Why does Sup Forums hate BanHam?

Why does Sup Forums hate BanHam?

I've never played these games, I'm just curious

They're great if you like Batman and read the comics, they're okay if you don't. The combat isn't special though.

the combat is all flash, no substance

As is the platforming

>Look how simple the combat is hurr one button
A single knife user breaks this, let alone all the other shit they throw at you at the end. Also
>Playing with counter markers shown

gross, those counter markers are ugly and cartoonish as fuck and contradict the realistic atmosphere that the game attempts to have

The combat is great. You don't know what you're saying. It's visceral and satisfying, especially when you develop the skill to finish fights in one combo.

Everyone who thinks this webm is representative of the actual game is foolish. It's like saying the combat in Dark Souls is simple when all you've done is club hollows in the Asylum.

Too popular with general audiences for Sup Forums to like it

The franchise got me back into Batman, into comics in general, and back into gaming.

I love the series. Wish we could get some good spinoffs/episodic content.

You know that if you break the combo counters are never going to finish off those dudes, right?

The point of the webm is to demonstrate how automated the combat is. Mindless mashing of the counter button with no directional input results in Batman effortlessly doing epic moves. It is all flash, no substance.

>It is all flash, no substance.

The definition of today's gaming experience (few exceptions).
Modern games try to fool you to make you feel like you are the one pulling epic maneuvers instead of trying to teach you how to play well. If you though auto aim was annoying try auto play.

Jesus Christ. I agree with you, but you sound so fucking whiny.

>Implying Sup Forums is one person
Batman games are great, even for people who only know the bat from Nolan.
And the series got great waifus

name one game meets your expectations in terms of substance


Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Combat is incredibly easy

But stealth is fun and graphics are cool

>epic moves

zero combo score


this guy plays competitive checkers

>name one game meets your expectations in terms of substance

Plenty of them. Mechanically - Crash Bandicoots, Bloodborne, Devil May Cries, Bayonettas. Mario games are (were? the last Nintendo console I owned was a wii) designed in a way that rewards mastery over movement. It's not even about difficulty.

And it's not all about mechanics you can focus on storytelling too. Story-wise older Fallouts and Torment are wonderfully crafted adventures even though the combat is mediocre. And and I'm not talking lack of ever-guiding quest marker, it's mostly how the story doesn't try to lead you every step of the way.

idk, maybe I'm just suffering from burn-out

>Sup Forums coming to an agreement

There games are for people who enjoy Batman. They're not suppose to be super deep action games, but more of a love letter to Batmang fans.

They are all great.
Except for Origins and Knight.

The combat is actually pretty tough in Arkham Knight. Especially if you don't abuse the redirect move.