Mansion designer: boy I do like shades of green

>Mansion designer: boy I do like shades of green

Why did they forgot colors in the remake?

Left looks like a cozy mansion interior with warm lighting. Right looks pale and sickly like you're in a mansion full of several week old rotten corpses.

I saw your thread earlier. It was shit then and its shit now

Why is Chris standing on air?

It's weird how they changed so much. The interior of the Mansion especially in this location adds to the clueless and confusion because it looks so normal. The right basically screams eeriness.

The left adds nothing. It's completely disconnected from the characters and story. Just a generic mansion. Like some cheap augmented reality game. The right has atmosphere.

my god, it's another one of those
like the silent hill hd version which almost completely removed the fog
ffs, what are they all thinking? besides how to make some easy and quisk cash

Uh, are you stupid? This is an actual improvement with effort put into it, not at all like Silent Hill HD.

>Why is the horror game dark and creepy?

I agree with you on the effort part

Yeah no sorry, REmake was not a lazy cash grab, it was an improvement over the original in every single way. Have you even played the Resident Evil 1 remake?

Don't compare REmake to trash like Silent Hill HD or Ubitrash remakes like HoM&M3.

>green isn't a colour
well would you look at that

>Chris is in front of the railing on the left

It's not a creative color

What's a creative color?

All the colours they used in the PS1 version

Just kill yourself, nostalgiafag. Look at that fucking lighting

>underage b&

Not an argument.

Look, if you'd been old enough to play the PS1 version when it first came out, you'd be agreeing with me right now. That's evidence enough to ban you for being underage, so I've reported you.

>This is one generations worth of improvement
We don't see jumps like this nowadays

Hey its ya boy Jimmy Jay Anonymous here to school your niggar and niggette asses.
REmake came out in 2002, thats 15 years ago.

Someone old enough to play it at release would have to be 4 or 5 at the time, meaning they're at least 19 or 20.

Because of a doctored image.

Nah yours is just washed out, or the PC port is also washed out. Also switch to 4:3. 16:9 just cuts the top and bottom of the image.

This pretty much, REmake was only a few years after RE1 anyways, if you played one you likely played the other.

But the autistic faggot in this thread likely thinks the REmake came out in 2015 and' didn't know it was a Gamecube game.

I wish there was a company that just specialized in properly restoring games for modern hardware with proper resolution without breaking shit.

A Criterion Collection for gamers if you will. Night Dive Studios was kinda doing that with their great Turok Source port but now it seems they're focused on a System Shock remake.

>Also switch to 4:3. 16:9 just cuts the top and bottom of the image.

Nah, the image scrolls down as you move. Point being it isn't that green.

But yes, the art style changed. Normally in low light areas you're going to see a loss of vibrant colors. It would look far too out of place with the otherwise semi-realistic environments of REmake.

>But the autistic faggot in this thread likely thinks the REmake came out in 2015 and' didn't know it was a Gamecube game.
Man what a faggot.


>REmake was only a few years after RE1 anyways,

7 years idiot. 1995 vs 2002.


And 2002 was 15 years ago.

Yes, and? It's no where near as green as OP's image.

Same here, I wonder what connections you'd need though to get through all the licensing issues. Could just anyone start up a company like that? What do you do, just ask publishers if you can remaster their games.

RE1 came out in 1996 you fucking moron. So 6 years, not that long.

Yeah it scrolls but it wasn't meant too, it was meant to be full screen.

The artstyle has not changed at all between the 2002 and 2015 re-release as far as I know. It was just touching it up for higher res. I've only actually played the GC versions so I don't know if the PC version is more washed out or not. But I don't remember it being as grey as your image. It was more green IIRC.

1996 you fucking idiot.

>its an underage wiki fag tries and fails to punk a guy on a secret pakistani pubic shaving public assembly forum episode.

What anime is this boi from?




How long was the mansion/lab contaminated with the virus and zombies within it? Was there ever a definite timeline on that? Like, Stars shows up and the mansion/surrounding forest is fugged but how long was it like that?

>The artstyle has not changed at all between the 2002 and 2015 re-release as far as I know

Here is what I can only assume is a direct capture from the Gamecube game, since it's from an article dated 2013.

Yeah see it was a bit more colorful there. In the 2015 release they just put some filters over the top and washed it out a bit since they couldn't find the original 3D data so they had to upscale it instead of re-rendering the scenes like with RE0.

It's literally the very same image just with filters over the top and at a higher res.


But wait... left is literally shades of brown, right actually has more color...


So then we can agree OP's image is inaccurate? Because everyone who gave a damn knows that they'd have to upscale it with filters, it was set in stone.

Little bit surprised by the minor saturation change, but whatever.

>so young he thinks that 6-7 years is long
Get a load of this shit stain