As of today this are the ONLY games worth having a PS4 for:

As of today this are the ONLY games worth having a PS4 for:

The Last Guardian
Persona 5 (Release date: April 4, 2017)
Super Robot Wars OG The Moon Dwellers
Digimon World Next Order
Final Fantasy XV
Nier: Automata (Release date: February 23, 2017)
Nioh (Release date: February 9, 2017)

Other urls found in this thread:

FFXV over Horizon Zero Dawn? kys

Moon Dwellers actually has an english translation, right?

Moon dwellers and p5 are on ps3, nier is on pc, ffxv is on xbone, and next order is on vita. Yeah, what a great bunch of reasons to get a chumpstation 4.

Did you consider there might be games that other people enjoy that you might not particularly care about? The other way round is also a possibility. It's silly to dictate in absolute terms what specific works are "worth having".

Also your tastes are the most fucking boring weebmainstream Sup Forums-approved garbage out there with the occasional actually niche but safe thing to try and look like you know what you're talking about.

next order is not on vita, at least not legally

>your tastes are the most fucking boring weebmainstream Sup Forums-approved garbage out there with the occasional actually niche but safe thing to try and look like you know what you're talking about.
oh yeah, can't wait to play nepu~ kyun!! kyun!! moe weebshit!! with memes like all my 12 year old friends!

>3 or 4 of them coming to PC

>The Last Guardian
4 hours long, 4 frames per second cinematic puzzle trash

>Final Fantasy XV
empty world cinematic garbage that looks and plays like shit and has a shit story

>Nier: Automata (Release date: February 23, 2017)

>no Yakuza 0

Are you implying Neptunia isn't the exact same thing I was referring to with weebmainstream Sup Forums approved shite? The only difference is it makes it even more telling because you think you're "above" it.

wtf is going on in this image?

>no Yakuza 0
>no Gravity Rush 2
>no Berseria

Its called "Surprise butt sex"

Give me the sauce please.

>The Last Guardian
Should've just been vaporware
>Persona 5 (Release date: April 4, 2017)
>Final Fantasy XV
>Nier: Automata (Release date: February 23, 2017)
Gone Home is better than that pile of shit.

the lady is getting fucked by a shota right in front of her son
he doesn't suspect a thing

You better post the source or I'll slit your throat

I don't have it anymore, but I had the japanese source

would like the translated source though

Say goodbye to your life then

god bless

omae wa mo sauceiru

NTR doujins are usually retarded, but this series really takes the cake

It's an it isn't out yet, but it's somehow the best episode.

Shut the fuck up and stay on topic on my thread bitch.

whats the point of these threads. People who wanted a ps4 got a ps4 and everyone else didnt.

Fuck Sad Panda, not worth all that stupid bullshit for porn.



>after all these years he still soen't have an account

No free porn for you

That's not how you spell Bloodborne.

What's wrong with your faaaaace
