V-sync/screen tear

whats v-sync, is it good or is it bad? all i know it gets rid of screen tearing by matching game frame rate to the monitors refresh rate, which seems fine to me. is there something im missing or what

google it and do some reading, why the fuck did you make a thread

sage goes in all fields

Well yeah it does that, what do you mean "seems fine to me"?
It's only bad because it takes a fuckload of ressources on some games so you should only turn it on if you're having said tearing.

input lag

It's demanding, fucks your framepacing and increases input lag, not sure if im missing anything else

Any way around screen tearing without vsync? I hate the input lag, but tearing obvs messes with the presentation.

Freesync/Gsync monitors

Manually adjust the framerate of your game to the refresh rate of your monitor. Can't do that in all games though.

this for the love of god this
why do none of you fucks possess research skills
why do you have to ask every inane fucking question that pops into your empty skull
are you this starved for attention and human contact
what do expect out of a thread like this, all the information you will get you could've gotten yourself in a fucking google search
what is the fucking point

You can use something like Nvidia inspector to limit the fps to 59 and that works for me.

human interaction is hard. Why would anyone bother explaining everything when everything is already written down?

Someone doing something in less than optimal ways makes me angry dammit! I have full justification to act like a douche!

You're not "doing something in less optimal ways" you're literally doing nothing and having everyone else do your work for you

go the fuck back to plebbit

Stop being such a lazy shit and take responsibility for your own knowledge.

it's not work, you sound so over-dramatic. It's writing down one or two sentences, but fuck me, moving fingers must be so tiring. Oh wait, it's not because you wrote down an even longer rant about how annoyed you are than it would have taken you to explain it.

Not even the same guy btw.

I enjoy lambasting retards like you for being lazy cunts so this isn't work to me at all.

The end result is always someone just googling the answer, so I don't care for humoring fucks who whine like a baby until someone spoonfeeds them basic information that's readily available to anyone

I only made one post in this thread.

If it's not work, then why not do it yourself? Do you even realize what you're writing? Apparently not.

Another question: Does OP actually give a shit about v-sync is? I say he doesn't. If he actually did give a shit, he would just look it up.
But no, that's too hard, writing a single fucking word into google must be too tiring. Now I have to write passive aggressive comebacks to defend lazy underaged shits that are unable to use the fucking internet themselves.

Fuck you and all you stand for.

If it's a DX9 game/emulator you can use d3doverrider. That gets rid of lag and tearing.

quite often articles on google are not written beginners or amateurs in mind, so yes, it's far simpler and easier to just get the exact relevant info you want by asking one question, than it would be to dig for it. But that somehow offends your sensibilities. Motherfucker you waste time posting on Sup Forums, you have no right to get uppity at anyone.

misanthropic cunts.

>have a friend who "makes games" and gets upset when i keep vsync off because of the input lag
>claims there "is no way vsync can cause input lag"
>it literally, observably does

why would someone choose to randomly shill for something that simply doesnt work well? very few games seem to have vsync implemented in a way where it doesnt cause input lag. not sure what the difference is for the other games.

>quite often articles on google are not written beginners or amateurs in mind
what the fuck am I reading
are you saying wikipedia is some highly intellectual science magazine.
How about, if you don't understand the first link, click on the second one. Too high of a concept to grasp?

Enjoy being a dumb brat.

>How about, if you don't understand the first link, click on the second one. Too high of a concept to grasp?
how about isntead of being a sperglord, just ignore these threads and let people who are socially functional to answer them. It's not like these threads are common or will become common if people answer.

If you don't understand what is written on this picture, what would you gain out of this thread? Does it need hilarious memes for you to understand it? Does somebody need to confirm your political stance in the middle of it? Do I need to post a picture of a fucking cartoon frog for you until you grasp it?

Why the fuck are you proud of being ignorant?
No, go fuck yourself. These threads are common as shit. I don't even spend much time on Sup Forums because I fucking work. But when I come here I see assholes like you prancing around and it's pissing me off.

to be honest I knew that OP could get his answer to this particular question in 5 seconds of googling, and most of my posts were out of pure spite, however the amount of shitflinging, annoying arrogance, sense of superiority over the most trivial shit on Sup Forums is more than getting to me. After 10 fucking years on this site you people broke the camels back. It's not even amusing anymore, it's just depressing that I share the planet with so many douches feeling smug over the smallest things.

shut the fuck up you baby

give it some time, it will happen to you too

I don't give a shit about what makes you menstruate. If you want to spoonfeed literal morons all day, fuck off to yahoo asks or whatever.

> annoying arrogance
> it's just depressing that I share the planet with so many douches

Nope, vsync or g-sync/freesync are your only options. Any advice to setting the fps to 58, 59 or 61, 62 is pointless. Vsync is the only way.

fighting fire with fire more like it

The higher hz your monitor is (assuming your FPS is at or above said hz), will reduce tearing by a lot. Gsync/freesync will fix it, but does add ~3-4ms of delay.