Just how mad are pcucks?

Just how mad are pcucks?

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I own a PC and PS4.


I have the disposable income to buy a console for exclusives in addition to my high end gaming PC so I'm pretty excited

I own a PS4, Xbone and WiiU besides my PC so I won't be be missing out.

>Not having a gaming PC, PS4, Xbone and Switch pre-order

do you people not have a job?

we have enough weeb games on steam nowadays.

They aren't missing anything.

I'm fucking FUMING. Its just not fair PC bros!


Not mad at all.

I already had a PS4 for Bloodborne, Infamous, Ratchet & Clank, Gravity Rush and Uncharted.


I feel sorry for you that you literally cannot even enjoy a game without shitposting. Your life must be terribly empty and sad.

I have all consoles and a high end PC

>bought a ps4 for infamous
Why not just buy a ps3 ignore the middling spinoffs?

>PS4 is a soulshit box

Not mad at all, I already own Dark Souls
Plays at 60 fps too :^)

not really, I'll probably play it whenever it's like 20 bucks


>PS4s second game is another dark souls in another era
Play Soulsgames 4 - 2 more and the library is complete sonybros!

It will come to pc eventually so I'm not mad

I'm a pcuck and I bought a PS4 just for Bloodborne and TLG.

I played 2 of the Nioh demos and they were both shit. It's not even "Dark Souls in Japan", because it doesn't have the weighty combat or atmosphere or level design of Dark Souls. It's Onimusha with more menus.

I was vastly disappointed with the demo.


I've yet to see a single person who actually says something like "wow I'm really upset that it's not on PC" here on Sup Forums and not a sony falseflagger pretending to do so.

The combat is better than any Souls game.
You're just a retard that thinks r1 spamming and rolling is good combat and got absolutely destroyed in the demos.

>feature(s) most excited for?

>deal breakers?


>Owning an Xbox when you have a PC

That's like having a bus pass when you can fucking teleport.

>not getting on the bus to pick up homeless qts

Just how mad are Sony fanboys?

im just glad I get to dust off my ps4 again

ill probably play bloodborne again after beating nioh, god that game is so good.


Just found out this game is developed by the same people that made Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden and immediately lost interest.

this game is fucking horse shit, literally a step down form civ V

>PS4 and Xbone pre-order
>Pre-ordering a PC


Really? Then if Nioh scored lower, so does it means it's worse than horse shit?

>that user score

lol so random, so meta.

So who else is getting digital?

I don't like Dark Souls so not at all.
Also its a KT game so I suspect it'll find its way to PC eventually anyways.

How hard are they jewing us with the DLC? How quickly is it being pushed out?

PCuck here I am not mad cuz I have undertale and portal, I bet this game Nioh will not be insanely popular and spawn its own memes that every true gamer knows

>I don't like Dark Souls so not at all.
I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm sick and tired of Sup Forums loving on those fucking Soul games.

Got a PS4 and a PC, I'll be waiting a little bit before buying Nioh tho.

Played the demos, combat is really fun but level design isn't as crazy as the souls series, which was half the fun. I'm hoping its good but I'm not like most of the sony fan boys in this thread praising it before its even released just because its an exclusive.

>can't play yet another souls clone
wow i'm LITERALLY shaking right now

Sony published.

Fire up those petitions.

what's this?
looks weeby

PC has one good modern exclusive that isn't indy and it's a boring, step back from it's predecessor. I'm sure they're crying themselves to sleep.

Unlike every other Souls clone, this one actually looks good and comparable in quality to recent From titles.

level design looks okay to me
