>This is what nu-Lara looks like irl
This is what nu-Lara looks like irl
She looks fine though.
Her boobs should be bigger.
If she's been dead for 15 years and her skelly was reanimated by a necromancer, then yeah she looks great
Wow. What a progressive time to be alive.
Don't pretend you wouldn't suck the farts out of her asshole like it was the last oxygen in the universe if you had the chance OP
I'm not seeing a problem
She looks like the Square Enix Lara... no idea why you idiots a complaining...
Post yfw they tried to cast Amy Schumer originally to have a more "realistic Lara" but had to cancel during filming because she couldn't climb over a wall even when cable assisted
as long as she's actually british instead of a fucking australian shitbag i'm cool
How's it feel to be a beta male cuck you r/MRA fucks?
i second this
>had to cancel during filming because she couldn't climb over a wall even when cable assisted
>nu prefix
She looks great for new Lara, bland and uninsteresting.
neo-Sup Forums: the prefix
Fuck off skeletman. Go spook someone else
"I can't jerkoff to it so it's shit" - Sup Forums
How retarded do you even have to be to need to google that to realize it's not true?
pls no mrs skeltal
absolute kek
He didn't necessarily do it for himself, but to save a few actual retards from falling into the bullshit
How can someone seriously type something like this on Sup Forums? It's not even amusing, just sad really
Are you defending the new, bland Lara?
It's crazy how the old Lara Croft was much more cocky and self reliant but the SJW's are fine with this walking pincushin because she's objectively not as attractive.
>woman in real life doesn't look like overly thicc/lewd as vidya girls
What an amazing revelation.
That fact that his post flustered your jimboronnies as much as it did is a testament to what a colossal and epic faggot you are m8
LMfao. Thats so funny. The SJW cuck retard thinks its a person
It's like they're breast shaming old Lara
Yeah but her face is like 90% plastic.
Are her tiddies real? I don't remember or cared enough to find out.
Real women are fat disgusting slobs, irl they aren't fit and attra...
What's the point of even teying to give her cleavage when she has none. Might as well have not even bothered and just gave her a jacket or something whole way through.
Probably not. Though in her defense it's never stated OG Lara's aren't fake either.
its a feminine penis shitlords
Well yes - she looks the part of the newly rebooted series like they said it was going to be.
Why did anybody think it would be different?
What a lame lie for a lame joke.
that's because you haven't seen the other pics of that set
she only looks decent in that position, skinnyfat otherwise
Fit girls are a whole different thing to thicc/lewd.
Underrepresented in vidya.
Post proof/sauce or you're a lying faggot
>but her face is like 90% plastic
And the real Lara's face is 100% pixels. What's your point?
I'd like to fuck her shit up. Her vagina, because you Sup Forumsirgins wouldn't know
shes totally disgusting lol. how low are your standards
Was in some other thread on /int or so. Obviously I didn't bother to save her flabby ass that only looks good in that one position.
>I s-swear s-she fat and gross! Fit women don't exist reeeeee!
Just keeping chugging that soda down to kys my man
Even so, she's still fit even if she's got a bit of 'skinnyfat' on her.
/fit/ autists are faggots.
>finally get sick of seeing stupid as fuck comments
>LOL ur a faggot m8!!!
Epic my bro! How do I give you Sup Forums gold on this site?
Click the arrow and click "upboat" in this drop down menu, don't forget to subscribe
here you go you massive fucking faggot enjoy your flabby ass
Having ostentatious boobs isn't that attractive. New Lara looks physically fine and she has a nice voice but I hate her personality. Old Lara got that down pat (a strong female lead who was just a strong female lead, not with the motivation of being diverse or anything bullshitty like that).
Lora is generic as they come, and without Uncharted-like gameplay or significant tits/ass to distract everyone it'll be a badly written, forgettable-looking protagonist holding a 90+ film together.
>90+ minute
I'm retarded.
I'm excited as fuck.
Why? I'm pretty sure that's future of "gaming"
4 hours campaign is already too long for modern "gamers"
>not 34 FFs
i like animo's lara
So I'm guessing from how she looks that they are gonna follow the 2013 game's story pretty closely.
There's even the rusted plane wings that you see everywhere in that game.
I aprove.
how gay are you?
Oh wow, she looks just like the games that have come out recently. Really makes you think...
Also Angelina Jolie is the complete opposite of any Lara, that movie sucked
>not even laura
>Are her tiddies real?
They were, but she removed them recently due to boob cancer.
Yeah no shit they made her face cuter, and her ass/tits bigger for the games.
She's still an attractive woman.
>haven't seen skinless Lara/E.T. abomination in years
>It's actually kinda cute now
Well. That's life I suppose.
Don't you just love those curves and that utter sex appeal?
>this is the standard of beauty feminists and the zionist media are trying to force
Big MASSIVE TITS are a must.
On basis of the franchise/character I object. On basis of my dick it does not care. Unf.
yea but other than that its fine
>retards saying new movie lara looks like the new version in the games
The newest tomb raider has a nice round ass and nice titties, this actress has no ass, is flat and has no curves(not the tumblr curves) as in a smaller waist and hips.
Gtfo with your nonsense
lmao, the thicc meme has literally melted your brain.
Kill yourself, chubby chaser
It's almost as if reboot Lara is inexperienced.
Crazy thought, I know.
Agreed, she needs cgi tits and ass in the movie then its all good lara is a fucking sex symbol
>hands tied in front instead of behind her back
Dropped. Also, her heels are stupid.
>In Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), Angelina Jolie had to wear bra padding in order for her bust size to measure up to the videogame character's.
overruled :^)
Not at all, I consider pic related perfection
She's fit and has a feminine body
That "lara" is a fucking skeleton
rise of the tomb raider story was fucking shit
it ruined the whole game.
i was really disappointed since i really like the first one
They'll probably paint them out in post.
She's probably wearing them so she'll appear taller vs other actors.
If you think those are ridiculous you should see the shoes Tom Cruise usually wears.
>doesnt know what photoshop is
Yeah you got me
Here's a screenshot that was taken of her during a fashion show that was photoshopped live, video editing software has come a long way when you can photoshop her live on video and also edit all the pictures the paparazzis take.
Real makes me think
here she is without the double padded push up bra you stupid fucking retard
There will never be a woman as perfect as Angelina Jolie used to be ever again. She was literally the perfect Lara Croft. No woman has the features that she had while still being athletic as fuck.
I'll take a ban to prove your stupid faggot ass wrong
Women aren't all fat and disgusting, if they apply themselves they are thin in the right places and feminine everywhere else
Go neck yourself on some steel chain, god knows regular rope won't hold
i personally think the same but remember we are using a new model for lara croft and i think this actress fits the look.
i just hope is an action adventure movie instead of
Not the guy you arguing with but shes flat as hell
>no tits
>no ass
>no muscle
>bad hair
>mannish face
Looks like a tranny.
>Angelina Jolie
She isn't even top 5 you fucking mouth breathing pleb
Sorry your first exposure to Tomb Raider was that god awful movie
It's not hard to know about push up bras.
She's insanely curvy for how little body fat she has, but I'm sure you're not that guy
>ribs poke out further than her tits
>she's just like Lara Croft irl guys!
kek, here you go user - a slender girl with big tits to help cure your retardation
Left > Right
>push-up bra
>Literally standing naked
Lmao ok
>Angelina Jolie
Holy shit, don't even remind me of that plastic pig. She looked terrible.