What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Forcing a meta
Streamlining everything
Champion reworks as a whole


hiring people who literally dont know what the fuck theyre doing. The community comes up with their most successful and best selling ideas not them.
Enforcing the status quo meta back into place whenever it gets even slightly out of hand (like how half of the Marksmen are complete shit in lane now and most people are starting to take other crazy stuff bot)

not enforcing thier balance and design philosophies on EVERY character and having favorites like Lee Sin,Yasuo,Vayne and Riven get special treatment because their autistic playerbase would chimp out on the forums otherwise.

but then again they did SOME good

Some Champion Reworks are 10/10 quality like Gangplank,Sion,Warwick and Taric

It's a MOBA

I seriously think those character designs are wasted on that game

Season 7 is not fun.

I think dropping every champion into a design-archetype leaves us with lack of uniqueness. Old champions who fall into these archetypes fall behind because the new champs have something they don't. So after a few years they rework a whole bunch of champions to make everyone the same again, and they have whole teams to go and redo everything about a champion when its so shit because they didn't design them well at the start.

>Forcing a meta

What's wrong with this? Imagine if LoL was like overwatch where one fag picking widowmaker gives you an automatic L

It is exactly like that you fucking moron, expect the difference is that riot does everything they can to make sure that the widowmakwr no matter how good they are gets an L

I got bored with it.
The possible permutation of in game situations is infinite, but it becomes samey after the 3rd year.
You sort of stop getting better unless you go all the way in and I'm not about that.

>Imagine if LoL was like overwatch where one fag picking widowmaker gives you an automatic L
It is. Except instead of just widowmaker, try 50% of the champion pool.

I don't think you know what "forcing a meta" means here. Imagine if in Overwatch something like two tanks, one offense, and two healers starting picking up popularity as a team comp. Then imagine if Blizzard decided that was the "right" way to play the game, and started designing everything around that being the norm to the point where anything else was completely inviable and you have to plug into that meta when you queue for the game. Imagine if anything outside that forced meta that rotated into flavor immediately got nerfed out until you're forced back to the same thing.

That's LoL.

these reworks would be better if faggots didnt always want EVERY FUCKING PART of the kit to remain attached. I mean look at how shit and fucking outdated Master Yi's entire kit is (he is literally just one big steroid stick with a gapcloser) Riot could whip up something 10X better in 15 minutes but youd have to deal with "WAAAAH DONT CHANGE MY YI!! :((" jackasses fighting you every step of the way. 90% of the community doesn't actually understand Riots design philosophies and why we tend to avoid shit like targeted stuns,steroids and "stat checks".

players ree you if you try something different
players ree if something doesn't go right
players ree too much

>play lol with friends
>they all scream at me if I don't play exactly like they say.
>if you do something fun, everybody hates you for it.
>grown men turn into irrate children.

Worst garbage I've ever played in my life right here, folks. If you enjoy this shit, you are less than a subhuman.

It makes things very, very rigid and stale. There's no deviation from what they want you to do and if you try you get punished. You NEED to have a solo top, solo mid, solo jungler, and two bottom that have to be ranged carry and support. If you try to do anything other than this, either the game's metagame crushes the strategy or riot themselves nerf it to the point where it isn't doing. It's fucking boring.

I remember when the game came out people would have level 1 insanity battles in front of dragon, 2-1-2 strats in addition to 1-1-1-2, two people up top one person down bottom, roamers existed. It was all removed in favor of simplifying the game and if you don't adhere to the way they want you to play, you get banned. Does the random button even still exist?

You forgot significantly worse UI to the point where a huge amount of basic information is hidden from you and only accessible from third party websites, having champions behind paywalls, and having a very long and very arbitrary grind before you can begin playing the game properly.

But they did rework Yi...

Says more about what kind of people you consider friends than anything.

>Forced E-"Sport"
>Removing build variety

aside of pretty salty, camwhore and underage playerbase,

it's devs trying to equalize every fucking thing the champions have. They are so close to a threshold that soon those abilities would only create eyecandy.

Never played it. Considered a few times but everything I see about the game just looks so awful and cancerous. To me it seems like the people that do play it don't even enjoy it they just keep playing so they don't have to come to terms with the fact that all the time they spent unlocking shit was worthless.

game comes out later for gooks. gooks still better.

Riot themselves

>Every character now builds the same items
>Fights increased in length because it better for the audience
That's the main reasons I left a few years back

saying a "bad word" triggers little kids and retards, and riot panders to said monkeys and you get banned for fucking words. yet people can troll and play like complete fucking morons and not get any punishment. riot is a bunch of hypocrite fuckups and their retarded playerbase will never play anything else or stop spending money on useless skins, so they get away with being absolutely dogshit as a company.

>pick bard
>try to roam since he seems to be based on roaming
>friend gets mad at me for not babysitting him

Flash is a mandatory summoner skill which blurs the lines of every champion's strengths and weaknesses. It's a get out of jail free card, and it's way to cheat your limitations by instantly becoming a threat. It ruins balance completely and it's already imbalanced. If an option is so good that you're punished for not choosing it, then it's fucking imbalanced. Remove Flash.

Instant or targeted abilities that disable or do massive damage should not exist. Go play Bloodline Champions, and marvel when you have to aim to land even heals.

Juggernaut is not a fun gameplay mechanic. Feeding an overpowered douche kills so he can instant kill while touting 5000 HP sucks the fun out of the game for everyone.

Hyper mobility is too rampant. Giving people dedicated wall jumps is boring, but giving people instant teleports on a tiny cooldown that also do damage or rapid dashes is fucking stupid. Flash should be removed, and untargeted dashes should be trimmed. More movement speed changes, more emphasis on overtaking and denying strategic positions without it being instant.

Remove esports. I know it's profitable, but fucking shut up about it, and stop balancing around the sport. It's a fucking game, so make it fun and fair, rather than just a circus act of overblown imbeciles pressing buttons and choosing easy picks.

To be exactly the same, just without AP scaling. He's still the simplest and easiest champion.

Overwatch isn't like that. And League is even worse about picks being instant losses.
Season 4 and on were not fun.

Money they spent*

Nobody would care if they're better if they'd just stop forcing the competitive bullshit on me. I can't login without seeing some disgusting greasy chink face.

I don't care if he won some special needs tournament on the other end of the world. And I fucking hate being flamed for not following the newest build that some randoim ching-chong played on the WWWWBCHGZGEWLCS Master Champion Supreme Master Master Championship.

>pick Bard
>roam mid and get sick stuns all day
>friend gets mat at me for not babysitting him
>tell him to fucking deal with it
>camp mid all game
>peel for mid all game
>win game off mid's back
>friend gets angry
>tell him to be happy he won
>he shuts up
EZPZ Senpai, don't know what else to tell you.

>talk shit
>get chat restricted for 300 games
>talk shit after 300 games
>permanently banned


>say the most racist shit in allchat on dota
>tell shitters to kill themselves
>they tell me to kill myself sometimes too
>everyone throws mad banter at eachother
>noone really cares
>not even a fucking report
>never muted in 5000 hours
wew lad feels good

>go play some video games
>have to follow some edgyfest made by the kids for the kids throughout the game
Thank god mute feature exists.

IsnĀ“t league like the most played videogame in the world? How can it be bad?

Indeed user, everyone gets their way!

Yup. Lane swaps were a thing for a bit, trying to move outside of the normal setups and push timings for a power play. Nerfed/removed.

Split push was a thing, turrets buffed and now split push isn't really a thing

Isn't making food analogies to showcase why your point is wrong a commonly done thing? How can it be bad to do so?

nigger are you dumb?

they didnt rework SHIT

hes the exact fucking same but now he doesnt one-shot with AP and does a bit of true damage on hit which becomes HILARIOUSLY imbalanced and abusable with on-hit items.

you wont understand it until you actually play ADC. Your entire ability to have "fun" completely hinges on your support. You are a a complete unempathetic asshole for doing shit like this to your carry and not understand why he dislikes it so much. not everything is about winning dummy. Being relevant,participating and contributing to a victory matters just as much and for Marksmen all this hinges on how well the Laning phase goes due to the arms-race nature of this game.

Are you dumb? They reworked meditate, highlander and double strike

Yi was much better when crits triggered double strike

I bet you started playing season 3

>Does the random button even still exist?
No. I used to play most games that way too.

Fucking this. LoL at it's heart has casual as fuck mechanics, but for some stupid fucking reason it's pushed as the biggest esport ever and Riot felt that's where the money is, somehow not in the original casual crowd that would be much bigger than what it's currently become.

nigger Yi needs more than some simple number and mechanic adjustments

his entire skillset has no counterplay. He is a arbitrary case of stat check .

"b..but just CC him!"

this argument is extreme bullshit because it means 1 of two things happens in every single situation

either 1: Yi is chain crowd controlled until death thus Yi "doesnt even get to play" more or less

or 2: Yi cleanses the stun and rips you a new one anyways.

this is what Im talking about when I say people dont understand Riots balance philosophies.

Shit like Tryndamere,Kayle,Master Yi,Singed and Irelia needs to be fucking removed and reworked already. BUT NOPE


fuck me i love league but I fucking HATE riot

I've literally said "Nigger, why don't you do everyone here a favour, grab some rope, tie a noose, and fucking hang yourself. Save the klan some trouble."

People like you is why Shen was ruined.

>waah waah muh forced meta

Real sports have structure therefore esports need structure too.

Complaining about a "forced meta" is like complaining that you can't have 6 goalies in soccer, or three quarterbacks in football.

Or complaining that you can't use two rackets in tennis.

all i see are butthurt bronze v's in this thread kek


far and large new Shen is an improvment from old Shen the problem is that its still just has boring and inane as old shen. New Shens problem was that he was literally balanced around E SPORTS!!.

Riot outright came and said that Shens ult is SO POWERFUL that if they couldn't add more power or interesting mechanics to his kit otherwise he would become First pick First Ban in the pro scene. This along with the stupid forced artifical "depth" they sloppily tacked on with the Spirit sword mechanic made for an overall disappointing update.

If you think Old Shen was better than current Shen your a delusional nostalgia faggot. The only part that I miss about Old Shen was his Double-Katana weapon choice. his new "Spirit Sword" and mini dagger weapon is Trash. If they ever replace that stupid Ninja Dagger with an actual Katana again he'd be BASED as fuck .

>LoL is dying!
>dota2 masterrace!!


delusional fags

>6 goalies

You're just mad because you never scored against that team comp, what a loser

Old Shen actually saw play, and you could run him top, jungle, and support for shits and giggles.

I've seen new Shen played twice in the past year.


>a real sport

You're running into design problems that have existed for as long as the genre itself. Yi isn't really the problem, the notion of a carry is. If you don't fuck the shit out of the carry, then guess what? He carries the game. Meaningful counterplay is impossible to achieve in any reasonable fashion when success is a right click away as long as no one stops them.

Played until i hit diamond, i think it was about the time Aatrox was released. I stopped playing because riot has an antifun policy in place, they nerfed every single thing that wasn't part of their artificially created meta. Things like AP shaco and yi were destroyed because they didn't fit riots original vision of the character regardless of how much better/worse it was. Still makes me mad.

>m-muh sports have rigid rules so games should too

you used to not be able to move while playing basketball, it sucked so they changed it

the games are already restricted by the rules of the game engine (dmg, hp, movement speed, model size, etc.) they don't need this aditional bullshit

why do league players not know what meta means

>makes billions of dollars a year
>cant even pay their pro teams worth shit
>cant even balance the fucking game
>same 10 champs used in every single game because theyre OP broken
>ranked LP lost due to shitty players on your team, afk, trolls, 12 year olds, etc.

AP Yi and Tryndamere especially were actually broken and had to be changed. In Tryn's case there was no counterplay whatsoever except bring your whole team to chase one raging faggot across top lane, which is still a win for him. If you didn't do this, then top tower was guaranteed gone in a set amount of time and no amount of jungler intervention was actually going to stop it, and no champ could counter-pick this strat.

yeah because you dont watch LCS faggio. shen has been getting packed regularly this past week

Shen will ALWAYS be a relevant pick due to the power of his ultimate.

dont you get it?

So long as Shen has a GLOBAL FUCKING TELEPORT and a TAUNT to follow it up he will always remain pick-able to a degree.

no man

Every MOBA has designated carries designed to be the single most important person on the map come late game. Thats not a design problem. Thats like saying the Queen and King in chess are flawed concepts that make the game fundamentally unbalanced or someshit.

lazily right clicking your way to a win when everyone else has to land skillshots or play around some sort of drawback is the problem.
Its like if you had a race and one kid had to jump 5 hurdles while another had to only jump 1. Or choosing to do Advanced precal vs basic addition for the same endgoal

>yeah because you dont watch LCS faggio
Why the fuck would I waste my time watching other people play video games?

Yeah, same with Galio, he has a huge AoE taunt ult that can take out like 3/4th an ADC's hp. Yet he's never picked.

>Real sports have structure therefore esports need structure too.
Video games are not physical sports. No other competitive video game forces a meta.There's no excuse for this.
Go fuck yourself

>non-mana champs

It's getting better in numerous ways.

>brought back solo queue
>new client
>replays and soon a sandbox mode
>art & music team is phenomenal, cinematics, splashes, comics are improving
>Riot finally starting to give a shit about lore and we're seeing sort stories and an official site dedicated to it
>loot system now implemented via hextech crafting

If anything, I would say the biggest cancer that's killing the game right now is balance. Champion balance is a nightmare - the worst its ever been; their balance team needs to be fired.

That and they can at least lower the IP costs for their champions. Maybe introduce some new game modes and maps that aren't just recolors of summoner's rift.

Faker did bust out Galio as his secret pick a while back.

btw nobody plays shit like Rammus,Galio,Maokai,Malphite and Shen because

They're Boring and stand around with their dicks in their hand after they iniate

thats why the next update to hit in like a month or two is going to be the Tank update where all that lame shit is getting reworked to be more proactive and less braindead.

>AP trynd
Oh shit i forgot about that, was funny as hell when it was a new thing. People on your team didn't know what the fuck you were doing and would rage and the shitters on the other team would underestimate you and die like scrubs. I think that and AP yi were the only times i had fun with this game.


>new client
>a good thing


>basic rule in a game =/ meta

your analogy is equivalent to complaining about how there are 3 lanes, or 5 people per team

Chess has the exact same pieces between the two players, with no variance ever, and no piece takes more "skill" than any of the others, among other numerous problems with your deeply flawed analogy. You're viewing the carry as sacrosanct, when, like I said, Yi isn't the problem, it's the binary pass/fail nature of the carry that you have issue with. If you nerf/buff Yi, then he either has a much easier time making this binary check or a much more difficult time. People will ALWAYS prefer the easier path to victory, and so will play whoever has the easiest time, skillshots or no. Sustain and clear speed became king in the jungle simply because the more HP the jungler has, the more options are available to him. Junglers with unsafe clears died out no matter how strong they were while junglers with safe clears became pick/ban.

It's never as simple as just making everything take "skill". Old WW was the most braindead jungler in the entire game with some of the best sustain, but that didn't make him the best, for instance.

How do the chinese manage to ruin every fucking thing on this planet, including the planet itself?

Right, everything is boring unless they have a three hit passive, I forgot.

I don't know, I personally find shit like Rammus melting ADCs hilariously fun.

Have you ever heard about pulling the goalie? Going for a 2 point conversion? Castle king side?

Doing unique things is what makes sports great and amazing to watch, there is nothing diverse or risky you can do in league.

Spot on except for champion reworks as a whole
Champion reworks are a fantastic idea on paper, but I don't think there was a single one that has been executed well
I wonder when Riot will realize that overloading a character's kit with a fuckton of tools doesn't count as a rework

>LoL's lore is actually becoming fairly developed now since they made the universe page

>lots of interesting factions, nations and locals that would be great in a worldbuilding adventure game or MMO, such as Shurima, Zaun, Freljord, Bilgewater, Shadow Isles, the Void and etc.

>game features some really interesting characters like Jhin, Viktor, Aurelion Sol, Miss Fortune, Azir, Nasus, Swain, Jinx, Yorick, Diana, Draven, Kindred, Illaoi, Tahm Kench, Vi, Zac, Ivern and etc

>realize that Riot is a lazy as fuck company that will not expand on the IP any time soon

>all of these interesting factions, locales and characters are wasted on a fucking MOBA

It feels bad Sup Forums. It feels so fucking bad.

This. I wish riot would just let old characters stay as they are, there are people who enjoy how they play. Reworking everyone to play exactly like all the new streamlined shitty champs just curbs variety and makes it impossible for players who like any other playstyles to find characters they enjoy.

well in NORMAL DRAFT you can have the exact same team facing the exact same team so its really not as flawed as you think.

Also who the fuck wants to play a "perfectly balanced "game? Balance is completely subjective and its mostly about looking for the agreeable commonground.

"perfectly balanced" ? thats literally how you end up with games like tic-tac-toe where "the only winning move is to not play".

also arbitrary damage doesnt even matter THAT much. time and time again its been proven that UTILITY is what makes or breaks the game. not Damage output. Thats why you dont see Vayne every single game and instead see shit like Varus,Ashe,Jhin or Sivir as contested picks in pro play.

>You are the asshole for not letting the little bitch play his dick-swinging contest at the expense of everyone else's fun

>"perfectly balanced" ? thats literally how you end up with games like tic-tac-toe where "the only winning move is to not play".
Nigger, this isn't tic-tac-toe. Skill is actually relevant here. Tic-tac-toe is always a stalemate because there's no skill, it's too simple.

and what about the players that have to play against them and think that theyre bullshit?
just "tough luck for them" huh?

>his friend
>little bitch

so which one is he? Do you want the guy too have as much fun as your having or do you simply not care his experience if it comes at the cost of your own? PROTIP:dont support friends if you think like this. Learn to play another lane and let someone else be his baby sitter

>nobody plays Maokai, Malphite, Shen

you're stupid. In competitive play Maokai and Shen see play regularly.

In solo queue Maokai is picked top quite often because of how good he is
>base damage on Q with low mana cost, good waveclear
>W does %hp damage + root while making him untargetable
>passive heals him for % of his HP
>his ult makes him tanky as fuck and protects his team mates inside it

Rammus doesn't see much play because he doesn't have the CC or the initiate power of other tanks with gap closers and AoE knockups/stuns

Who else /misses season 1 and 2/ here? God the game was so fun when you could play anything anywhere and nobody would act like a fucking little baby, since the e-sports bullshit was still new and not gospel.

Champions were coming out once every 2 weeks and balance patches came out every week, which meant that the game was constantly in flux and never static for long. Now you're lucky to get a patch a month, even longer if there's a tournament.

You could shit talk freely without risk of pissing off some snowflake and losing access to your account. There was actual lore that didn't make you roll your eyes. The employees weren't complete SJW fucks forcing their shitty opinions. For example, Ironstylus covering up every female in 20 inches of steel. Trundle went from being a good guy who left his village to save them, to some generic bad guy ice troll so that they could shove another character into the pointless Freljord update that went nowhere. So now we got another shitty ice hero instead of the garbage troll we had before.

Remember how they promised to upkeep Dominion? From what I understand they just flat out removed it now. How Twisted Treelines was a great map originally, just needed it's own balance? Then they remade it to be Dominion lite, then gave up. Fuck, remember Magma Chamber? That ambitious new map that was HUGE compared to SR? That went down the drain because fuck working hard or innovating.

This game was my shit for 2 seasons. 3rd season was kinda eh. 4th season killed my love of the game by the end of it and I haven't played a game in over 2 years now. I miss it all the time, but I never want to play this game again. Everybody who made the game good left years ago. Now it's just a heaping rotting pile of stale, soulless shit.

Pic related has me nostalgic as fuck. Maybe the servers and game crashed all the time back then, but the game won't be anywhere near as fun as it was back then.

>there will never be a season 2 private server

Too fun.

Yes exactly, tough luck for them, because they aren't bullshit.

>encourages a very strict meta that punishes out-of-the-box thinking and playstyles
>riot balancing the worst in the games industry
>an entire generation of gamers that insist that LoL is the gold standard of how MOBA's "should be"

Heroes of the Storm is what should have been popular, but Blizzard fucked it up.

>"waaah why doesnt Riot understand that my needs > the needs of the many "

im sorry you cant play you little bullshit AP one-shot Sion or Classic Yorick anymore user ;-).

Riot decided it should be a MOBA

Lol. Yorick is infinitely stronger than he was before. I've literally went 0/6/0, and won a 3v1 just because I hit lvl 11.

If you were to remove flash tomorrow would anything major have to happen to the game?

Like would you need to give champs like Annie and Mordekaiser extra mobility?

Or would the game operate the exact same way?

Because they're uncaring shitbags

Fuck China

Both of those characters are stronger now than they used to be.
Shitpost harder

the point


your head

this faggot thinks no champions should ever be updated because. You both agree that the new reworks are stronger. This proves that champions SHOULD be fucking updated especially if it removes thier bullshit nature.

>I wonder when Riot will realize that overloading a character's kit with a fuckton of tools doesn't count as a rework
Mordekaiser's new W is a fucking mess

>Passive: Mordekaiser gains bonus experience when killing a minion near allies equal to 50% of the experience he lost due to them being there, which totals at 82.6 / 71.73 / 66.3 / 63.04 / 60.87% of the minion's experience bounty.
>Active - First Cast: Mordekaiser targets an allied champion or minion and for the next 4 seconds they gain 75 bonus movement speed while moving towards each other, which lingers for 1.5 seconds. When near enough to each other, each deal magic damage in an area of effect around themselves every second for the duration (melee and caster minions have a smaller AoE) Harvester of Sorrow ends if Mordekaiser or his ally dies.

>For the next 4 seconds, Mordekaiser can reactivate Harvester of Sorrow to end its primary effects and trigger a secondary effect, which triggers automatically at the end of the duration. If activated while no allies are nearby, Mordekaiser will highlight an area around him and can reactivate the ability as normal. The first ally to come in range will automatically gain the effect, too.
Harvester of Sorrow 2

>Active - Second Cast: Mordekaiser constricts the area, dealing magic damage to all enemies near himself and his ally as well as healing himself and his ally for the same amount, from up to 2 enemies hit in their respective areas. Healing is reduced to 25% when harvesting minions.

It's been like two years as well since they bought Rising Thunder and I haven't heard a damn thing since

>get proven wrong
>completely flip sides and try to argue that instead
Proves you have no point.

>especially if it removes thier bullshit nature.
But they didn't have a bullshit nature? Shen didn't have a bullshit nature. Rammus doesn't. Fiora wasn't...

do they even smoke weed?

>le argument meme

*tips reddit hat*

>ESports are comparable to real sports

You're the cancer killing videogames

At this point their so-called fighting game was probably cancelled. So that leaves me feeling bad for the Rising Thunder getting bought out and wasted like that.