead Redemption and Bioshock.
Sounds like an interesting movie
you never played it
>implying this isn't a b8 thread to draw all the SJW out like the roaches they are
and then what?
>Comparing Red Dead Redemption and Bioshock with The last of shit
Nice try sonygger. Now go back to neofag.
The epitome of movie games and normalfagging tbqh.
I really doubt the story will live up to the original, they even had the pretentiousness of calling it "Part II" is if they'd always planned a continuation from the start. It'll probably be filled with "le feels" scenes that appeal to fans of the first at the cost of good writing, and it'll be even better rated despite being objectively inferior.
>all sequels
>all western trash
End yourself.
I donĀ“t think you did if you are seriously defending it.
RDR either had you staring at a horses ass for 10 minutes while you got exposition only to ride some town to sit behind cover and press L1 R1 until you cleared it to either move onto another area or mission complete to repeat the cycle again only with different exposition. I gave it 3 tried and still couldn't beat it.
Bioshock can go fuck itself with that slime puzzle 'hacking'. And with a setting like Rapture the underwater threat is non existent.
All three are overhyped 'muh story' garbage.
Tlou has
Melee combat
Range combat
Weapon upgrades
Character upgrades
Scavenging and crafting
Tell tale games have.....?????
Ill also add that tlou has more gameplay elements than most tps games.
They are all secondary to the ungodly amount of
Shit easy puzzles
70% of TLoU is made up of those 3 things.
I enjoyed TLOU, and it was mainly because the story wasn't utter shit. It wasn't super excellent, but the standard for video game narratives is pretty fucking low, so I was mainly satisfied with it.
You know what I loved though? The fucking multiplayer. Goddamn if it wasn't intense, tactical and brutal. I could really see Factions translated into a more open world where you could actually build up your base, fight or avoid Infected, and fight/avoid fellow humans. I really doubt that's going to happen with Factions 2 though.
If it doesn't matter, then why make him a woman?
The Last of Us was a good game with a good story, but bringing back Joel and Ellie just shows how creatively bankrupt Naughty Dog is. Their story was completely and conclusively told in the first game.
I bet Ellie will the primary playable character because le gurl power and she'll be a strongk independent lesbian who don't need no man and she'll kill all the evil cis scum fireflies