You've pre-ordered my game, right user?

You've pre-ordered my game, right user?


What's those things on her arms and what purpose do they serve? Are they like gamer arm bands or something?

Literally who?

they're called breasts, virgin.

of course


I wanna suck on those teeth

seems like some kind of meshed opera gloves. It's for sex appeal, so yes, female gamer attire.

Breasts of The Wild DLC for sure


No you fuck. The black sleeve like shit she wears on her hand all the way to the elbow you dumbfuck.

did anyone find nudes of her yet

Are you buying their game?

I was pissed she wasn't doing the live treehouse on the switch.


Kek, so dense.

some people experience lower arm coldmosis and need sleeves when playing vidya

That was blatant sarcasm


They exist solely to induce erections.

She probably has cutting scars or something

wtf why u posting this bitch , is she attractive to you virginfags?


you took his shitty bait

Had no idea Sarah Silverman was into making games.

>3DPD whores

Look at that face though.

It's so there's a bit of texture while she gives a handjob.

Xavier woods?

>I only like 2d loli
sure thing

What's wrong with my face user?

I also like 3D loli

Christ, this site is going to fucking kill you if you're this gullible

Who doesn't

>What's those things on her arms
>on her arms



Why does she dress like a 15 years old weeb?

It's disgusting.

Oh shit it's him
>my boy fucked this titty monster

good lord she looks fucking stupid

>fake tits
>fake eyebrows
>fake eye color

I miss the autistic Audrey on IGN.

People actually think this annoying bitch with her ugly cakeface and her painfully obvious fake breasts is hot?

>she worked at IGN
>reviewed SS
>gave it a 10
>livestream made clear she is absoutely horrible at vidya

wonder how she got that IGN job

she likes anal

No, it means she's into watersports.

Because we all know weebs have a strong prejudice against fake women.

Who are you?

Nigga having breasts for 2 mans

Why not ask google?

Oh, right.

Only people that find this "woman" attractive are weirdos into bimbofication fetish or something.
She looks so fake and plasticy every fiber in my dick wants to escape.

Post your rare breast of the wild pictures

>liking breasts is a fetish

which one's your game

what's jewish titty monster been up to?

fucking gender assuming google

imagine rubbing your dick on those pearly white teeth...

>did you mean whore?

How can horseface 3DPD even compete?

They are there for that extra nice sensation when she gives you a nursing handjob. If you don't know what that is, it's when you lie down on a couch or bed and Audrey gently jerks you off with one hand while feeding her supple soft large melons to you. It's very calming and nice.

She even encourages you saying things such as "That's a good boy", "Don't bite the nipples, just suck" and "Are you about to come? Good, let it all out~"

If her face wouldn't be so god damn hideous she'd be a denouddaden but with that face it's more like a wouldpirate/10

The other girl was better.


You're not aonuma. Where's aonuma? I wanna tell him I preordered his game.

She knows

Is this some sort of elaborate bait because her tits aren't even that good and her face is vomit-inducing

kek that's a good analogy.

Why are women all slut?

Or, y'know, people who aren't gay

Will do boss

>fuck: girl on right
>marry: girl on right
>kill: girl on left

Dude please, her tits are round, soft and huge. Every functioning male wants to suckle on those nips and play with her boobs 24/7.

or, y'know, people who have reached the age of being able to eat solid food.


>fake tits
no thanks

W-will she also utter ara ara~ while I'm on the edge of release?

Im fapping.

Post more cowtits.

back when she was qtp2t :3


Makes them money by doing close to nothing. You would too if you could.

>chestlets have to wear jackets

>rainbow faggot pin


awful awful fucking eyebrows

I know it's autistic as fuck but, drawn-on eyebrows are garbage


Those Sharpie brows lmaofamalam

implying women make any games and don't nag men to make things the way they want them even though they don't buy them anyway and just mock guys who play games

Audrey was cuter in 2015.

I feel sorry for them, they seem embarrassed and inadequate because of something superficial like breast size.

any non-virgin knows that most of that is a thick bra giving the illusion her tits are big



Any non virgin knows if the tits above the bra are bigger than the bra itself they're THICC

She's sexy!!!

Imagine you work at Treehouse.
During lunch break Audrey takes you to the side and admits she forgot her breast pump at home, but she's feeling really bad tension and needs relief right now.

She offers you 100 dollars if you help her out by sucking on her breasts for a while to help her let out some of the stored up milk.

What do?

No Sup Forums is just full of desperate virgins

Man, Audrey was so fuckable two years ago. She looks like she aged 10 years in 2. What the fuck happened.

I always found those fake eyebrows ridiculous as fuck.

I mean, what if I showed up in public with a hand drown moustache?

It's literally the same thing.


>Those teeth
Absolutely disgusting.

report her to hr

Or they're massively pushed-up/bra too small.

But what the fuck do I know I'm a stupid nerd virgin on Sup Forums ecks dee!!!

>mega milk