Remember when there was a Halo 3 Zune?

Remember when there was a Halo 3 Zune?

Remember when people gave a shit about Halo? Remember the fake hype around Halo 3 and the conspiracy to shit on PS3 at every turn?

I sure do because today nobody even mentions Halo in passing. Dead franchise.


>fake hype around Halo 3

Stop making things up. Everyone gave a shit about Halo 3.
Shit, people were hyped just to play the beta, which was still taboo at that time.

Wtf is zune ?

How old are you?

I've still got my Zune HD

What albums you got on that dinosaur?

fucking millennials

Same here, loaded up with some great tunes from like 2011 I think

Microsoft's betamax to Apple's VHS


>find old halo 3 zune
>only things on it are all of Motion city Soundtrack's albums and nudes of my ex girlfriend and that girl that always liked me but I never liked her back for some reason

Yea, I mean, that's what I was like as a teenager I guess.

Weird that this thread showed up, I found it like last week.

You're expecting too much of this board. Half of Sup Forums are a bunch of kiddies who were 5 when it came out.

Got any nostalgic stories, man? You sound like you have something to share.
I was 9 when H3 came out and I still made this thread.

the joke is that nobody bought a zune

Now thats living under a rock

Oh cool it's the Family Guy ipod!

I had a Zune. Thing was great until it just stopped turning on properly after like 5+ years.

Sucks because it definitely sounded better than the iPod back then and was cheaper to boot.

same, still going well. good backup player

Absolutely better audio quality than the ipod, but people were more concerned about brand and appearance than the actual function of the device.

>knowing what family guy is
I want normies out

Kinda like the iPhone now, amirite?
t. S4 Mini Poorfag

is that signed bag of crisps??


Kind of like 80% of apple consumers since 2000.

You guys ever feel like technology is moving too fast? Ironically, vidya feels like it's falling behind a lot of the time.

I've always wanted a Zune, don't know why though.

not really i'm somewhat up to date with tech.

some shit is being pushed onto us by the powers that be, see microsd disappearing from phones

and vidya is eh, been getting bored with it as a whole.

my brother bought a Zune

The only worst part about that is the halo 3 logo. everything else is sex

A superior device that lost due to pricing and being too late to proliferate in the market to the degree its competitor had? Sounds about right.

>People thinking the Zune was better than the iPod
I remember when a Leap Second was crashing Zunes. A fucking Leap Second

I bought, like, 5. I still use my 2nd 30 GB for the office sound system. Sold both of my 4 GBs, gave my 80 to my girlfriend. Only the first one is in bad shape, and it's just because the 3.5 jack is a bit messed up. Easy to still use with the official splitter.

I think the zune was actually cheaper than the ipod classic when it launched. I think the ipod classic was $300 for the 30 gb model then. Zune was $250.

I bought a Zune like 10 years ago and I still use it

C'mon now the iPod? Shiet, more like iDon't Have Time Fo' this Shiet.

I own a brown version of that Zune

At least mine will still work after the next leap second takes place

Depending on the ipod model I think, the zune had a bigger screen, got FM radio, and could send music to other zunes to listen to

Is mid-2000s the next nostalgia hype train?

>this nerd doesn't visit the x-files threads

>tfw just remembered buying my zune at a circuit city

Maybe not too fast, but it is surprising as a kind of old person at 28 to realize how many people I share this hobby with didn't get to see the massive leap forward from PS1/N64 to PS2/GC/Xbox, and maybe didn't even witness the early days of the PS3/360. It still blows my mind when I think about storage media though. I paid 20 bucks in high school for a chunky little 64 MB flash drive, USB 1.1. I can get something literally 1000 times more dense now that's the size of my pinky for the exact same price or less. with dramatically enhanced read times. Shit, I recall when Wi-fi started proliferating in the civilian market. Wireless-B was the big booming thing, and it capped out at 11Mb.

MSRP was 250, but Circuit City sold it for 300, along with Best Buy, possibly on purpose to tank the device.

Post nudes otherwise fuck off with your blog

Leap seconds glitch a lot of machines, user. The way they're handled by default in Unix time is by recording the same time twice. Since computers function based on time being linear, recorded time ceasing to be linear for even one second causes errors.

Stock markets even just fucking shut down for an hour when the leap second is about to happen because of how prevalent bugs are caused by it.

Mine actually died this past year, but I had it sitting in the cup holder of my car for the past 10. Sun shining on it and 150 degree heat didn't help it, I was surprised it lasted as long as it did.

>I can get something literally 1000 times more dense now that's the size of my pinky for the exact same price or less
Holy shit this, those kingston thumbdrives are the tiniest usb device i've ever seen and they hold like an eighth of a terabyte

>You guys ever feel like technology is moving too fast?
How could you ever think this? Technology can't move fast enough. That Spinnaker project better figure out how to digitize a brain before I die or I'm gonna be pissed. Imagine how cruel a joke it would be to die just years before immortality is possible.

>Imagine how cruel a joke it would be to die just years before immortality is possible.
Are you Digibro?

Man I love my zune.

The small one sucked balls though I broke that.

The HD one was god tier though

I don't know who that is

>he doesn't know about the 21st Century Digital Boi
loving every laugh