Don't even try

Name a better racing game.
pro tip: you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

Burnout Paradise, Burnout 3, Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA...


Underground 2 for arcade night racing with rice
GRID for simcade fun
Flatout 2 for causing mayhem
I don't own a wheel but i heard Asetto Corsa is good for simulation.

Most Wanted is still pretty good, I need to replay it.

>Burnout Paradise

big rigs over the road racing


Forza Horizon 3.

Nah. Excellent game, yes, but braking and cornering through the apex just isn't as much fun as taking turns at 150 MPH.

less ricing
more racing

Actually I'd say MW was the right balance of that. They cut back the number of customization parts pretty heavily while making the driving experience more intense.


it's still on a 90% ricing 10% racing based game engine
the handling is worse, AI has ridiculous rubber-banding, wall-riding is still a valid strategy

yeah, nah, it's worse

Son, I never lose in NFS:MW. You're just bad.

mw was a hell of a ride
i was just a casual back then and everytime i saw cops i 360'd and fucked right off
this game actually punished you for abusing heat level
nowadays it would be "you got busted pay 500 premium coins or say bye to the car"

I read quite a few people recommended Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3. I tried it out and it's awful after the first 20 minutes. Am i a pleb?

Not him but how does this matter? When I played Ridge Racer 64 you could literally see the opponents on the mini map gaining rocket speed for a few seconds only to slow down right behind you.

The last boss in the game was even designed around that bullshit. He would randomly get light speed and the only chance to win was to get once ahead of him and always drive in his way when he wanted to pass by so he would bump your rear.

what kind of silly strawman is that supposed to be?

game is not hard, it's shit


Pretty much this

It's not shit, you're shit.



but cruising through the island in my ferrari california with roof open on my g25 is comfiest it ever gets

This game often puts me to sleep. Also the whole game has a cheap feeling to it.

FlatOut 4 is a thing.

I want to try this game before I buy it but that's so hard to do in this day and age.

I cant, is close tho

>not made by bugbear
>a year radio silence
>no pc version
>not made by bugbear
>looks pretty meh all told
>did I mention its not made by bugbear?

NFS:MW is the best NFS game (Underground 2 is a super-tight second).

NFS is, however, not the best racing series out there.

TrackMania 2 Canyon
Sega GT2002

The game looks a lot like FlatOut 2, much moreso than FlatOut 3 did (FlatOut 3 was made by someone who wasn't Bugbear but 4 is not made by them).

They were also polling people to get input on which FlatOut 2 course they wanted to see return. I think these devs are taking inspiration from 2.

And beyond that, it could still be a good racing game. FlatOut 3 was shit because it was actually played like garbage but I would say Ridge Racer Unbounded is a good racing game that just should have nothing to do with Ridge Racer. I'd be fine if this didn't really live up to the FlatOut spirit but still provided a good racing game experience (although from the preview footage it does look like a FlatOut game, moreso than 3).

paradise was garbage, but I agree that burnout 3 was better

I'm someone who likes open-world racing games. Paradise was fine for me.

You don't want me to list off the NFS games I like. It'll confuse you.

Flatout 3 was a fucking travesty, that trailer didn't show shit.
No hope.

it's just rubberband bullshit. nothing more.

Not him but what's that supposed to mean? MW has absolutely awful rubber banding, halfway up the blacklist there's the one guy with I think the Mercedes who will invariably rocket past you at 300mph just before the last corner EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. I remember it very distinctly.

I still say it's worth a shot, get your head out of your ass.

And I actually hated FlatOut for the longest time. I'm only just now starting to ease up.



Right answer.

Fzero X
Rush 2
Rush 2049 (for the ost)

No problem
now fuck off

lel I remember this game got me into Avenged Sevenfold. I miss highschool.

Also, why was Carbon so fucking underwhelming compared to Most Wanted?

>HUD on

GT 5 had more vehicles though less ricing with impeccable mechanics.

So you are wrong.

ultimate carnage was the piss easy version of 2 with better graphics.
2 is the best one.

please do, now Im intrigued.

Slow, the progress structure felt arduous, and the crew racing concept was gimmicky and undercooked.

The city design wasn't terribly great either.

Midnight Club 3

Oh and the soundtrack was dull as fuck compared to MW 2005.



Too bad midnight club died


No u.

That disgusting HUD is why hot pursuit > high stakes/road challenge.

I will say that 3D graphics made it possible to create racing games to their fullest potential but I think you also needed draw distance.

I think this was my fist racing game with fully rendered interiors, blew me away back then.

I only played 2, is 3 really better? Does it still have characters with introductions before you race them? That made the game for me. (Apart from the ost)

Ahh fuck, that's another one with the HUD on.

Goddammit I'll get it right one of these times.

I disagree. Hot Pursuit has no 3d interiors for you to watch the streetlights cast their illumination over as you drive by to bring back childhood memories of late-night road trips, worse handling, and no damage model for Windshield Cracking Technology. I will agree though that Hot Pursuit has way better music RIP Saki Kaskas and racetracks, even if the PC versions have a few graphical glitches and lighting changes that don't look very good at all.

Yes it has some cool stuff. Play the dub edition, has extra cars.
In fact, NFS MW or MC3 leave you with so good taste, you want to find more.

>stones break windshield
>mfw modern games don't even do this

If you insist.

NFS3, NFS:HP2, NFSU2, NFS MW 2005 (favorite), HP 2010, MW 2012, Rivals, and 2015.

>MW 2012
Ugh you were right, you suck.

I enjoyed mw, NFSU2 and mw 2012, but our tastes differ quite a bit, to each their own I guess.

Yet I also named the best games in the series and my favorite one is the one this thread is talking about.

See, confusion.

underground 2 was the best NFS game. Dont even try to argue.

>top- PS1
>bottom- PC

Hometown has a glitched tree by the church and in High Stakes, the nighttime/weather versions of a lot of courses are changed heavily light-wise (the PS1 version of 'night' Dolphin Cove is a fantastic blazing sunset and the rainy version has more realistic yellowed skies, unfortunately nfscars got an overhaul and the old images are gone so I can't post 'em), a few other things here and there. They're still serviceable to race on but it just ain't the same without the NFS3 music.

the chip stays there for the entire race until you get your car fixed

second post best post

Carbon was still alright imo.
Then it went to hell.

Grab that wheel tight Takumi

>PS1 game
>has the fucking street names on the signpost
>game runs at 320x200 and you'll never see it ingame even if you drive right up next to it

Anyone putting underground 2 anywhere but at the very top is a pleb

especially if they put MW above it, rubber banding is gay.

Burnout: Paradise

>underground 2
>no rubber banding
would you like some kekeroni to go with that rice?

Not him but you can leave AI far behind if you are skilled, and sometimes it's better to restart a race when you have crashed and lost lead since it's impossible to catch up.
Maybe your memory is shit but I've replayed it last month, no rubberbanding whatsoever.


best post

How is the PC version of this?


midnight club 2

>glorifying NFS post 1999
>actually falling for the 2f2f cash grab and eating it up
>thinking the game is actually a decent racing game and not pimp my ride for ricerniggers


I belong to group 1 and 2.
Still have my NFS 2 SE box somehwere in my basement.

This list makes no sense. ProStreet is an arcade precursor to Shift. Hot Pursuit 2010 fans hate Burnout Paradise 2.

I started with R&T Need For Speed on 3DO, grew up with Hot Pursuit 1, played the shit out of Hot Pursuit 2 (Blackbox PS2) and Underground. Undeground 2 was worse than 1. Most Wanted 2005 was a high point in the series. Hot Pursuit 2010 was a good gaiden one off. Need For Speed 2015's rubberbanding was absolutely nothing to me.

Burnout 3
why the fuck won't they make another one
or even just an HD remake, I'd buy that in a heartbeat
along with a new SSX Tricky plz

Ridge Racer Type 4

I'm not the only one! I thought I was the only one to say this game is a piece of shit.

im in group 2 + nfs undercover
something about undercover just makes me like it
i think its the sunsets and the ability to buy from a list of cars and choose which u like

>the ability to buy from a list of cars and choose which u like
having never played undercover, how is that different from any other entry

the devteam is kill user

burnout is completely dead

HD remaster would probably be butchered due to licensing bullshit

Still waiting on FH3 to be non-windows 10 exclusive
Any day now, right?

Licensing hell, there's no way EA will do it.

Perfect mix of racing and exploration

Shit OS shit game.

the rest had boxes or shit like that if i remember right like carbon

>Play the dub edition, has extra cars.
you mean dub edition remix
dub edition was the original version

Project Gotham 2

Any N64 racers I should play besides Fzero, MK, Wipeout and Waverace?