Time for a pure girl thread

Time for a pure girl thread.

Post girls who have proven to be pure and clean of spirit.


>a fucking FALLEN angel




Literal alley hooker



Pic related is based on a historical one
>inb4 English propaganda

Fucking Tifautists and their headcanons.

Fuuka is a pure angel.

>hypersexyalize a character
>throw a fit when your super sexy animu girl isn't pure despite all your depictions of sea onto her
The irony

I'm going to marry Freya!



It's backed by in game evidence.

No slander in the pure girl thread.

More pure qt3.14




such as?

>dressed like sluts

Warrior women are my fetish.

I buy every single game because of her.


user it's not fair for you to post best girl before the thread has had a chance to bloom.

Posting sluts like that is an insult to truly pure girls.


the cowl does not make the monk

she sells flowers, obviously only a prostitute would have access to flowers...


Now THIS is bullshit

>those shorts
Oh she knows exactly what she's doing

S-s-shut the fuck up


The thumbnail makes her look pregnant



>pregnant Fuuka

This thought is too heartwarming to describe.
You're killing me, user.

Too pure to consider the implications!

Link is best girl

You have 2 boards to be a faggot in, stop shitting up waifu ones.

But that's obviously Zelda...
we all know she's a boy.

>Them lips

Why the fuck hasn't been there any doujin of Hilde? Fucking japan with their shit kancolle tastes

because she's supposed to be pure
Wanting pure characters to be defiled to satiate your desires is degenerate, you have plenty of sluts for that.

Who becomes an Archngel.
>So pure even falling and bumming around in a demon's castle for a decade didn't tarnish her

She is mine. I love her.

Sex bots you built yourself don't count.

>that max S.Link dialogue

Not pure.

I love her too

QT but not pure

The slum drunk?

love for kid zelda as well



It's pretty impressive how thirsty she is without having any libido.

nope. Even if I like her.


Being a pedophile makes her a degenerate.

Raya-O is pure and I want to marry her!

She only wants the dick from Yu though and no one (or les out if you're a fag playing as a girl)

I'm sorry that you don't know what true love is, user.

I didn't know true love was to ask someone to finger you before you even kiss.

That's not being pure of spirit

It is when a girl is loyal to one man only for life and only has sex after marriage



Posting the purest

I love her, but she is absolutely not pure. I believe the running theory on her motive is literally that she was primarily driven by sexual frustration, yes?

>giraffe neck

>All these anime weeboo girls

Fights the forces of darkness, doesn't smoke and can look after herself.

>Literally wants to be pile-driven by the male swimmer

>Hey Link, I need you to lift me with those strong arms of yours, because, um, I NEED you to throw me so I can fly, that's right.

>complains about anime weaboo girls
>posts an anime weaboo girl

r u ok?

She's not a human you fucking piece of shit

Is this bait or do you not know who Heather is from Silent Hill?

Please do not talk like that about my waifu. Thank you.

The real mystery is how nobody noticed Aegis wasn't a normal girl with that foot-long neck.

None of these girls are from an anime, and I'm pretty sure none of them are weebs either.

You really need to lay back on those buzzwords


You don't finger her. You touch her emotion engine, your dead skin cells and oils are burnt into her as a permanent reminder of the bond you share.

I bet she sucked every single kokiri in the village dry that fucking slut.

And she asks that before even kissing, how dirty of her.

Out-pure THIS

>please forgive me if I make any sudden moves or say anything weird.
>she says this while blushing

She derives pleasure from it, you ARE fingering her.

>her emotion engine
why is Aigis running on PS2 hardware?

Superior Japanese hardware forded a mirrion times

worth fighting for

>pin on dress doesn't have a safety end to keep it from piercing things

>proven to be pure and clean of spirit.
No one thinks this is really important, right?

It's a preference

pathetic weebs are obsessed with "purity" because they believe that any girl that doesn't give you her first time is an irredeemable slut without realizing the irony of lusting after this "purity"

what game?
what anime?

Perma-virgin losers like us do.

>posts on Sup Forums
>calls others pathetic

Cannot be refuted.

Haley also qualifies.

I know this is bait but i'll bite: how exactly is dressed like a "slut"?

Those dresses barely reach their thighs, all it would take is a mild breeze or them simply bending over and you "accidentally" see their panties.

That she loves. Nothing wrong with getting matting pressed by your true love