Cheat codes are no longer a thing

>Cheat codes are no longer a thing

The most fun i had in GTA III/SA was playing riot mode.
Now it's like you have to mod the fun in

>peds follow you
>have an army behind you
>start fights with people and watch them get BTFO

The last major vidya I remember having cheats was Black Flag.

Good. You're supposed to play the game the way the developers intended. One of the best thing The xbox 360 did was remove cheats and patch glitches.

>game has paid cheats such as God mode, and unlimited ammo
>Those are also perks in the base game
>You can just use the give money and exp cheat that was in the original game to get those perks right away
Saints row 3 can't even Jew right

>Implying cheats are not how they intended for you to play after you beat the game

You don't need them anymore, games are now made with cheat-codes always on.

>cheats disable saving or achievements

The newest CoD has cheat codes in Zombies.

Who do you think codes in the cheat codes?

this, i play the games as they intended, for the price they intended, and i thank them for it

Cheat codes are now paid DLC and preorder exclusives.

not true


>Cheat codes are DLC

fucking saints row

>Cheat codes are the sequel

>Single player game blocks cheatengine

thanks re7

>Cheat codes are the Vita-Exclusive Spin-off

>cheat codes are patched out

GameShark was even more fun

Wrong! Two Worlds allowed you to access Console Commands on the 360

>Tfw console piracy caused Gameshark to not exist anymore

Gameshark used system exploits to run on the system without being approved by the console manufactures. But every since those consoles stepped their anti-piracy game up, Gameshark got cut out of the picture too. Now all you got these days are these dumb Action Replay save editors.

I can't play a game unless I turn on cheatengine first