Alien: Isolation

Is it worth it?

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Da, that's about what I'd pay for it



For ten dollas? Chyeah

No. Not even at that price.

There is no reason not to play it.
It was my GOTY and is still one of the best games ever.

It's an absolutely amazing video game.

I shit myself on every horror game but i'm bored so i brought it too

Yeah. The only real flaw of the game is it overstays its welcome.

That probably sounds silly, "too much of a good thing" But the thing is, the game doesn't vary itself enough for the amount of time it takes, so it gets very repetitive.

Fuck you Ryan, you filthy casual.


I didn't ask for a fucking review, Dickens.

Leave my thread.

Its really good. I think I got pissed off once after I sneaked thru a very hard area and then messed up a QTE and had to start over. And also the game really likes to make you pull levers and stuff, which you'll start noticing near the end.
The whole concept of the game is really cool though and its a lot of fun, worth getting for sure.

its one of the only modern games that justified its original price point.

it's the best alien game since metroid

Well that's just dumb ur dumb

If you have a VR headset it is. It's the best VR game out right now.

>Is it worth it?

No. It's memed here and Reddit for some reason. It's a really terrible game with terrible control

Just adding one thing:

I cannot overstate how well it replicates and uses the Alien aesthetic. The soundtrack, the retro future designs, the sound bytes, it not just adopts the original Alien look and feel, it expands on it.

Graphicallly, it's also extremely impressive while not being demanding on your computer. It's like there's fairy dust in the code or something.

Please calm down.
You are becoming hysterical.

is the stealth repetitive at all, or does it ever feel cheap/arbitrary?

I like stealth games a lot, but sometimes when it's just one enemy looking for you, it can end up being cheap cause the devs don't want you to just ace the game so make the one enemy really difficult to avoid in certain unlucky situations

Yeah, it's a good game.
The only downside is that' it's a bit too long.

It's pretty good.

No, pirate it if you REALLY want to play it
It's massively overrated because 2014 had no games

Excellent fucking game, but then again I love Alien more than anything so I'm kind of biased
Even without that though, great mechanics, beautiful game, great sound design

What an unpleasant bitch. Not even that guy.

>you now realize this game was released almost 3 years ago

Jesus christ.

And yes OP


It is absolutely worth it.

Wait, how do you play in VR?

This fucking game.

I hid in the vents thinking that it couldn't get me in there. I was wrong, so wrong

>he he can't get me in here faggot
>clank clank clank
>turn on flashlight

pants were shat

>is the stealth repetitive at all, or does it ever feel cheap/arbitrary?

You're up against the xenomorph. It's smart, and you stand no chance.

Hey OP, you know the motion detector they use in the movies to detect the alien? The one that goes BEEP BEEP BEEP as things close in?

the alien can hear those beeps

It fucking stinks it's so slow and boring. It's just hiding in fucking cupboards

so apparently you're meant to play on the hardest difficulty from the get go


Is the DLC worth it?

>thinking he can hide in space cupboards

boy do I have news for you

Yeah, getting catched in vents is the worst. I accidentally opened them when he was nearby only to backpedal and see him opening it and going after me.

What other setting could do Alien justice? It's a perfect.... organism

It's an excellent game. It's a steal for that price.

Time to dust the old girls off.

Yeah. First run should be on Hard. It even says recommended I believe.



I tried playing this but it kind of seems boring and slow, and I'm normally okay with stealth games. It just seemed like more of a walking simulator from what I played, with some small crafting involved and save points that beep all the fucking time.

I wasn an insane fanboy because I love the alien universe and they completely nailed the design and atmosphere.

However after growing older these past years I look back at it and recognize that it virtually has 0 replay value and the alien algorithm can be very predictable at times, unless they patched it

>yfw first time you get killed while saving

You can mod the AI


Not on the hardest, which is Nightmare. You want to start on Hard and then choose Nightmare on a second playthrough if you're so inclined.

Now this means fucking replay value. How?


This never happened to me but I always expected it. Literally every time during whole game I was sweating when saving and it never came.


I agree with this. It's hanging out in a closet for 20 hours.

Literally google you asshole

also reminder that sega is shit and wont do a sequel because the game didnt sell 20 million at launch


This so much.

I was blown away by how "right" this game looks. I'd often just stand in a room and admire little details on the consoles, doors etc.

It also ran at 60 fps with maxed settings on GTX 560. LITERALLY HOW

Between Yakuza, this game being made AT ALL, and Warhammer shit... Sega's fine.

not very stealthy

Does anyone else sort of close their eyes just before they die in this game?

That is why he said it.

Not even for the extra 2.50?

what's the difference between difficulties?

cause I mean the alien just instantly kills you if you get caught anyway, right?

Yes, play on hard.

Is that why he said it?

Devs who arent talentless and lazy hacks. Same shit with DMC 4.


don't understand your angle.

Oculus DK2 for "official" support or CV1 via shitty hacks

AI is more relentless and sensitive to the sound you make. I pretty much never play hardest option on first time but this time I did.

No regrets.

Yep. Also, if on PC, make sure to install the mod that makes the Xenomorph's movement completely random

>yfw a group of survivors start shooting at you and summon the Xenomorph

The rapid heavy footfalls of the alien barreling straight toward you is the scariest thing in the game.

I like (You)s

It was GOTY. Of course its worth it.

"In Nightmare, you'll have a damaged motion tracker with a messed up display that sometimes gives you unreliable information. Resources are limited even further and map systems won't be available to download from terminals, so you'll have to chart your course one cautious step at a time. Non-alien combatants will also deal more damage and be more aggressive."

Also removes your HUD and makes the alien far more aggressive. I've been wanting to play it again on this mode but never gotten the time.

The alien is dumber on lower difficulties.

AFAIK the game tells you that you should play on hard even if for the first time.

this sounds actually awful. why would you want to make this game last even longer?!


quick, take this one!

Alien isolation is so good they could've made Alien 2 (ALIEN 2, not Aliens or all the other shitty movies)

:D I almost dropped it

It's horror survival. It's supposed to be fucking exhausting and nervewrecking.

idk mang, I personally played the game every other day so it never felt like a chore to me

It tells you Hard is the recommended difficulty.

>yfw a group of survivors start shooting at you and summon the Xenomorph
>haven't saved in over 30 minutes

>blast alien with fire a few times
>it learns and starts pre-emptively backing away if you have the firethrower pointing at it


Thanks for the laughs, I forgot about this retarded review

Pretty much this. And when you get the flame thrower it just gets stupid. Mediocre game.

it's certainly successful at that.

No. The DLC is shit. They promised story DLC, but never delivered.

Honestly, an ALIENS on the Isolation could be fun. It would basically play just like RE7 only with Xenos instead of Molded.

This has been sitting in my library for 2 years now, going to install it now

This is the most optimized I've ever played. I play on a 7 year old literal toaster laptop that fails to run most newer games at any settings, and I was getting 45-60fps maxed at 720p.

I wish I had a hidden gem sitting in my backlog

Lucky muppet

Nope. Unless you REALLY like survivor mode (which you should play after the story).

I'm generally pretty much a fucking big baby when it comes to horror games, especially when you're practically defenseless

but I'm pretty good at stealth games, so I guess I'll give it a go and pray that either I die enough that it stops being scary, or I'm good enough that it rarely happens

the Alien won't just silently appear behind me or something for an easy death, right?

wow, what a faggot

he's literally describing a 10/10 game and admitting he got blown the fuck out by the alien.

Only if you enjoy walking through corridors for 10 hours.

>he recommends not playing on hard


game reviewers are a joke

>the Alien won't just silently appear behind me or something for an easy death, right?

do you enjoy being helplessly dragged into vents and cracks in walls?