Thoughts on Steins;Gate?

Thoughts on Steins;Gate?

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GOAT VN. 0 is kinda mediocre

One of the best thing ive ever played/read

Pretty good, but not the absolute best VN as so many would like you to believe.

It's still Umineko that's the best. Literally nothing has topped it yet.

playin it right now, personally 2nd best game after VLR.

really? im hyped as shit for 0

It's not bad, there's even people that prefer it over the original i think. I just found it kinda uninteresting.

Also it's got Leskinen who's one based motherfucker

Umineko novel isn't GOAT tho. Because even the mediocre manga had a better ending.

it's still pretty fucking fantastic

It was OK, not nearly as good as Seacats.

Since we're talking about 5pb. games, which ones are good or for someone who liked steins;gate?

I've gone down the Kagair is actually Yuki routes, and jesus fuck do the rest of the routes take a different tack. I can't help but feel like they gave up on the concept of D-mails and other forms of time travel having an actual comprehendable effect on the worldline, in favour of "Woah, someone time-travelled, time to spin the worldline wheel! Where will we end up, who knows!" Other than that, I'm enjoying it so far. Daru is best waifu.

first did the suzuha end and was like wtf, then realized the game structure

I wanted to love it but that semicolon literally ruined the experience for me

It's not Muv Luv

I liked Sharin no Kuni a lot better.

Never played VNs. Not a fan of anime, don't hate it too tho. Almost 30. I found it boring but maybe you just need to read around 10 hours for it to get interesting I don't know.

I've only finished Saya o Uta myself but it has quite an interesting premise to it. I know that it is baby's first VN but it was quite enjoyable.

should i play it or watch the anime?

why is there a fucking semicolon?

Play the game. I can't believe you'd even fucking ask.

The game is much longer than the show, so of course there is going to be a lot more detail and you'll get more of the story. Dumbass.

The anime is good, VN (like any greater than 2 hours) is boring though. Maybe if you have autism you can stand reading for 30+hours

if i can go back in time, i would play the game first

Watched the first episode and it was cringey as fuck

To be honest? Watch the anime first. then play the game.

>"playing" a VN

You sound like a faggot, so anime first.

Currently reading it, Okabe needs to shut the fuck up sometimes because his chuuni dialogue can get overbearing.

later in game, he mostly talks like a normal person.

only watched the anime and I kinda regret it. I didn´t played the VN, because of obvious reasons, but I wish I had and then watched the anime.
Slowly getting from 1 Ending to another until realising the real ending at all would be awesome. Reason why I don´t watch the new Chaos;Head

It's a surprsingly alright time travel shennanigans story, I think it actually resolved all it's main loose ends and shit which isn't something that happens all the time with this type of story. Suzuha is best girl.

>pronounced stains gate
>spelled steins gate in english


What is Sup Forums's opinion on Saya no Uta?

babbies first

By what measure?

Also, stonewalling.

bad series, it actually doesn't have any japanese shaman girls

It's really short, but that makes it a good intro to VNs.

C'mon man you are on Sup Forums what kind of answer do you expect?

That's not telling me how you feel about it.

I guess this is the best place to ask.
Is the VN of Psycho Pass any good?
I really enjoyed the first season, second was meh/bad.
Movie was pretty good.

everybody on Sup Forums hates videogames, so the anime

Complete shit because you cant have an ending with the trap
The trap becomes a girl wtffff

not as good as the american comic

Shitty choice system. Anyone who got faris' dumb route the first time without using a guide is just lucky. It's literally all random shit.

Besides that it's good but personally using things like time travel or some other unknown bullshit as an important element of your story is sort of a cop out for a lot of things. Might as well just say a wizard did it.

The semicolon makes it look cooler

>not liking the best part of the game

You wont know what you're missing until its gone.

>yfw pic related

holy shit i finished the anime yesterday, that was a fucking amazing ride

but why didnt he just send a Dmail to trapgirl cellphone one year back to make sure she didnt broke the phone?
That way trapgirl would still be a girl.

I actually never thought about that, but the idea was to undo every D-mail so he can go back to where they started.

Also, go play 0.

muh divergence

i downloading the normal one before i watch the movie

>going deeper down the rabbit hole

Too risky. I think they try that sort of thing in Faris' ending and the world line goes completely wild.

I'm not a VN player but this game and its sequel were really amazing. 9/10

>Maybe if you have autism you can stand reading for 30+hours

I weep for humanity

chaos;child is better than chaos;head?

i dont think is possible to be worse than chaos;head but who knows

You will miss it dearly after it's gone, my friend.

Playing through all the games(including Jap only) I'm pretty sure there are 3-4 endings where you end up with Luka (male version)

Holy shit someone had told me the only ending where you get to smash that puss he became a girl
I need to get my hands on this fuckin game now thank you my nigga

I liked the anime, read a bit of the prologue and wasn't in the mood for it. There's better VNs out there like Demonbane.

I don't think there are any sexual scenes but there are a few where you kiss him.

Did you watch the anime? it fucking BUTCHERED the characters and story to a point where you wonder if they had a 5 year old write it


that explains it then.

I figured there weren't any h scenes in the first place
Good enough for me. A vn where you hook up with a cute boy is a one in a million thing

It's an abomination of a VN to anime adaptation
The only good thing is the opening which even the VN does better with find the blue

I always read it as Straight Gate for some reason but i hear it's more like Homo Gate

I beat 0 the other week and I thought it was fantastic. There is one scene that straight up made me break down crying.

>Leskinen who's one based motherfucker

Well said my friend, well said.

>mfw this scene

I'm in the middle of my playthrough.

Still amazing all these years later

I thought it was so random that I just coudn't get emotional, I was thinking more about how the fuck the world line changed than that encounter.

VNs are NOT videogames
>VNs are NOT videogames
VNs are NOT videogames
>VNs are NOT videogames
VNs are NOT videogames
>VNs are NOT videogames
VNs are NOT videogames
>VNs are NOT videogames

Says who?

You are not a videogame fuckface

I like VNs and all I can say is that I agree. They are like choose your own adventure books with voice actors and cool visuals (sometimes).

I watched the anime then got "0" on vita. I regret it. It's not engaging at all. The boring scenes drag out, probably to n load play times. Not enough Amadeus.

Am I doing it wrong or is it really this underwhelming?

some of them are and some of them aren't
but they're allowed on Sup Forums

It's never really explained in detail, but everything to do with him switching world lines was due to who had Kurisu's memory data in the future. It isn't really pertinent to the story that you find out, as you aren't the one directly influencing the world lines like you are in 1.

The major issue with most VNs and especially Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 is that all of the actual engaging and interesting events have a bunch of fluff between them.

You should have played the VN instead of watching the Steins;Gate anime. You miss quite alot of information if you skip it.
And no, you are doing nothing wrong, zero is kinda mediocre compared to the original Steins;Gate in almost every regard, however it's still a decent VN.

Music -> less tracks. only memorable ones are messenger, amadeus, and the new gate of steiner
Characters -> no chunni okabe = shit game. maho great tho
Plot -> Ending has no proper conclusion

It just seems so downbeat so far. Rintaro is depressing, I can barely believe he is the same guy who does the "HOUIN KYOMA" thing.

Did Chris's voice change? That doesn't sound like the old voice

Most "Interesting events" lacked logic and simply served to add more drama.
Take the radio kaikan scene at the end, or the scene with reyes and kagari. It's kinda stupid.
Not to mention that world-line logic feels like straight out of the shit movie instead of the VN.

Well shit how do you expect someone to act after killing the person he loves with his own hands?

Where are you at right now? Have you reached an ending?

Im aware that's the logical way to react. But a lifeless Okabe makes the game really boring.

chunni okabe is literal garbage

the plot concludes perfectly in that okabe leaves the year 2036 or whenever it is in the beta time machine to find suzuha and mayuri and bring them back, because both of them are the 2 necessary triggers to open steins;gate

the game is literally about PTSD and depression and overcoming them in order to keep moving forward

Okabe is surprisingly handsome

What the fuck is this from?

>Not to mention that world-line logic feels like straight out of the shit movie instead of the VN.

The world line logic is fine. They just don't go into huge detail about why exactly it is changing, or who is doing what when in the future to influence the past.

One thing I did like is how they retconned the shit movie by making Kagari the one Okabe runs into at the train station as a kid.

The shitty movie


Whats it called? I've not seen it

No it's not, it's from the shorts that are up on youtube.
Fuck if I remember the name, though.

should I get it for Steam
I'm on the fence because I don't know much about Visual Novels. But I looked into other VNs Steam has and how censored and butchered they are like Nekopara.
Does this have anything removen in the Steam Version, should I just get the original one and download it?

We're watching you.

just search Steins gate movie, is the only one

It isn't from the shitty movie. There were 4 spin-off episodes made shortly after the movie came out or something. They're on myanimelist under Steins;Gate related media.


The original is better than Steam one, get that one.

>tfw S;G0
>tfw S;G0 you know the part

I thought the same buddy, you'll know