Rockstar Games May Be Open For Female Protagonist In 'GTA 6'

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they're rather vulgar with their work so it would make a nice change

have a sage

>Sup Forums will be triggered because female protagonist
>feminists triggered because R* will make her a crack whore
This'll be neat to watch

Unless the game turns into a rape sim i will never be interested in a female protag

if they do it'll be max cringe


Into the trash it goes.

Yeah, and? Nothing wrong with it as long as there is no agenda pushing associated like devs who do it not because they have an interesting take on the character, but rather just to shout how progressive they are for including something that has ever existed in gaming.

Go back to /r9k/.

Ah yes that well known industry source Counsel and Heal

>it's a companies are no longer allowed to have females in games episode

Does it even matter? Western female characters are always the same, STRONG independent women who don't need no man,, act like men, have really short hair (or are shaved on one side) and have a man face.

It's pretty much a case of "make a man, call it a girl".

President Bannon, stop shilling your old sight and go back to making Trump sign Executive Orders without reading them.

If she's anything like Catalina from San Andreas, I have no problem with that.

Hell, let me just play as her. Have a team up with Trevor.

Don't see the problem, but knowing Rockstar they'll go the safe route and have 3 protagonists again.

But yea I don't see the issue, I'd be fine with a female heister.

>They make her a feminist so that they can simultaniously satisfy them and make fun of them.

Considering Rockstar tend to fuck with and mock both sides of the line, this isn't as terrible as it sounds.

Besides, it's just as likely they could make her a failed stripper/prostitute who attempts to work the way up the ladder, which will piss off one side of the feminists endlessly.

What's the problem?

>GTA 6
>still only developing for online mode for GTA V

Who gives a shit anymore, 90% of the next game is just going to be online.

How do you make a video game character dependent?

I'd rather have that than 3 different characters.

there's absolutely nothing wrong with this
fuck off

This would be pretty fun.

There's nothing wrong with having a woman in a game though. If she's psychotic as fuck like Trevor then she'll be 10/10 waifu material

If they came out and touted it as an exciting feature and rammed it down everyone's throats that this was indicative of equality, that would be really dumb, but that isn't what is happening here.

I always new Rockstar went full sjw, just look at John "cuck" Marston

Escort missions.

Make them call their mom every now and then to combat homesickness.



Other than that, spot on.

I wouldn't mind it if they can pull it off well desu.

>rockstar is going to keep doing the whole "switch between characters" gimmick

It makes the game feel sillybretard

Yes just like all those top tier female gang members n real life. HAHAHAHA wtf is going on in this world.



There are tons of female gang members tho

It's not real life. It's a videogame

Not a big deal, i just dont want it to be forced or feel out of place. Rockstar does a great job with their stories, GTAVs story felt solid. Rockstar would realize a female protag would be a bit different so a story including that element would fit well.

Yeah, just like all thes male gang members that keep ressurecting no matter how many times they die and all.

It's almost as if it were video games or something.

Meanwhile Saints Row lets you make (male) and (female) main characters

I really can't wait for Sup Forums to shit itself over this when it turns out the female character is actually competent and doesn't walk around in bondage gear

They're not stupid, they know their audience. That shit would not fly with their normie dudebros

I've always wanted the protagonist in a GTA game to be fat AMY SCHUMER talking about how many guys she's had sex with and how loose her vagina is!

If she pretty much just ends up being Panty, I'm fine with that.
We need some more playable mega bitches.


this is fine

>Griselda Blanco (February 15, 1943 – September 3, 2012), known as La Madrina, the Black Widow, the Cocaine Godmother and the Queen of Narco-Trafficking, was a Colombian drug lord of the Medellín Cartel and a pioneer in the Miami-based cocaine drug trade and underworld during the 1970s and early 1980s. It has been estimated that she was responsible for up to 200 murders while transporting cocaine from Colombia to New York, Miami and Southern California.

>"Could we do a game with a lead female character? Of course. We just haven't found the right game for it yet,"

More like female lead in Maxime Painette

this is fine, what's not fine is the inevitable complaints about her portrayal as a manipulative whore scumbag from the same people who have been screeching for a female protag since IV


They have never had female protagonists since they invented the series with GTA 3.

Like it or not women are fast becoming the new cowboys and deadpools.

You may find yourself balls deep in a strange woman and wake up with your lips wrapped around a shotgun, but don't say no one warned you!

>knowing Rockstar they'll go the safe route

time to work at a strip club and date black guys

Except GTA IV was the first game idiot. GTA 3 is a prequel, they even made a PS2 version to nail the retro feel.

Wouldn't that basically be Black Lagoon without the boats?
Shit, they should just basically make GTA: BL edition and leave it at that.


This, GTA is just too realistic for a woman character honestly

GTA 6 should be create a character and focus on world interaction

Instead we'll get another pseudo-movie and annoying in-game purchase multiplayer




i don't care

>fastest growing group

Yeah, men already all have guns.

Let me know when they overtake us on ownership. And then let me know when they can actually shoot.

Wasn't the main antagonist of GTA 3 your crazy colombian drug lord ex-girlfriend?


There have been female protagonists in GTA longer than most posters here have been alive.

/k/ btfo. women are outbuying the third gender.

I just want physically strong independent womyn, not emotionally

Then I can up the muscle-slider on character creation and go around snu-snuing men to death

I don't specialize in murder or rape dude.

>ordering assassinations
>same as a 140 pound female engaging in melee and actually murdering men

Nice context denial retard

You're really missing out.

Well, I expected San Andreas to be shit due nigprot, but it was one of the funniest rockstar games.

>this entire fucking thread
Since when were we fine with SJW pandering in our games? Need I remind you what happens when this shit is left unchecked? Give them an inch and they take a mile - it'll be a somewhat normal "empowered" woman at first, then you'll have three transgender gay muslim women characters in the next game. Christ, Sup Forums really is full of fucking nu males, isn't it?

>GTAVI comes out
>It has the largest most fleshed out map to date
>Incredible car & gun handling that pleases everyone
>But you have to play as a black woman

What do you do?

>Since when were we fine with SJW pandering in our games?

Sup Forums out!

your white male fragility is showing

dont you have a klan meeting or whatever

>drinks piss

Rockstar shills

I play the video game.


Cool.At least it's not a transexual or a muslim.Feminism stuff doesn't phase me anymore

Eww females. They have cooties.

>then you'll have three transgender gay muslim women characters in the next game.

And what is wrong with this?


Pirate it a few times, share the torrent with my friends and in every thread. Fuck the SJW shills

I'm down for anything if it's done well. If it's JUST a female protoginst it will suck, but if it's a 2 protag story with a Bonnie and Clyde base then we might have something good on our hands.

>All men have guns.
No ?


It's libtard bullshit.

What isn't wrong with that you retarded fuck.




I enjoy the game since I'm not a triggered Sup Forumstard

As long as she is a cute girl and I can dress her up, I'm okay with it.

Not buy it? It's not like I don't already have a long back log anyway

no buy if shes not a black

also no buy if i dont get to shoot white people

I play it because I'm not an edgy 12 year old stormfront child.

If it was executed right then that wouldn't be an issue either. Sup Forums would shitpost about it to no end but personally I'd be all for getting to play as Pam Grier from Coffy or Foxy Brown.

I know right? glad to see some fellow redpill brothers here, heh. anyway, sieg heil bros, keep up the good fight!

*goes back to playing hatred* FUCK YEAH, KILLING THESE LIBTARDS!

Absolutely nothing is wrong with it . Go back to Sup Forums stormweenie.

Have you ever dropped a game just because you couldn't play as a white man?

Except she commited loads of physical crime as a child, or did you not read that?