So the other day I posted in the amateur game dev thread a game I just released on the web: space1.io

Now the game has blown up incredibly. I got tons of support and it exceeded all expectations. And I've gotta say, thank you, Sup Forums. Thanks for your support.

So now I invite everyone to join in, shoot some people and have fun. And if possible, if I could get some more opinions and feedback in how to make the game better, I'd really appreciate it.

In the meanwhile, I'll be posting some webms for the game.

Grow system + shooting from diep? Are you Brazilian?


But close.


Wish I got bopped by FAB in real life. Next I'll be trying to actually get some real gameplay.


>there was another amateur dev thread
Godammit I always miss those, never getting the chance to shill my project.


Actually, I've been seeing more and more of these 1000+ players. They're really impressive. They're constantly under attack (because of my very clever leader pointer + bonus points systems), but always getting back enough ships to continuously survive. I used to be able to top the charts really easily, but not anymore. It's been less than a fucking week and people are already this good.

They're surprisingly positive and always helpful. I'm always on the look out for them.


Please enjoy

connection ded

Reload and restart. What's your score, did it go back to 0? What's everyone's score, did everyone reset? If the former, you crashed, if the latter, the server did.

The game isn't 100% stable yet, unfortunately. Problem is, these problems are rare and hard to replicate. And hard to fix.

Too laggy. I spend more time looking at a frozen screen than actually playing.

found this somewhere a couple days ago; best io since snek, good job

what the fuck is io by the way, you're not the same guy that made agar and snek right?

Thanks man, I really appreciate it. io is the domain name for the Indian Ocean. For some reason, agar.io made it really popular for multiplayer web games. No, I'm not the same person as either of these, nor is agar.io from the same person as slither.io, IIRC.

Where are you from user? Currently, servers are in only two regions: North America and Europe. I've been feeling a little lag today too (in Europe), but I've been connecting to the game just fine.


It might just be me but the game is unplayable.

that's what I thought

well yeah your sis good as fuck. I have some questions actually

when you kill someone, do their bullets disappear mid shot?

how come the leaderboard is an arbitrary score instead of the size of one's fleet? the "leader" is the one with the highest score, not the one with the largest fleet, right? why? chasing after the biggest guy is way more compelling than going after the "leader" and finding a shrimpy little fleet that you can move on top of and kill with one click.

is there some kind of soft cap to the size of your fleet? like, diminishing returns?

And you say you're frozen mid-gameplay? That's real bad, I'll see what's up. If more American anons could confirm about the game's current state in NA, I'd really appreciate it.

>when you kill someone, do their bullets disappear mid shot?
Yes. Prevents double-KOs and whatever bugs could come out of it (although some weird stuff still happens occasionally).

>how come the leaderboard is an arbitrary score instead of the size of one's fleet?
Score is ship kills + player kill bonuses. For each ship you destroy, you get 1 point. For each player outside the leaderboard you eliminate, you get 5 points. For a player inside the leaderboard, you get larger amounts of points (10 points for 10th place, 55 for 1st place).

Size is volatile in this game, nor is it 100% advantageous. Moreover, we want players to fight and not just fly around and collect food, avoiding other players. And food itself is needed so that players who have just joined can grow. It had its consequences: the leader arrow for not allowing the leader to just run away and the bonus point system to incentivise hunting them. Was not an easy decision.

>is there some kind of soft cap to the size of your fleet? like, diminishing returns?
Starting from 31 ships, you need two kills for an additional ship. Starting from... 70? forgot, you need 3.

is there some kind of soft cap to the size of your fleet? like, diminishing returns?

io domain was popularized because most of the games use javascript + socket.io to create realtime browser games.

Whoops, messed up the quote. Anyway, cont.

The diminishing returns + a bugged "decay" mechanic that would activate on 75 ships makes a net loss of ships in high-level fights, meaning servers can't be just composed of big guys.

see i figured you had thought it through much more than me; the leaderboard thing makes a lot more sense your way haha

I'm in NA and everything is great.

Damn. This is fun. I like how it's kept super simple. We really don't need another game ruined by a bunch of unnecessary, game changing additions.

Well, the ideas guy needs to be good for something.

Glad to hear this, thanks. Actually quite proud of how fun the game got despite its simplicity. But we get a lot of requests for new mechanics, and I'm thinking about experimenting. Maybe ships that can take several hits so that people can actually maintain their size for a while, or big asteroids that could act as cover or a hazard. But looking at how interesting the simple metagame is, I'm always a bit skeptical of new mechanics.

Visually appealing but no real strategy besides *pew pew* and turn away as fast as you can. You can only hope you don't get gangbanged because it's near impossible to escape lasers going way faster than you. Was fun for one session but will never play again since there is nothing to experiment with and there is no skill involved. Good game, got to 1st place before everyone search and destroyed me.

How about including ship formations? For instance you could arrange your fleet into 3 smaller triangles or a square.

I'm alright with some asteroids as cover, but start messing with the balance and it's a slippery slope. These games pop up every now and then, reach their peak balance very early, then everyone starts coming with ideas that actually make the game worse.
Sometimes, it's best to just leave things as they are. In my opinion, if you keep losing, you just need to get better at the game. It's a lot about predicting and baiting movement out of your opponent, which is a lot of fun.

The game still has its bugs. We still haven't been able to fix this one. Glad I got it on tape this time.

shitty game

give me back the 3 minutes of my life nigger

You think the balance has been struck now?

Damn, harsh words, but interesting. You have the complete opposite opinion from I also think skill comes from reading where your opponent is going to dodge, or from knowing when to fight and when to run away, and having the dexterity to do it. What do you think the game needs, more mechanical complexity?

Sorry no refunds, but you can always try again to see if you have fun in the next 3 minutes!

One last webm for tonight.


Whoops, almost forgot to reply. Yes, I'd like to do something more with formations. Question is how (buttons? mouse swipes? specific names?) and there's also the technical hurdle into making the flocking algorithm work around that. For now, you can contract the fleet by placing the mouse closer to the center of the screen, or make it longer by having it fly straight for extended periods. But I also really want to expand on that. It's not even something that would change gameplay dramatically - it would just look cool.

Moretsu Pirates here.
It's neat, but kinda lacking in depth. Formations and asteroids would be nice to see.

Does this game have airdashes?

Can I ask what you used to make this game? Such as if you programmed with node.js, c++, etc. and what host provider you are using unless you are hosting this yourself then wow I wish I had internet as good as you. I just started to scratch the surface of making io games in javascript.

Noted. Filed one more request for: Asteroids, formations and miniskirts.

Seriously, glad you enjoyed it so far.

c++ server layer and javascript client layer. I was not one of the programmers, so I can't really delve too deep into this. But I can tell you it's worth it to grab an .io game source from github and fiddling around with it to make the game you want. Most of the client/server logic will be done for you.

As for hosting, during testing phase, you can host on your PC, but when it starts growing, you will need a dedicated server. Cloud services like Amazon's are great for this, but they can be expensive.


>Disable adblock image
>All these cross-site calls
0/10 try harder

Sucks, but we need those.

Shit, did someone other than me actually watch the show?
It was more insurance fraud than piracy but I liked it anyways.

Sorry, I actually didn't. Back when it was airing, I considered it, but Sup Forums's lukewarm reaction put me off at the time. Never really got back to it. But thanks for reminding me. And thanks for reminding me to use LoGH names the next time I'm capturing some space1 screens/videos.

Okay everyone, samefagging one last time to say thanks for everything! Will be signing off for today. Might shill the game here again soon. Hopefully people will still be receptive for the game after we implement a reddit button.

You have to make a decision whether you want your game to be good or popular, user. Keep that in mind before spreading it around to much. Peer pressure is very real and for every hard working developer, there are at least 10 idea guys.

You know it. Some really hard decisions will come up for sure. Sometimes I feel part of the job of a developer is not to do things, and instead knowing when to say "no". And it's sometimes painful to do so.

You had a vision when you first started working on this game. Keep that vision in mind and think long and carefully about any change.
Every single .io game I've ever played, except maybe voar, got updates that eventually ruined the simplistic charm of it.