>Hw unironically creates a hideous monster in character creation and plays through the whole game as it
Explain this phenomena Sup Forums.
Is it just to be funny?
>Hw unironically creates a hideous monster in character creation and plays through the whole game as it
Explain this phenomena Sup Forums.
Is it just to be funny?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no fun allowed
How else do you play Impossible Creatures
yes they actually think this shit is funny
>im so fuckin ugly loL!!!
You're a good person
They're just much easier to make.
Not like I see anything else from them than the ass when playing anyway.
>tfw no brown gf
I know that feel. It's a good feel
>not picking a female character and making it look as male as possible or vice versa
why explain something you already explained you worthless fucking faggot?
By default, on any game I just make my character look as much like me as possible except female.
>wear clothes to keep purity and to make people not lust after you
>put on 70 dollars worth of makeup and take a pic sucking on a banana, as if its a cock
>not making a character that fits the story and settings
How else would they self insert?
are you saying you look like a hideous monster
I do that on a second or third playthrough sometimes just for the sake of variety
You are the one from my dreams...
If it's single player, why do you give a shit what other people create?
if I have to play as a hideous monster irl I'd might as well do it in games too
>a pic sucking on a banana, as if its a cock
Get your mind out of the gutter!
Just transition already, jeez.
id rather be a hideous monster then what i am. which is basically just like, leafy.
a weak chinless faggot.
I've thought about this before, as well.
I'm pretty sure that it just comes down to them not being very good at character creation, and just sayin' "Aww, fuck it. I'll play something that looks silly."
Despite how great character creation can be, a lot of people don't want to sit in a character creator for 2 hours.
But that's literally ironic.
epic lol le irony is so funny lmao haha i love pretending its 2013 still lol
Irony doesn't have as much credence as people tend to lend to it.
I'm not OP who is posting the
>le unironic XD 2013 may may
you dumb faggot.
It's because of youtubers creating Really hideous character and giving them names like "Randy McStinkyface" because they are so lolzrandom
epic lol
truly epic my good sir
i tip my fedora to you haha XD i love the fedora meme
over 9000!!!! haha ten year old meme but its funny because its ironic
Only mp games that I know I'll just play for a few hours
Yup breathing is also a millions years old meme, maybe you should stop doing that too.
I don't think you know what the word "unironically" means.
I guess you're OP since you didn't reply to him like this.
During the ESO beta I made an Orc Mage who was fat and balding. Liked to imagine he was some lazy librarian before that whatever-the-fuck plot started.
Even when I make a character that isn't beautiful I try to make sure they have some kind of charm to them, otherwise there's no enjoyment from the character.
haha epic i love making ugly characters in video games because they help distract me from being a pathetic faggot xD
haha look i made shrek in dark souls !!! epic!!!! smash mouth funny lol
It's a meme you dip
>play blade and soul
>create a guy that has an extreme case of marfan
If other people can see my character, you can bet your ass I'm making a monster. If it's single player imma make em cool as fuck, because then no one can tell me they aren't cool.
i say lol non ironically though
wat do
I only do that in MMOs to stand out. While almost everyone around me is a long-legged beauty, a cute pink-haired babydoll, a loli, an anime protagonist #512516123451 with wacky hair or an a more muscular sidekick of an anime protagonist #512516123451 with an easygoing attitude, I'm a fucking bold ass shaolin monk on steroids. Of course I'm not super original either and there are people like me here and there, but it's way easier to be creative when you deliberately try to make your character ugly. Just don't make him too ugly, make him/her more like Kylo Ren ugly.
Lol is fine to use and always has been.
There's something crushingly depressing about getting rolled in Dark Souls by a bright yellow clown with a tiny body and a giant pancake head. So I became the clown. Who would you rather get rolled by anyway? The roleplayer who dresses up like the witches of Izalith and rolls you with an SL 1 build and tardrolls with that, or the guy dressed like a literal tard in smough pants with pink skin?
Because it's funny op
filthy mobile poster
>friend spends 45 minutes tweaking sliders, just to cover his character up with armour 5 minutes later
>i spend 15 seconds randomly min/maxing sliders and then play with that
that's how it's supposed to be done boys
>tfw someone actually compliments you on how well you designed your character
Looks exactly like the fuckbuddy I have had for the last 3 years.
just go to europe
Reminder that they want your dick.
Because it tickles me to have the one realistically fugly character in an entire game full of models.
exaggerated to the point of brokenness usually looks better and has more charm than "realistic" or what is put in by the creators of the game
often if there's a facial expression system, it works better on dramatic proportion differences
Is this how you feel about yourself irl? Ugly makes you unique?
Is that supposed to make me feel bad or something? Sorry, can't relate to what you've wrote.
Sad to say only the most deformed of monstrosities are unique nowadays. Most people I see on the street are so ugly that you have to be really, really , REALLY fucking ugly to stand out.
Yeah nah, they don't want mine
it's a convenient way to spot a normie
You'll never know until you try.
Not irl. Considering 99% if video game characters are supermodels, an uggo is definitely more memorable.
I'm in Europe. It's like 99% white people in my country, haven't seen a black person in my life, let alone a muslim.
this thread is exposing me to new levels of autism i never thought possible
>somewhere in some pakistani variation of Sup Forums, their Sup Forums equivalent keeps spamming pictures of white guys fucking their women
>silly outfits are now considered "normie" and bad on Sup Forums
The brown version of Sup Forums is a TV channel called Memri.
>Star Saints Row 3 on Xbox 360 with a friend online
>Game starts and we see each others' characters
>His character is a normal buff dude that vaguely looks like him
>My character is a short fat glistening Emerald Green bald Mexican I named "Spiccolo"
>Immediately yells at me "NO FAIR"
>We have to start a new game
>I make the exact same character with even sillier proportions when he told me to make somebody more normal like me
>He makes a glistening Purple XBOX HUEG character with feminine qualities to make him even sillier
>Rest of the game is absolutely hilarious
It's fun and even more fun if it has co-op, OP.
You're not allowed to have fun.
>getting mad that other people don't self insert like a fucking loser
HAHHAAHAHA! I also rename my JRPG characters to stuff like "CuckMcFuck" and shit like that. Does that upset you too?
I want to be an unflinching abomination in every game.
Who here /biggest&fattest/?
Every game possible I go Beef McLargeHuge
I always play an old man.
>tfw you can never play as a horrifying, just-born shrieking orphan of some unfathomable creature.
I always try to make handsome squidward. If I can't have blue skin, I just make some grizzled old dude or generic waifu.
Share screenshots.
>He unironically creates perfectly muscular, handsome men as characters in war torn environments with scarce food supplies
pop kek
>God Tier
Creating a character that is an avatar for yourself that works best within the creator's options
>high tier
Waifu/husbando building
>Normie tier
Standard options
>"funny" tier
Monster character
>shit tier
OC characters you use for multiple games
Prove me wrong.
maybe it was a private picture only reserved for her husband?
For me it's because when I try to make a good looking character I always feel like I could have done it better after playing for a few hours. When Oblivion first came out I restarted about 5 times because I felt unsatisfied with how my character looked. So now I just make my character have a horrible monster face and for some reason that sates my autism.
>Literally describing why some people cind it hot.
I bet yoh dont like nuns in porn either cause "it doesnt fit their character"
I'm on my phone, I'll post a couple of this thread's still up when I get home.
does anyone actually do this outside of streamers and youtubers?
Feels just fine.
The correct term is BLEACHED you newfag.
Thanks Kubo.
sometimes you just need a special someone to give you the energy to finish the bad games
>Spend first 5 minutes in character creator making something ugly as possible
>Maybe think it looks kinda silly
>Reset to default
>Spend 20-30 minutes crafting something attractive
>Actually play the game
I have never played as an ugly character in any game if I had the choice.
I don't understand people who do especially in single player games. Who's the joke for?
If I don't like what the character looks like I will restart 100% of the time.
>Prove me wrong
Opinions not facts.
what country
They are just self-inserting themselves into the game.
Who else Monster Factory here?
I'm sorry I'm not serious gaymer like you op :v)
I just ended up making two black exploitation movie protagonists with my friend. Ended up playing through the entirety of SR2 only listening to the funk station and driving gaudy cars. It was fun because SR2 had at least some semblance of reality to it so it could feel like a gangster flick. I have a lot of fun making a theme for coop games with customization.
We still ended up going super saiyan by giving ourselves golden afros and matching suits for the final mission.