Games only you played

games only you played




I barely remember it, but I think it was pretty shit. Don't really recommend it.

damn that's a beautiful cover art
how's the game like

I played that too loved it! I wish there were more games set in that era of japan

you go around attempting to kiss a cute girl but mostly end up kissing dogs and old ladies and such.

It's a shame the game was soo shit.


What game is that?

This fucker. The shit included with it besides the game made me laugh

I kissed everyone in that town.

Ehy OP, did you know chulip creator new game came out less than a week ago?

it's a mobile game called dandy dungeon

Try it just to see how fucking bad it is, do it.

you are a Sup Forumsirgin that dream of kissing his neughbor daughter, but since you are a spineless idiot that post on /r9k/ you don't have the courage to do so, so you go around the town kissing everyone else in order to build up the courage to kiss the girl...

...this should be simple enough, but everyone in town won't kiss you until you solve some issue in town or do thing that don't make sense most of the time so it's actualy a lot harder and frustating than it sounds

it's the sort of game that requires a FAQ

I played that, I always liked to fly the ships around asteroids and pretend I was an astronaut.


My cousin had a lot of games like this since he liked playing Driver at my house.

Whenever he got Smuggler's Run we stopped playing this.

They included a mini-strategy guide in the instruction manual IIRC

I've seen some playthroughs, and holy shit is it chock full of some rage-inducing bullshit.
>Literal pieces of shit damage you, outright kill you
>If you want to 100% the game (and you do) you have to dig through a well full of shit, damaging yourself and potentially killing yourself until the RNG throws you a bone

Ah dude Smugglers Run made my dick grow as a kid. All of that open space to drive around.

Stuntman was the dog's bollocks though. Id spend so much time editing replays and setting up my own stunts in the arena.

This game punched me in the balls so hard I couldnt play it.

Surprisingly I remember playing the Motocross games more than Stuntman, I guess my cousin didnt realize the fun to be had.

He was a simple guy.

I suppose games like Smugglers Run and Motorcross were more like Driver in how you could practically jump straight in with just fucking around.

Stuntman took getting through the game to unlock more freedom to play around. The worst bit about losing save files was knowing you had to complete the game to get all of your arena items back. Otherwise, the arena was boring as fuck.

I had it, it was shit

Luminous Arc Infinity

Vita exclusive was a mistake.