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Th-they delayed it for the PC release, I'm sure of it

Fucking dubfag, you could've played it 5 months ago.

>Dumb americans ruining things
Nothing new here.

Whats the point of playing a persona game without understanding the dialogue?

Why are you so impatient/upset that other people who like things you don't will also get to enjoy the game? There's a shitload of games constantly coming out this year. Play something else while you wait. The more options you have in a game the better. A dub adds replayability.
If you want a PC release let Atlus know in their survey. Its more useful than complaining about it here:

>A dub adds replayability
How can someone be this retarded?

Its fun playing a game in one language and then playing it again in another to see how different actors portrayed the same lines

You can't learn Japanese.

Except burgers can't act.

I disagree but just laugh at it if you don't like it. Enjoy the novelty of it.

Want emancipation?

I don't like english dubs but he's right on this one

Or I could laugh at the dubfags who still have to wait 2 more months.

Just hang in there user.
We're almost there.

If you can play already play it in Japanese then why do you care if a game's Western release is delayed?

>P5 with HD textures in gloriuos 4K/120fps


So when is this shit coming out?

>Keeps using images of Joker
Joker/Akira anti dub confirmed?


No one cares about looking at badly made tits.
Shinovi Versus got nude mods and the mods were shit

I don't care about it being delayed, I hope it's delayed further. I was just making fun of the stupid dubfags who are still waiting when they could've played it months ago.

>You will never see Anne's Annes in glorious 8k

Nude mods are just a meme, no one actually wants them. Except maybe 12-year-olds

Most people look up a video for that kind of thing.

>only americans speak english

Ladies and gents, a bitter autistic weaboo

>I don't care about it being delayed. I hope it's delayed further.

What does it mean, guys!

>I don't care about it being delayed, I hope it's delayed further.
So this is the power of a shitposter woah...

You'd be bitter too if you spent all that time learning such a useless language.

Meming aside
Are people so desperate to play the game that they'd tolerate a badly done dubbing like this game purportedly had?

You don't need to use the shit dub.

Dual Audio. Also, the delay was because they were reworking the dub, so we'll see.

Is this going to be JRPG of the decade?

I like Atlus' dubs typically, and I think this one sounds great. In particular fond of Cassandra Lee Morris playing Morgana.
The game is dual audio anyways, so those who don't like it don't have to use it.

Weird dubs can be fun, like PSG or Danganronpa V3.

>In particular fond of Cassandra Lee Morris playing Morgana.
You're particularly fond of a character being completely twisted and reversed?

>going to be

You don't understand user, the mere existence of a thing you don't like, even if it's completely optional, irrevocably ruins everything for all time.

>In particular fond of Cassandra Lee Morris playing Morgana.
I think that was a miscast with Morgana being a dub and all that, Ryuji sounds pretty good Mispronunciations aside

>would rather listen to literally who play Morgana than Pikachu

>literally who

I fully believe that they believed Morgana was female when they cast her. Yes, Ryuji would sound fine if the voice director cared enough as to whether he could pronounce his own name.

>watching Madoka dubbed

But user, Katou Emiri is QB's voice.
Don't tell me you wasted Madoka by watching some shitty bastardization of it.

but I can understand it


Morgana sounds too masculine to be unintentional. Its obviously a woman casting him but it sounds like they were going for a young boy voice.
I watched Madoka in Japanese and in English both.