Thoughts? Impressions? Hopes?

Thoughts? Impressions? Hopes?

does it have fargoth's ring

Finally a chance for Morrowind to be done properly.

Hope they change class abilities and maybe add more weapon skills so that some aren't vastly superior in certain environments (specifically talking about dual-wield for pve and 2hand for pvp)

>didn't play this game due to all the negative reviews.
>finally decide to give it a shot, most fun I've had in an MMO.
Did the patch salvage that much of the game? I'm having a blast


Dropped. All online games are shit; thematically, plotwise, and even gameplay-wise, they just suck.

Is this game free? P2P or P2W?

So just an expansion? Free?

B2P with cosmetics shop using a currency called "crowns" that is bought with real money
DLCs are also bought with crowns
There's a subscription plan that gives you crowns
Being subscribed increases xp and gold gains by 10% and gives access to a separate bag with unlimited room for crafting materials

also subscription grants you access to all the DLC without having to buy them
you lose access when the subscription expires, though

>Vivec could only stop Baar Dur with YOUR HELP
>The Nerevarine could only stop Dagoth Ur with YOUR help

Little do you know. This one is actually bretty gud. But you are just gonna trash talk and bait anyways so fuck you faggot.

If I wait and buy the swanky Morrowind Collector's Edition would that include all the previous expansions or would Todd want even more money from me

>Morrowind without Kirkbride

Less neat.

At least the writing will be good.

How good of a single player experience is it

I'm only happy the we're getting battlegrounds finely.

The questing in the base game sucked dick, especially the main quest, but the Wrothgar questing was 10/10, which gives me high hopes for this DLC.

I dunno, when I played the beta it was pretty garbage.

That's about 4 years ago. I thought the same back then. But it's really "fun" and "immersive" if I may sling some buzzwords. Give it another try if you find for 10 or less bucks on sale some where.

It's an mmo so it's non-existant

How good of a solo experience is it

Just play with your friends brah

Everything in life is better when you do it with friends

but my only friends on PSN are a few people from Vitagen and my gf

I can't decide a class guys help I'm gonna play Ebonheart cause all my buds are on there but I don't know what to play. I've made every class and am still pretty lost. I want to do Maelstrom Arenas and Trials, how's the DW and Destro sorcerers? What're some good all around builds?

All the quests are the same and combat is piss easy. PvP is kinda alright though.

Dragonknight is the shit
Dunmer make the best dps magicka dragonknights because of their innate bonus to fire damage
Also stamina dragonknights are strong as hell in PvP and are the best stamina dpsers in PvE

ESO fucking sucks, so i'm not excited
>I fucking love Morrowind, Oblivion, and Rim

>DUDE what if we put like a gorillion quests everywhere you go with some voice acting, Bethesdrones will surely fall for it and think that the game has actually worthwhile PvE content

A sizeable portion of the playerbase are lorebabbies who literally believe that though


into le trash

They consult with him for every TES game.


>into le trash
>into le

Why not a dunmer Magicka sorcerer?


>want to play it
>I'm on PC and the only friend I have that seems interested only has a PS4
I wish it had cross-platform servers like FFXIV does. Being able to play with a friend is what made FFXIV so much fun for me and is the main reason I still play it and I know I'd have a lot more fun if I could play it with them.

I thought you wanted a stronk class so I pointed you towards the tankiest
Sorcs are in a good spot for both styles anyway so go for it if you want

more lore

I really want to play this game but a lifetime of WoW has spoiled me - I absolutely have no idea how to build a character because the game has so many different skill lines.

I'm almost tempted to pick this game back up from where I left it but then I remember grinding packs of 2 mobs after packs of 2 mobs while they respawn faster than goombas for a neverending stream of quests that barely reward you. Even guild wars 2 has you confronted to the occasional challenge if there aren't enough players around you for the normal dynamic quest balance, the difficulty in this game cannot apparently scale above the average player's skill.


Fucking IP range bans. Wanted to post a thread about the new Rainbow Six operators. Didn't let me. Wanted to see if I could still post in threads though.

>Little do you know.

Little do you know the gameplay in TESO is utter horseshit and the progression a tedious grind through fetch and destroy quests slower than any other MMOs.