What games does Sup Forums spend their paycheck on?
you do have a job, right user?
What games does Sup Forums spend their paycheck on?
you do have a job, right user?
What's that image?
it's a paystub you NEET
I only send invoices
Ni-Oh this month. Nier and maybe Ghost Recon next month, then Persona 5.
Don't know if any other good games are being released later this year.
>working 70 hours a week as wagecuck
>neets can't recognize a bi-weekly paycheck
This week I've preordered Ni-Oh and bought Rainbow Six Siege. Last week I got Yakuza 0 and Life is Strange. Week before I got Tales of Berseria. For Honor, Nier, Zelda and Horizon are my next few purchases but I feel like I need to slow down. Been building a huge backlog.
>Implying I give a fuck about money
I'm getting paid tomorow so I'll probably buy Gravity Rush 2. I hate being paid only on the 7th and 22nd of each month...
Just another typical NEET.
Pretty glad I don't have to work. What a waste of time.
>700 a fortnight
Nothing. I'm too tired/sad to play video games. Getting a job was a mistake.
it's not about how much money you make, it's how you spend it.
wagecuck leave
probably gonna get a raise this month and gonna do some nice hours (work as a cameraman for shows and tour) and buy myself Botw on my wii u, maybe a switch and a ps4.
>nothing personnel, kid. I don't actually have money. My mommy pays for everything for me
i dont have a job but i´m getting one someday. fingers crossed for within two months and NOT getting fired this time
>A week
There's no overtime, which has to be paid after 40 hours a week. Where ever he works clearly pays every other week, not weekly.
>mfw have $50,000 spare which isn't needed for anything or used as a safety net
>mfw still use a 5 year old gtx 670
>spend their paycheck
most of my paycheck goes into savings
>Employer paid benefits
>Accident Death & Dismemberment
Do you actually have to worry about dying or getting dismembered while on the clock?
why'd you get fired user
people die user
hopefully i die at work so I can collect that $25000 insurance pay off
who even cares about that shit?
if you're dead why should you care if mummy mooches off 500,000$ off of your corpse?
>people die user
Hello Shirou.
coz it´s progressive to fire white people during first week and keep minorities for at least 3 months without ever counting their errors. The boss didnt even explain what i did wrong, they just called a guy who called another guy who called me after being in the spot for a week.
And now i´m doing alcohol and games with all this free time i got.
>accidental death and dismemberment
>Nothing but Dental
>12 an hour
>70 hour week
>700 dollar check
Where the fuck do you work and what the fuck are you doing?
I normally get a new game once every few months if even that. Persona 5 and Stormblood will pretty much be my only full price purchases for the year.
Any other games I'll get on sale.
If you work around any sort of machinery, of course. Most companies will still include this type of coverage though because shit happens.
I'm Chip Skylark, user.
Damn, that sucks, just cause normal white people can do things without causing a ruckus they get fired. gl finding a new job then user
The only games I bought this year are Overwatch and Pokémon Sun and both ended up to be pretty disappointing.
Next game I'm gonna buy is Zelda BotW, let's hope Nintendo doesn't fuck it up
>12 an hour
You should be saving, you poorfag, not buying videogames
I wish I was still a NEET, work is hellish tedium all day everyday - and I can't even masturbate
Yeah, no. There's not really a point in doing that. I'll spend money and enjoy it. If something comes up there's always government programs in place to bridge the gap.
It's why you pay taxes, so I can continue to live my life if shit goes down.
I'm so fucking pathetic. I can't even work up the nerve to get a job.
Starting my first job on Wednesday
Part time internship 16/h
Is this good? I'm 20
>tfw OP works twice as many hours to ultimately make between $0.07 and $10 less than me
Depends on your local minimum wage, but sounds pretty gud. Well done.
Work hard. You're going to catch a lot of shit, but you have to show that you're able to handle it.