ITT: Bullshit that makes you trigger

ITT: Bullshit that makes you trigger

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What the fuck

Hmmm, it's almost as if the p90 is a suboptimal choice for long->a site range.

>SMG damage dropoff
>Long range P90

Deserved to lose.
Absolutely nothing triggering or wrong with that webm.

Totally deserved for buy a p90 instead of a ump

>sniping with a P90

Would've been better off running directly at him firing at full auto.

Maybe you should stop playing shit rng simulator: gambling offensive and play a real game like Rainbow Six Siege or maybe even CS1.6/Classic Offensive since you suck Valve cock so much.

>defending an electronic dice rolling simulator

There's plenty of reasons to hate on CS, but attempting to make bullshit like that WEBM an argument is just stupid.

>p90 from the very back of long A

The fact he was able to hit at all is incredible. Nothing is wrong with that webm.

>Use a P90 at long range
Wow, I'm surprised, it's almost like SMGs are not made for sniping.

Git gud

Idiot would have won if he had just swapped to his Glock and tapped. Literally nothing wrong with that webm

It's just ex-console users who jumped ship and decided to try the popular shooter on pc. When they realized the game has more depth than point-n-shoot they decided the game was bad instead of them being bad

Would he have been better off trying to make that shot with his pistol instead?

>cs go

>complain about how stupid the recoil is in csgo
>get told to git gud

He was shooting with the glock. The others posters were just memeing you.

why is the glock such an inaccurate piece of shit compared to the usp-s?

That's what they get for using the p90 instead of the UMP

It would give the T-side too much of an advantage when forcing A, even more than today.



> Seems BR
> Only P90
> 15 / 15

Hue Hue

It's not stupid once you get good though.

Does anyone have that webm of the guy shooting the clueless T with the Desert Eagle and the first six rounds whiff?

It wasn't the recoil.

Of course you would have known that if you ever bothered to git gud

Nevermind, found the 'lagger'

II don't think this is what you were after, but have it anyway.

Is it that bad on Console? Or it's exagerated?

It's people fucking around for some sketch or some shit. The filename is just for filename threads.


The terrorist was deliberately playing badly, the CTs were playing legitimately.

>pull trigger
>suddenly bullet is 4 inches above where i was aiming
good game, maybe i should play craps instead you stupid fuck. maybe my (((RNG))) would be better there instead.

That's quite a massive lack of awareness, even without audio.

>pull trigger
>suddenly bullet goes right where I aimed at because I wasn't moving and fired in short burst
Git gud

as someone who was global before the rank patch and is badge right now i gotta say this mod made the game a lot more fun

every """""pro""""" csgo player would lose their shit if they changed it to be like this though

so it basically makes recoil accurate? Why would anyone not want this? And why is this not in the game? CStards are so stupid

People have spent years learning the weapon spreads. If they made the cross hair go where the bullets are going all of that time and effort they spent memorizing it without the visual advantage would have been for nothing.

>people are so used to eating shit they cant eat anything else
its almost tragic

I don't really find this game fun. At first i raged about shit recoil and hitreg, which is no doubt worse than cs 1.6.
It's kind of a weird feeling when you used to do some strats in 1.6 and suddenly in CSGO you can't hit anything and everything collapses.

Then there is a shit community
>lol we stack rush a mid
>i rush with everyone, suddenly everyone turns back and i get killed because i'm the only person to rush
>lol noob we kick you

every single person is apparently a youtuber or twitch streamer
every time you hit something (4k/ace with headshots) everyone loses their shit and they either report me or tell me i'm a god of cs.
Every single person cares about their rank because they need to tell their classmates later how badass they are
then there are people who think they are good because they have a good k/d. even if they camped the whole game and saved their weapons every single round

Since everyone is bad it's not interesting to play.

You sound like a MG1 TBQH.

And your point is?

Anything below DMG is "is this your first time using a keyboard and mouse?" tier.

Different flavors of shit. No matter the rank all players suck.

>woooooowwwww I should be able to accurately hit with this p90 from 60m away

i'd be triggered if some retard lost me a game over an easy 1v1 too

When you think of depth and the first thing that pops up in your head is a random number generator, you should kill yourself tbqhf.

kek, anyone who's played the game knows that the reset time on the deagle after jumping is SEVERAL SECONDS, shooting when it's still recovering from a jump is just exacerbating the inaccuracy. Nice pleb bait, will oust absolute retards.
That being said, I do hate how long the recovery is for the deagle after jumping, make it like one second for fuck's sake.

The hit reg is demonstrably better than 1.6, but no offense, it sounds like you're just playing with people who aren't that good--in my experience, the better people are, the fewer shitty hackusations, bad strats and terrible attitudes, unless you're playing on ESEA.

It has something to do with hitboxes imo.
I have a feeling that because they've made them smaller but did not tweak initial inaccuracy of weapons it's harder to hit anything.
I'm just used to certain ttk/consistency and it does not feel right when those are different.
There is also problem with client/server calculating things differently, different crosshair (harder to control sprays because of this) and other stuff, mostly movement issues.

>first plan with 95% chance to do as i want if RNG doesnt fuck me up
>backup plan with three 75% chance each to hit
>miss miss miss
>last play is risky as fuck, can fuck me over, weaken me, weaken enemy, or kill enemy. all with equal chance
>everything goes wrong and now im 100% dead GG

>enemy does some stupid RNG shit and tosses the game

>mfw I sweep the enemy team as last man with my P90
>They rage and call me a hacker, noob for using p90.
Felt so good.

why people are not playing superior Insurgency?

>worst player on the team,chill playing
>last man standing
>whole team is spectating me
>alert level and trigger happy on max
>headshot fast as fuck out of pure luck
>do so 5 times
>1vs1 now, spilling spaggeti everywhere
>we both spray and miss
>health is in the red
>somehow hit the last guy with shit gun while dodging his shots
>gg ez

Is it really that good? Should I wait for the next game before buying?

>26 FPS

it's the best FPS i've ever played. watch some youtube videos. it has a steep learning curve, but it's so fucking rewarding when you get it right. it's ultra realistic (2 bullets and you're dead), so there's no run and gun bullshit, but it's not a campfest either.


My niqqa

you retard are shooting a p90 from pit trying to hit a pixel... i hope your team shit talked you.

Because I've graduated to the even more superior Squad.
Insurgency is pretty tight, though, I play it from time to time when I'm not willing to invest a lot of time.
Most importantly, CSGO a shit.

aim better

I tried R6 siege on my free weekend and was immediately matched against tryhard clanners. That game may be alive but it is not easy to get into.

>I should be able to kill anyone with any weapon from anywhere if can point my mouse good enough
sorry, success in CSGO requires more than that, scrub

implying csgo is easy to get into

Classic offensive is just the same thing with lower quality sounds and particle effects