Is this good? It's on sale now and I liked Thief 1 & 2.
Is this good? It's on sale now and I liked Thief 1 & 2
It plays like a shit ps2 game. (Not a good ps2 game, a shit one)
If you can get past that...
>It plays like a shit ps2 game. (Not a good ps2 game, a shit one)
please enlight me futher
It has nothing to do with those games wtf
Game is alright, very good if you like the first movie
First half of the game is amazing, second half is padded to shit and incredibly boring. I didn't play much of the DLC but they looked interesting.
Its pretty good if not a little too repetitive at times.
Only good for a single play though imo. Play on Nightmare bare minimum.
Doesn't have much to do with the Thief series, but yeah, it's good. Doubly so if you liked Alien.
>You are becoming hysterical
Worth it honestly
best survival horror game i've ever played
also the best licensed movie game I've ever played
just go into it knowing you're playing a game where the core gameplay is hide and seek and you'll love it.
and for the love of god play on hard or you'll ruin it
Yes. But it's very slow paced.
i think OP meant he enjoys stealth games
the game atmosphere is okay. I stopped playing at the part where you have to be a fucking electrician/rocket scientist at the panel to rewire the escalator pods in order to get them working. Couldn't figure that shit out, also couldn't figure out where to go next in case I somehow could make that work with voodoo magic. uninstalled shortly after.
I have a 660ti. Good enough to max it at 1080p?
I enjoyed it alot.
the biggest thing I liked about it was the artstyle. they so perfectly captured the aesthetic from the movies. you can tell the devs poured over the movies, especially the first one and matched the style point of point. any fan of the movies will appreciate the art and atmosphere the game builds.
it's fun but gets annoying
i install it and uninstall it often
Yeah, the game is perfectly well optimized
Most intense game I've ever played, you're on edge the entire time.
>It plays like a shit ps2 game. (Not a good ps2 game, a shit one)
Wait, I'm confused again. It plays like a what ps2 game?
I watched Alien for the first time last night. Good movie.
>mfw the guy was a robot
Yes. Easily. Creative Assembly, somehow, made one of the best optimized games in a decade.
Great fucking game, even if it lasts a bit too long.
Do I have to have watched Aliens too to understand this game or is just Alien fine
wu tang shaolin style
how do you get past medical
i've been stuck there for months
i don't want to just try over and over until the alien is no longer scary or tense
It's great for the most part.
It drags near the end when it becomes more scripted.
It takes place after Alien but before Aliens, you should be fine.