Message to all devs: if your game isn't also on gog I won't buy it
Message to all devs: if your game isn't also on gog I won't buy it
im a dev with a DRM-free game on Steam. you are retarded
Why specifically GOG?
Don't care. I dont want it on steam
i dont want some GOG shill faggot to buy my game anyway
you're indieshit game is shite anyway, like 99.9% of all indie crap.
Is there also dry water?
>Gothic 1 on steam costs $19.99
>on gog it's $9.99
>steam version doesn't even work
Disciples 2 with all content on GOG-$10
Disciples 2 with all content on Steam-$15
I could give 2 shits about any DRM. But if it's cheaper....
Message to OP: we don't care since faggots are not our target audience.
Lol. Catering to less than ten percent of the market
Post your pathetic sales so I can have a laugh at you
"devs" yea sure
>I'm a dev
>DRM-free dev
>DRM free
gr8 br8 m8
They actually curate their games to a degree.
Literally who games?
but gog hates japanese devs
>having to prove anything to a retarded user
No, thank you, I like my job even if its shit sometimes
You forgot to link your petetion.
I'm sure the 10 people that use gog will make a huge software sale impact.
t. Zero sales
You do know you have literally no bargaining tool, right? I'm just going to pirate your game if you dont. If I give enough of a shit about your game that is
It's the other way round.
You just want to pirate those games, at least be honest.
Japanese devs hate gog?
zero sales from you filthy pirate, thats for sure
If I just wanted to pirate, steam would suffice
>DRM-free game on Steam
>repeating the piracy meems
lol it's pathetic at this point. EVEN IF your gay little ad hominem were correct, it's hollow because you've absolutely failed to prove there's anything wrong with piracy other than "it hurts my fee fees!"
Steam actually does have some games that have no DRM attached to them where you can play the games without opening steam
Aside from the DRM argument, is there any reason at all to buy games on gog over steam and vice versa?
But no installer. No want to install it without steam
Game curation is a bad thing
then stop complaining about where to get it from fag
Neptunia got an advertising banner on GOG though.
>people support steam
this image is what you will see the time you try to play your games when steam shuts down
So where's Danganronpa/Disgaea/God Eater/Earth Defense Force 4.1/Final Fantasy X/Atelier Sophie?
Those devs are just ignorant and think PC = steam
>hurr durr steam is DRM
>copied and uploaded a game for a friend
>it worked without crack
older games especially do this, the game in the greentext is The guild II
>Shutting down
Maybe when Gaben dies. I fail to see why they would shut down if they sell so nicely otherwise.
You can just zip up the folder, and you've got the same thing as a gog installer, only without the start menu shortcuts.
Nobody can predict the future. Maybe a meteor hits gabens servers tomorrow and all their data is lost. Maybe EA buys valve when gabe dies and the company goes public. Maybe gabe decides that paid online is now the order of the day
>Maybe your physical shit dies
>Maybe you die
>So don't buy anything or enjoy anything because it may end lol
Yeah faggot. We can die at any fucking second and we take nothing with us.
Nice shitposting you got there.
>steam will shut down instantly at absolute random without any warning
You can't think beyond kneejerk reactions and that is sad.
Steam becoming non profitable probably isn't possible outside of massive controversial events and changes. Believing it will die anytime soon is naive as fuck.
and? just compress it with 7z or something you turboautist
EA, activision or some other big company is very likely to buy valve in the future actually. You're pretty naive if you dont think that, especially when business has become so concentrated into a few big concerns in america. Then where will you be? This is why valve-mode of DRM is cancer because you're so locked in. Enjoy your future
Unlike Steam older games actually work because GOG cares about it.
I dont want ghetto solutions when I pay for a product
So what? if you get banned from xbox or psn you lose everything too. Again, nice shitposting.
People still use Steam when GOG exists? I bet these are the same people keeping the last Blockbusters open too.
You have complete control over that though
>Valve essentially has a monopoly on PC games.
>Do nothing but run a website and make more money than any developer.
>Is privately owned. Not beholden to shareholders.
>He thinks they'll sell.
Why exactly would someone give away a money printing machine? EA could offer literally billions and it still wouldn't be worth it for valve to sell.
If you're so much of an autist there are self extracting exe tools you can use. You actually think gog installers do anything more fancy than unzip to a folder and create desktop/start menu shortcuts?
Because companies change with new management. Hate to break it to you, but gaben will die one day
>Good Old Games
fine by me
How big is gogs cut? If similar to steam I'll consider.
No you don't, you can get hacked at anytime. If your bank is retarded, you also get banned if sony doesn't recieve payments, if you lose your CC and report it as stolen, then enjoy being buttfucked.
Anyone bought Hearthlands and can tell if it is actually like Zeus?
>So what? if you get banned from xbox or psn you lose everything too.
so you are indeed a retard.
This is a GOG thread.
GOG has no always online DRM.
In fact no DRM at all.
They ban you.
you keep everything you actually own.
and it's still shitty digital downloads, but at least better then all the other shitty digital downloads.
So Gaben is dead. Why exactly would new management say we really don't need this money.?Let's sell for short term profit. It's privately owned fucktard. They won't sell. Because no company has enough capital to make it worth it.
the name is just gog.
I am not getting a fucking credit card to be jewed by the bank, they don't take paysafecards, so shill all you want, they lost me.
>older games actually work
When GOG isn't using fanpatches and pirated repacks without permission, they're instead relying on dosbox emulators.
I'm not a cuck so paying money for GOGs seal of QUALITY isn't for me. I'd much rather pirate the game and patch it myself.
Dev here: we don't want your money anyways.
>He doesn't have a debit card
What's Chechoslovakia like this time of year?
>they don't take paysafecards
Except they do.
What I really never understood about Valve...
why the fuck do they not enforce simple rules like:
>we use our shitty always online DRM only for games that are let's say 2 years old at worst
>after that we will strip the games from all DRM
>so people can keep them regardless
>enforced via dev contract
>devs/publishers who don't want to do that can fuck right off
>Steam monopoly wins
>gamers happy
Maybe Gabe is actually a Jew...
lol wat? profits would increase tenfold with their stock options going through the roof
Valve isn't a family business, gaben's son is going to take over and then pass it onto his son and so on. The old guard will die, the new management will propose for it to go public with previous owners maintaining a lot of shares so they still make a mountain of money, activision or some other shit company will be the majority shareholder and incorporate.
This is a trend everywhere and has always been a trend. The literal only exception to this rule is Dell, who went public, but then went private after they did horribly for a while.
please tell me you'll at LEAST pull a
>I was only pretending to be retarded
to try and make up for being this fucking stupid.
Good Old Games is the full name you tardbrain, GOG is just an acronym,
>if your game isn't on gog i can't get it for free :)
I see through your lingo, mister.
underaged B&
seriously if you dont have a CC or DC and cant source yourself a prepaid CC then you must be under 18 and should go outside and enjoy your childhood
Don't be delusional. Gabe is a business man. Everyone is already happy about the state of steam and is not affected by it except the loud autistic minority.
>He's talking about valve stocks
ITS A PRIVATE COMPANY FUCKTARD. They don't have stocks nor do they have a board of directors
I have money but the bank jews too much, I am not getting a CC just to buy fucking games, idiot.
If you are fine paying the jews for monthly expenses, good for you.
they legally removed the meaning of GOG.
Okay so you're retarded and don't know what we're talking about. Don't reply to me again
Except you're the retard. They abandoned the slogan "Good Old Games" ever since they started to put modern games.
>They don't have stocks nor do they have a board of directors
>He doesn't even know what a debit card is.
Wew lad.
>claims to play PC
>only buys physical games
why lie on a korean picture posting website?
Youre clearly a child that has fallen for the memes
>gog drm free
>have to download client to play witcher 3
You can have a DC when you are underage, had one while was 16.(not underage now)
Debit cards don't work with paypal in taco country.
I don't buy physical.Steam perfectly accepts paysafecards.
Gog doesn't.
Since we're talking about the unknowable future of valve with certainty what do guys think of the new Valve brand Doritos?
Fucking idiot.
Oh God, oh no, please don't
Muh paysafecards. They actually accept them you fucking retard.
>buying Valve
>implying Valve doesn't have more money than EA
Nice moving of goalpost. You know absolutely fuck all about mergers, the process of going public or valuation of stock so just shut the fuck up, mr know-it-all who hasnt graduated high school
They don't accept my cards. Only US cards.
> It's privately owned fucktard. They won't sell. Because no company has enough capital to make it worth it.
Star Wars was sold.
Steam will be sold at some point in time as well.
>Paying for old games
>Lots of the studios who made these games don't even exist anymore
>Money doesn't even go to the people who made the game
How did they get away with this?
>Talk about valve brand Doritos
>Get called a know-it-all
Why are you so mad? I'd be happy if I could predict what a private company is going to do in the future. It's a neat skill.
Star wars was sold because George knows he has little time left, so he would rather drop the thing and waste the money before he dies.
Maybe Gaben does it too when he is close.
But by then, I would have played all my shit and be done anyways, don't give a fuck.
Besides, torrents will still exist anyways.
What 3rd world shithole are you from?