ITT: Video game characters that break their own games
Nah Tidus is pretty run of the mill.
Rikku and Wakka are more broken than anyone in that game.
this, rikku breaks everything and i assume the devs knew this.
That's not Rikku.
Mechanically, the only thing broken about him is Jecht Shot.
Story wise, he broke Yevon, but that's about it.
>Nah Tidus is pretty run of the mill.
Stop being contrarian. Tidus is one of the top 3 best characters in the game and the broken skill Quick Hit is found on his grid. Slice and Dice/Blitz Ace is also one of the most broken non-Mix Overdrives in the game along with Attack Reels.
Rikkus is honestly very underwhelming in the regular playthrough because usually her damage output is shit unless you use an item/mix. Auron and Yuna end up becoming "useless" late game but for the most part, they are usually more useful than Rikku. Of course, because FFX's balancing is so shitty, Tidus/Rikku/Wakka ends up becoming the best three to use because everyone is the same aside from Overdrives excluding Yuna which is the only one who can Summon.
it was retarded how he was a dead ghost all along
nigga why he´d ever take damage if he was dead already? why dying even matters when you were dead to begin with? fucking stupid
>God Tier
Tidus, Wakka, Rikku
>Good tier
>Okay for most part tier
Lula, Auron
>Get the fuck out of my team tier
Tidus is meme tier.
FFX is meme tier.
That's why FFX-2 is the best FFX game.
there are a lot of "dead ghosts" in the game and you hit them all the time. its not a mystery that being an unsent spirit doesn't mean you are transparent and look like a sheet ghost.
Auron was the unsent mate, Tidus was a construct made by the collective of aeons under Yu Yevon
Dream =/= Unsent. He's not a zombie but more like a Silent Hill monster with sentience.
FFX is one of those games Sup Forums likes to talk about because the plot makes them feel smart for understanding it. That being said. I still like FFX but it has become such a chore for me to play. Too damn linear.
>plot makes them feel smart for understanding it
Where did you get this from, everything is literally explained to you by Bahamut
>FFX is meme tier.
It's the PS2's FFVII. What did you expect? Nostalgia bias is real.
yeah what are you talking about?
That's XV, bruh.
No I meant you often see threads on Sup Forums with a shit load of replies because they have questions about dream zanarkand/the fayth/yu yevon/farplane/all that other bullshit. People think there is a heavy depth to the story but honestly it doesn't all that much. A lot of it is anime inspired stuff.
i didn't understand the story but i made no effort to either.
Only memorable moment was HORNLESS HORNLESS and a few boss fights, I would eat and listen to music during the shitty unskippable cutscenes
Only thing that broke FFX was Jecht's bullshit reason for going to Spira in the first place.
The kid that talks to Tidus in his visions is Bahamut. You can see him talking to Yuna in Bevelle's temple.
>Wants to see what is beyond the ocean
How is that a bad reason? People do this since ships were invented
they both have that spinning disk on their backs
anime as fuck
best hook from the story was figuring out when yuna and tidus were gonna fuck.
Yep, it sucked because they just swam around in water for 20 minutes with their gills like faggot fish frogs
story was gay as fuck
Really? Never played XV
He was accidentally swept away by Sin when he was out training in the ocean and got to Spira.
ffx's bahamut summon looked much better than the voltron-ass thing they made him to be in XV.
FF games progressively reinvent the vanilla JRPG, its mind boggling
I'm not sure I understood the story that much but I love FFX's unharried simplicity.
I havent even played FFXV because the characters and gameplay are all trying too hard to be wowsocool
The whole plot is dumb honestly. Not bad just dumb. It's entertaining at times but it's not a timeless tale.
The face value prophecy is really fulfilling in it's own. The corruption of the prophecy isn't as good of a story.
I liked Voltron Bahamut.
I mean...
I think I broke my own game because at the final boss my team was too weak and so I just watched the ending on YouTube and didn't even bother with X2.
nobody bothered with X2 unless they were jerking off
In the end, Tidus was much more of a man than [spoilers]Noctis[/spoilers]
Dad walks in: the game: the adult novel
Please tell me you're not talking about yevon tick?
Guy was god. Does that count?
At least Noctis didn't get a novel where he dies because he mistook a land mine for a blitzball, then gets brought back to life through necrophilia and finally gets cucked by Yuna.
Tidus is one of the best FF's characters, compared to shit like Lightening, Vaan, Noctis
FFX-2 is not canon for me
Speaking about Noctis...we will see
Noctis was even worse the Lightning . Dont know how it is possible.
>Story wise, he broke Yevon, but that's about it.
He also broke Yuna'sheart
He was real villain.
I did, never 100% it tho.
Best job system gameplay.
I really don't think he was broken. He's strong for sure and basically the only character who is consistently strong throughout the game, but not game breaking in any way. Lulu, Auron and Yuna are powerhouses early on but fall off, while Wakka and Rikku become crazy strong in post-game.