Achievement and Trophy completion

Post game where you unlocked all the Achievements and Trophies
>Witcher 3 minus the Expansions
>Battlefront minus the DLCs
>Fallout 4 not Nuka World
>Every TellTale game
>Uncharted 4
>Now Battlefield 1
Working on Doom now

Other urls found in this thread:

All those games are better on PC and you went out of the way to do some made up checklist in each of them
You disgust me

Trophy hunting is for losers that can't play the game for fun

This isn't a platform war faggot

I would argue that some trophy lists can extend the fun you have with a game.
Shit like kill X amount is not a fun trophy.

Hello, PCuck. Look here

Shouldn't you be begging for Nioh?

>All those games are better on PC
uncharted 4 runs better on pc?

>uncharted 4 is better on pc
Lmao, you triggered autist saw the term trophy and then you sperged out

Aren't most of those 'complete the game' and then you get the platinum?

Yes for all games except the Wolf Among Us

These were the last ones.
Working on Gravity Rush 2 now and Nioh when it arrives.

Just Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3

>PC jehovas witness race
Every fucking time.

For Steam
>TTG every single one including Wolf Among Us
>Fallout 3
>Fallout New Vegas
>Fallout 4
For PS4
>The Bioshock Collection all three games
>Batman Arkham Knight
>The Last of Us

>The Bioshock Collection all three games
>On PS4

Any reason in particular, user? I don't folowed this colection, it has some problem like Arkham Knight on PC?

Was a gift and I didn't own the games on PC

>deadly tower
How? So many people have this plat because it's a ps plus game, but the game itself is so fucking terrible

I had 100% trophy completion. For Mighty No 9 the difficulty was listed as a 5/10 by some asshat who wrote a trophy guide but never finished the game. Saw it for $7 on Amazon and got it. I'll never have 100% again.

Oh, got it!

I liked. Fun and short game.
The thing about being a DVD movie with director's comentary and shenanigans made me play it.


You probably platinum any exclusive on the PS4 but won't go out of your way to buy a multiplat for consoles which is reasonable.

But did you consider most people don't want both a PS4 and a PC? Its not a necessity because a multiplat is a multiplat and PC has no exclusives for obvious reasons (no 1st party manufacturers.)

So far only FF15 on PS4.

I got close with AC4 Black Flag and MGSV. Probably still gonna do MGSV but I'm slogging through mission tasks right now. Its the only trophy I have left and its by FAR the worst one.

Fuck Riot armor fags and fuck having to listen to conversations I don't care/didn't even care about on the first run, for a tick in a box.

>Most people don't want a PC and PS4
Thats highly debateable. I own both myself. And a homebrew Wii U. I actually enjoy videogames and being able to play any fucking one I want to.

The only actual platinum I have is for Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed on the Vita

Otherwise the closest I've come since is Watch_Doges2, and I don't give enough of a shit about the online aspect to finish it.

Working on RE 7 trophy

Madhouse difficulty should be only a matter of time

Anything troublesome anyone encountered ?

Pretty much all the games I play on my psn account.

Dont loose you're wei

Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Symphonia 2
Tales of Graces
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 10-2
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 13-2
Lightning Returns
Final Fantasy Type Zero
Final Fantasy 15
Atelier Totori
Atelier Meruru
Atelier Rorona Plus
Atelier Ayesha
Atelier Escha
Atelier Shallie
Cross Edge
trinity Universe
Ar Tornelico Qugoa
Demon Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Disgaea 3
Disgaea 4
Disgaea D2
Drakengard 3
Dragon's Crown
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
Witcher 3
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider Anniversery
Tomb Raider Underworld
Gravity Rush
Project Diva F
Project Diva F2
Hyper Dimension Neptunia
HDN Victory
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts COM
Kingdom hearts 258/2 Days
Kingdom hearts II
Kingdom Hearts BBS
Kingdom hearts Re:coded
Trails of Cold Steel
Ni no Kuni
Tears to Tiara 2
Tekken Tag
Tekken Tag 2 Prologue
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 3
Under Night Inbirth
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Root Letter
Virtue's Last Reward
Jak and Daxter
Guided Fate Paradox


>Play though Nier so I can play through the squeakeal
>This game is pretty fun! I suppose I'll try to get the platinum for it
>Upgrading all of the weapons takes hours upon hours upon hours of farming for rare materials
>After heavy internal debate decide not to do it

why was this such a hard decision for me, I don't even 100% all of the games I play, only ones I particularly like. And I did particularly like Nier, but seriously, fuck that.


I somehow missed one miracle and one piromancy on DS1, don't really care enough about it to go back just for the platinum.

Fucking end me senpai


If I have over 70 platinums and some non platinum completed games does that make me a trophy hunter?

Not many.

and this i guess.

I'm surprised that nobodyu has come in here to tell people about tru Trophies after PSn profiles was taken over by a bunch of gestapo transexuals.

Not really an achievement whore but maneged to 100% a few games I liked
Witcher 2
Dark souls
Soul sacrifice delta

>2164 games owned

not final boss/10

>Still dont have Darkmoon blade
Been pretty lazy about it.

Also forgot hotline miami and touch my katamari (but there is no platinum so not sure if it counts)

I have 0 plats. What are some easy games to plat?

this was when AGDQ thing was happening and apparently Donald Trump made many people upset about being carted off to FEMA camps so people breaking their friends records on PSN profiles were deemed cheaters because breaking a record held by a transexual is now a hate crime because it's all they have in life and how dare you take that away from them.

A bunch of legit record holders got banned due to favortism and the fact they didn;t succ mod dick 24/7

Rewardless achievements. Awful.

The only game I've ever gotten all the Trophies on was Sly 1 HD.
Probably because you don't need to do the time trials for them.

>you will never experience a true autistic high

>You will never EVER beat every achievement in Rabi Ribi

The Ratchet and Clank and Infamous games are pretty fucking easy. They account for more than half of mine.

nobody plat this game ?
common anons , step it up

Next month Trophy rain starts

All will be completed

You got a dollar?

>Battlefront minus the DLCs
Bullshit, no way have you done the 'trample 25 people in an at-st' trophy

>$70 save editor.
Rain my ass, its barely going to be a drizzle.

>My name is Mayo

>Implying we didn't just play together on opposing sides and I jumped in front of his at-st repeatedly.

I'm usually neither autistic nor poor enough to go for achievements. Finish the single player campaign and move on. I do make it a point to finish EVERY game I play though. No backlog for me.

If you want an actually good game with an easy plat, Gravity Rush 1.

Takes 20~ hours tops, there's no grinding, just requires seeing all content and beating side missions with gold rank.

Infamous Second Son also fits that description too.

I keep wanting to get the platinum for Second Son but all the cheevos I have left are evil playthrough stuff and I always feel really guilty when I do evil stuff in games

>tfw no trophy hunter friends

>I always feel really guilty when I do evil stuff in games

>Dark Souls
>Demon's Souls
Only do trophies for games I really like otherwise I don't give a fuck about them

Got the Plat in Devild May Cry 1 couple weeks back. Now I am working on Peace Walker. This game is a long grind but fun. I plan on getting all console MGS Platinums. I already got MGS3, and got 1000gs in mgs2 & 3 on 360 as well.

Well, I do. Sorry user.

>He Didn't know about the AT-ST could sprint

Bloodborne basically just requires 3 playthroughs and chalice dungeons. Did it in about 30 hours.

We can be friends if you don't have shit taste and like getting difficult plats

1 playtrough is enough, user.


Post your rarest Plat

I currently have 46 platinums.
I enjoy having a checklist of shit the devs want me to do.

Tactical Challenge 6 is more than most men can handle.

Working on Bloodborne and GR2 plat atm

More proud of the RDR plat honestly.

Yeah it's a long-as-shit list. Lots of unplatted/not 100% games from wither not bothering, dead online(White Knight Chronicles falls under both these), or in the backlog for now.
Working on FFXV, Xblaze Code: Embryo, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Transistor.