I wanted a more open world and realistic prince of persia

>I wanted a more open world and realistic prince of persia

what were your wish ,Sup Forums?

Kirby canvas curse 2

>Another Bioshock game please!

my wish were
>I want hitman season 2 to have more than six maps

>I wish videogames had never been invented

A fourth halo

>A new Reich of Glory, Strength and Honor.

I wished for Battlefront 3 to finnally come out, only for it to be given to the people who literally killed the original Battlefront 1 & 2 dev studio.

Fuck EA.

Bioshock 2 >>> 1

>I want an open world where you can play the life of an everyday person, but set in various time periods

>Bioshock 2 >>> 1


>I want the Koopalings back

>i want a handheld paper mario

>Assassin's Creed 2 is such an improvement over the first one! I want more!

>I want a new console Paper Mario

Is Color Splash that bad ?

>a Total War in the time of the War of Spanish Succession

Better than Sticker Star, but still quite bland.

>Boy, I wish the PS4 had backwards compatibility!

Couldn't he have just added some mayo to the turkey?

>kill my self without suffering

It's the principle of the matter.

>another black flags game but with less retarded assassin / templar shit and more just piratin' about.

I wanted a new megaman game

>I want a sequel to Hotline Miami

ITT: Underage who don't get the reference and are just posting things they want.

>New pokemon please

>I wish for a new Burnout game

That's not really a wish, since they release one almost every year
But I got to admit that I wished Pokemon would focus more on his story

>I wish they made another Battlefront game.

At the moment they said no more HM i knew everything was going south, even if the entire world disagrees with me that was my turn off.

Aint there a mario and Luigi game on the 3ds with paper mario?

I would suck Shaq's BBC just so there would be a new Galerians game.

That's how monkey paw works idiot.

It's not as good as Dream Team.

>I want a fun survival/crafting game
>Every server I play on can't stay up for more than a day

>But I got to admit that I wished Pokemon would focus more on his story

That's why we have Megaten user, is Pokemon but you can kill people.

A lot of these do adhere to the rules of the monkey's paw. What are you talking about?

A new Battle Network game in 2D

Monkey paw strikes again

>i wish more girls played video games

>Man, Nintendo is so out of touch. I wish they would get with the times!
>They abandon the home console market and start releasing mobile games

you fool! no!

>I wish that Sony would improve their online so it would have some features that Xbox live had
>I wish that Nintendo would hurry up and get their online on Sony and MS levels
>I wish Valve would stop making games that aren't Half Life

>I wish nintendo would make a new metroid game on the 3ds

>I wish Dota Two got region lock

I want game devs to have enough money to make the games they want without beeing tied to a publisher's leash!

>I wish we had gotten more Ace Attorney games!
>I wish for a new Nintendo console quick!

I'd sell my left testicle for a new legends game

>I wish Zero Escape 3 would be revived

>man i wish there would be a new baldur's gate game

I wish Brad McQuaid hadnt became addicted to pain pills and that Shadow of Luclin game engine (Umbra?) had never been created and put into EverQuest.

A new Jak and Daxter game made by old naughty dog

N64 = TTYD >>>>>>>>>>SPM > CS = SS

I wanted a new Star Fox... And we got Zero.

>Open World

Fuck off

I saw an ad for I Am Alive back in 2006. I was so excited for it and it never came out until 2012. And when I finally played it it sucked ass.

1. Arena Shooter revival

2. Chromehounds 2, From Software

3. Oatmeal face never left team ninja, all games after NG2 (360) cease to exist and are replaced with worthy installments to the series every 42 months

>I wish Berserk would get a new game

I wish they'd make a modern D&D game that really literally utilized the tabletop ruleset and made it turn based, grid based, and like the SRPGs it ultimately reads like on paper

>Final Fantasy X is great! I wish they would make direct sequels.

You now feel like you want a more open world and realistic prince of persia.

If you mean The monkey paw looks to fuck you over. You are wrong.
If you get what you ask for but it doesn't come from nothing then you are correct.

>he doesn't know how the monkey paw works

A prince of persia with realistic building design and some more open areas lik different ways to approach sounded good .

Too bad it became ass creed

dont they have dnd modules for tabletop simulator?

Mass Effect 3.

Dwarf Fortress 1.0 to be finished in perfect accordance with the creator's vision.

Many many years later the great grand children of the Dwarf fort creator find their grandfathers will. In earnest they start and finish the vision their great grandfather once set out on. But now with the technology and prowess to do it right.

The monkey paw looks for the most cruel way to grant your wish. It's never worth it because the price is always too high. It's a moral lesson about modesty and being careful what you wish for.

I wanted to be a waiter and earn mad tips for video games

Now I'm Steak n Shake overnight. I am cleaning up pretty decently though

Not vidya related but I wished I had a new job back in August. I got a new job in September, but was let go less than three weeks later. I've been unemployed ever since.

I want a sequel to Command and Conquer Generals

>Zero Escape 3 please

No no.
A genie does. A genie always twists and distorts your wishes.
The only way a monkey's paw fucks you over is if you didn't think about your wish.

A monkey's paw will grant your wish in the most direct way possible. but not fuck with the fabric of space time to do it.
You can't ask for a million dollars and not have it come at you in a terrible way.
But if you asked for a million dollars in the most legitimate way possible then in due time you will eventually have a million dollars. It just won't be immediate.

>I want Nintendo to have more focus on consoles

The original Blizzard North team gets back together to create a proper sequel to Diablo II.

Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo III is made non-canon.

>i wish nintendo had good online multiplayer

Nothing changes.


>I want Chris Roberts to make another Freelancer game!

A Monkey's Paw is completely neutral however it grants the wish using the easiest method available to it without creating something from thin air.

So say you wanted a copy of the next Pokemon game, you would get whatever Pokemon game is currently in development whether it's finished or not.

Its got infinite levels as just a Shitty map maker is added!

A legacy of Kain remaster that doesn't look and play like dogshit made out of folded cardboard. Keep the original voice acting, though.

I suppose that would also mean you would get the next Pokemon game to be released as well so it may be a spin off or on a system you don't own.

>wanted a Dawn of War III
>looks cartoony as fuck
>different voice actors
>only worthwhile units are heroes
>no defensive buildings or turrets

The same for dragon age, after 2.

Tell me one case where a monkey paw wish didn't turn into a complete disaster.

I want national pokedex inside of Sun and Moon

It's just the ORAS entries.

Ned Flanders.

I mean in the original story.

You realise that still doesn't back up your point right?

The death of Mr. White's son was caused because he didn't specify where the £200 had to come from so the quickest method was for his son to die and for him to claim the £200 payment for the accident.
Then there was bringing his son back to life without specifying the state so he was brought back as a decaying corpse.
Then there was killing him.

The moral is literally be careful what you wish for not that every wish has a downside.


infinant wishes with no bad side effects

i wish for more monkey paws

Every game similar to Demon's Souls is now delivered to your home in whatever state it's in be it in the form of concept art or an unfinished build. However the developers now have your home address and have you arrested for theft.

He wished for more. He didn't wish for him to have said games. Just that they exist.

What I was going for was
>the dark souls series is created

BW copypasted national dex entries from Platinum