Pic related is the best video game i've ever played

Pic related is the best video game i've ever played.

I have never played a Metal Gear game before this one. Is that the reason?

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It's because you're not a stupid, contrarian fuck brainwashed by this hellhole.

I picked it up and played it before I saw the reception it has here, and I love it. Like, looooove it. I've played mgs 1-3.

It's not a bad game, I really liked it. But I liked 1, 2, 3, and even 4 better.

The way it controls feels so natural, You know that feeling when you first played GTAIV and started walking around, feels like that.

This, everyone who disagrees with me is a brainwashed contrarian

Not what he said :p

*everyone who hates MGSV is a brainwashed contrarian

It's a bad game, and Sup Forums's opinion had no bearing on mine, because I stopped visiting this shithole at the time to avoid spoilers. Turns out there was nothing worth avoiding, because the game has no story.

I'm sorry, but I don't like generic Ubisoft games with non existant level design that reuses one mission for 50 hours and removes everything good about the series (don't care about story, but boss fights, cool sequences) and replaces it with destroying tanks squad #422323, liberating town #42323 and walking for 30 minutes on an empty open world in the mean time.

Controls are good and polished, but that doesn't help if there is no proper game around it.

Did that scene even happen at any point in the game?

or was it just some teaser shit

I wholeheartedly agree, the major issue is both maps get incredibly boring after a while because the game forces you to grind R&D by going through the same outposts over and over.
Basically Kojima fell for the open world meme

I want to cuddle d-dog!!!!

You wanted Snake headlocking Ocelot while taking a selfie to be in the game?

But is pic related the greatest romance ever in a game?

It was just part of the MGO3 trailer.

Yeah its good. Am I the only one who thinks you should kill quiet though? Her arc was poorly done

o-okay h-homie!!!!

I'm saying that this website has a culture of brainwashed contrarianism. Try and disagree with that without sounding deluded.

That's true, but assuming that everyone who dislikes a game is just being contrarian for the sake of it is just as bad

>going through the same outposts over and over.

Mix up your loadout man lol

That picture shows a feature that was never added to the game.

Why don't we suffer for a while, Sup Forums?


Most of the people complaining here are though

How do you know that? It's a pointless generalization either way