What went so right?

What went so right?

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The sense of adventure and it didn't go all dark & edgy

A lot of it is this. The tone feels so different compared to other JRPGs of the era. Vyse wasn't a whiny piece of shit; he got stuff done.

Personally, I just love the setting and overall presentation.

I really want them to release that on Steam.

Tons of memorable characters.

Plus, airship battles were a strong-enough standalone mechanic that helped set the game apart in a meaningful way.

goofy adventures with goofy characters.

also dat soundtrack.


>Vigoro nearly rapes Aika in a prison

>Sense of Adventure games that come out today can't match
>10/10 protagonists
>Charming story
>Great music
>Great setting
>Great atmosphere
>A world that felt fleshed out and had areas that made you feel like you weren't moving from point A to B

Seriously, I played the game back in 2012 and finished it in 2013. It became my favourite game since. It's honestly amazing.

Tried to replay it but its a bare bones RPG. Loved it when I was younger though.

>fighting vigoro with his gear on


>Vigoro has a lock around his crotch
>Key around his neck
>No scene where he fumbles around to grab the key only for it to fall out of his hand and into a drain

well Sup Forums?

>Escapes from the "inescapable fortress"
>Successfully navigates the Dark Rift
>Proves the world is round
>Becomes the leader of the Blue Rogues
>Gets TWO waifus all to himself who don't mind sharing

>All at 14

That's part of what I didn't understand about why I, and many others love about it so much. It's really a fairly simple jrpg, and doesn't have very many frills.

It just has so much charm, character, and clearly had a ton of love put into it when it was made. I honestly can't tell you what is so great about it, but it just is. Hell, I generally don't like jrpgs, usually burn out half way through them, and quit all together. Yet here I am on my 5th or 6th run through of Skies.

I liked how the game handled Vyse, Aika, and Fina's relationship. There were implications of romance, but nothing really forced. In the end they were all just friends.


i think vyse is 16 but yeah. even his dad looks like a beta compared to him.

>tfw no option to have her keep her hair down like that the whole game

>Impossible is just a word to let people feel good about themselves when they quit.
Damn, he's good.
You have 30 seconds to name a more alpha video game protagonist than Vyse, Sup Forums.

I was going to post this exact picture this user did but he beat me to it. Have another.

He's 17. So are Aika and Fina.

It's nice to see people repost a lot of the stuff I've made. I should really give it the playthrough it deserves so I can create all the webms I want.

I think Vyse-Aika-Fina is one of those rare true threesomes where everyone is okay with everyone else.

Oh, actually scratch what I said in . That's slightly different. I made pic related.

Vyse is only half the man that Bizarro Vyse is.

fuck those guys running my reputation. had to farm quit a bit to get it up enough to comfort them

>vyse the coward

>Dreamcast doesn't get the Piastol storyline
What was that about, anyway?

Legends came out several years after the Dreamcast version, so it had some additional things that may have had to have been dropped from the DC version due to time constraints or whatever.

I might be able to just google this, but I'm going to just ask here for the sake of the thread. Against the first respawning enemy airship, the magic canon ship just north of sailor's island, what causes the round 2 condition to change? I just got Fina and was fighting this guy over and over to have her be able to stand on her own in the Piastol fight, and I can't figure out what I was doing differently to change round two.

It would flip back and forth between a round with 2 greens, a harpoon canon, and a c!, or two green, yellow, green (or something like that). There were no dialogues to change it, and I couldn't find any consistent pattern in the seven or eight times I fought him in a row.

Vyse exudes so much alpha-ness that even Not-Aika calls Vyse "big boy"

Explained how Vyse got the scar on his cheek pretty much.

I didn't play the GC version, I just looked it up.


The main differences I'm aware of when it came to Legends vs. the DC original:
>Reduced random encounter rate
>Way shittier music quality
>Piastol story

There was also the whole moonfish collecting thing, and I think more discoveries to be made.

There were also bounties that you could do.

Things that were removed were Pinta's Quest on the VMU and alcoholic references.

I'm playing this though again as I type. I just got the green crystal and am now heading to Valua. The game is still absolutely amazing, and it's as fun as it was when I played it all those years ago. The sense of adventure, the characters, the God tier music, the setting all make it a classic. The only thing I don't like is the stupid high encounter rate in some spots. I'm looking at you, Southern ocean

Great music, Jules Verne comfy as fuck fun adventure with your friends, light but intentional racial stereotypes without giving a fuck, strategical combat system and a pretty decent life span all round with lots of discoveries and secrets to find.

It's a great game and Overworks should stop making Valkyria dead waifu bullshit and go back to making actual classics like this.

Skies 2 when?

It's called Tales of Berseria (no joke)

The soundtrack is amazing for me. It's fully orchestrated, but it's distinctively video gamey. When people think of orchestrated sountrack of an RPG, they bring up the likes of FF7, DQ8, skyrim etc. FF7 is a mix of classical, jazz, and synth. DQ8 is too orchestral and it distracts the players and it's especially jarring during battles. TES and other typical western ones did good job but they mostly try to stay low key. That's not necessarily a bad thing but that methods tends to make most of the tracks not very memorable. Only until Bloodborne came by the OST of Arcadia has been toppled, and before then, it was my favorite OST of all time.

Skies of Arcadia music also has gameplay incorporated into it. The way overworld music adds little bits of regional difference
and how music changes on whether you're verge of winning or losing a battle
blew my fifteen year old mind when I first played it.

When pic related happened and the music kicked in, it cemented itself in my top 5.

I hate the boss theme..
but my favourite game too

The music changing during battle is something small that makes the game my favourite RPG. Nothing beats everyone at 15% or less HP, including the boss, and getting off a party heal and the music changing as your boys unleash their special attacks.

>ff7's soundtrack
>not the most memorable shit ever
there are more genres than you list, too, uematsu is pretty eclectic. the chocobo racing theme is bluegrass, the battle themes are usually progressive rock (ripping off emerson lake and palmer often), the chocobo battle song is surf rock, etc.

elder scrolls music is pretty memorable too, but that's probably partially because there are only 3 or 4 tracks and you're going to hear them over and over.

mayhap this boss battle would do us solid

The music has even more impact when the boss is low health, and you think you're cruising, having a good time, but then suddenly the boss unleashes some fucking huge attack and it downs half your party.
The music change is so abrupt and sounds so calamitous that it makes you really shit yourself.

The Vigoro and Galcian had the best boss music.

Eternal Arcadia is what Vyse experiences after his death in his real life. Think about the title and it makes sense.

No it doesn't. Fuck you. That anime isn't canon.

This isn't canon and you should delete this.

I didn't say FF7 was not the most memorable one. I said SoA's was amazing for being orchestrated and video gamey at the same time. Quit being insecure.

Bleigock and Carcer did this a hell of a lot to me on my first run.

Not over the top characters. Vast world with lore to back up its design. Side quests. Airship battles with tactics. Recruitable characters. Rewards for exploration. Decent humor and good pacing throughout the game.

Look, fellas, I like the game too, but there are stuff just too fantastical and senseless in the game. Why is it that flying creatures are called fish and not birds? Ships look more like boats and not airships. These are hints that the game is childlike fantasy. Every Sega RPG is a story in another bigger story. It's just that some games are more or less apparent than others about it.

>fight Ramirez on crescent isle
>Think he just had a ton of HP, fight went on for 6 hours.
>Just say fuck it and let him kill my party, figuring I'll just pick it up again the next day and try again
>Mfw the game wanted me to lose that fight
>Mfw I used all my healing items

You didn't surrendered that fight?

That happened to me, too. The game gives you no indication you're supposed to lose that fight.

Fuck no. I wasn't going to be a bitch. I'll be doing that in my current play through though
You can surrender beforehand, but honestly, who would do that when the big bad waltzes into your secret base?

Isn't that one of the two fights you can surrender to, and it being the correct choice for pirate level?

What's the other?

Saudi Arabia when it's under attack by Valua.

When Ramirez demolishes Nasrad you gain rep for heeding Fina's advice and surrendering.
I'm sure that the Crescent Isle encounter is better off fought though. Because it's your home that the prick's just burnt down.

>That look of disgust

Rock solid

I forgot about that bit, should be fun to go through it again.
That's what I thought too, but since you can't win the fight anyways it's better to just surrender and save time/items

In the base fighting Ramirez is the right choice, you just can't win.

Amen, brother.

Interesting. I'll have to try out both and see what happens I guess. It's cool that the game does that. Fight for your friends, family, and crew, but make it impossible to win.


You'll never be a Legend with that attitude.


Tell me more, user. Are there airships?

The day I gave up on /tg/ was the day they told me with a straight face that the world of Skies was generic.

so edgy.

Yeah, because floating islands above a maelstrom of crushing blackness is generic. /tg/ has weird standards sometimes. I love the skies world
Piastol is cute! Cute!!

Not enough magic missiles for them. There are quotas to be filled, user!

It is pretty generic though. That doesn't mean it's bad, because the execution is what sets it apart, especially in characterization.. But it has a lot of generic fantasy staples in it.

>that feel when you didnt realise she was part of the "legends" additions on game cube and thought she was gonna join your team ;_;

But who was the best crew member?

never played this. gamecube or dreamcast version?

GameCube has more content, less encounters, but the music is lower quality. Play that version
You posted her

Blue Rouges attack!

the music quality wasnt really all that great to begin with.

I don't expect audiophile levels of quality, but the GC version has skips in it. I have a SoA CD that has non-skipping/freezing quality music and I'm assuming that's from the Dreamcast version of the game, but it would be cool if it could be transferred to the GameCube version

theres no way to do this digitally and use an emulator?

I'm playing it through dolphin right now. Apparently the file types used in the game are a proprietary format, so they can't be moved over. I'm no expert on how that all works though so I could be talking out of my ass

that sucks. i just figured since theres undubs out for various games. its fine though i dont really mind as long as its not too bad or often.

Yeah, it's not terribly bad, but you'll definitely notice. Still, SoA: legends is my favourite RPG and I highly recommend it

why are her titties so big

Because she's healthy and pure

No. In fact Berseria isn't like SoA at all, not sure what that user's on about.

Girls that are all girlish with their bubbly and pink persona tend to be well endowed, because their body is rich with estrogen and other such female hormones.

This game is the main reason why I decide to watch One Piece instead of Naruto. Who also did this?

Oh man, there's so many to choose from.
I think I'm gonna have to go with Lawrence.
Dude was the absolute epitome of do-not-give-a-fuck. He refused to engage you in conversation when you weren't on the ship. He was only in it for the money. Towards the end of the game, he just muses about how he would have asked for more money if he knew how long the job was going to be.
During the credits, he just buggers off and goes to his next job.

That is a tough question

>Spanish prince scores with Japanese princess
Fucking how does that happen?

>closest thing to arcadia we got was Valkyria Chronicles
>now that's dead too
The best I can hope for is Vyse to come back for another Sanic All Stars game, but it seems like that will never happen again either.

Finish the first part of the game on both versions and decide whether or not the audio quality is worth it or not to you.
I have both versions and the difference is HUGE for me, that any replay I do of arcadia is always on the dreamcast version. Though if you aren't used to random encounters, the DC version may be infuriating.

Gee golly Vyse, how come Sega lets you have two gfs?

Cute doggo

There was literally no reason to use the other Jester. Most of the other crew members I'd switch between when the situation called, but he remained a constant.

So, SOA Legends emulates well on Dolphin now?