Post good games.
Post good games
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You first.
>inb4 you start
You're supposed to go first OP. Don't worry, I'll start.
the shilling is real
But its not shilling when OP does it right?
Kill yourself faggot.
SFZ wasn't bad.
Star Fox is old as hell, no one would still be getting paid to advertise it. Gravity Rush just came out and had shit sales. Do the math
>Star Fox Zero.jpg
>14 KB
This is hilarious. You still haven't changed your shit? How blind are you that you can't even switch up your shitposting images?
He literally uses the same Miiverse screencaps that he was posting a year ago. He doesn't even bother to change the filenames.
Is this good? I want it to be good but I heard it's not that good
You first
>post good games
>ok here
Go fuck yourself, you're the reason why this board is trash.
Don't fall for Cody's shilling, user. SFZ is trash. Just play Star Fox 64 3D if you're in a star fox mood.
OP is trolling, not shilling. The game was a blatant bait-and-switch low-budget project that used Platinum's name in order to justify its incredibly low review scores, making people think it's the reviewers being casual, but instead it was because it's a shallow, short, bland, and unimaginative game.
In the same way that modern Marvel movies aren't "bad," sure. I mean, all things are subjective, so who cares about coherent narrative, character development, and movies that literally end before the actual ending so that they can make the next one--which won't have an actual ending so they can make the next one--which won't have an ad infinitem.
Just like who cares about polished gameplay, good sound direction, good visual direction, quality content, level design, etc. All that matters is you had fun with the game right?
Actually the reason the board is trash is because of Viral Marketers who are a breed of shitposter that prevent fruitful or critical discussion on this board because any attempt at expressing skepticism or opposing point of views is responded with bullying and not discussion.
It's bad, and Platinum only worked on the graphics and performance, and nothing else.
cody just stop already
not even nintendrones like you or this game, underaged faggot
>cody still at it
Nigga, just buy a new game already
Grind Your Ass Off The Game.
Not a valid answer, it's literally the worst in the series right after MK64.
Literally who?
Cody, a known shitposter.
>Posts a profile on a comments section
>Travis Touchdown
Thats his profile, he goes to various websites and shills for nintendo. Defends even the worst games like Color Splash and Star Fox Zero and calls people casuals if they disagree with him.
Like everyone else on Sup Forums?
Come on. I was expecting someone like ACfag.
He's like a dumb, boring ACfag. He's trying to start shit between Metroid and Fire Emblem fags right now, and nobody gave a fuck.
>That post
How do you know it's '''''Cody?''''
You guys are obsessed.