Post a movie, get rec'd a game

Post a movie or show and get recommended a game.

>Princess Mononoke

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my dick

His dick

Gee thanks. I'll go pirate it.


Twilight Princess.

Both are extreme disappointments made by a studio that made good games after and especially before it.

that's a little strong user. mononoke wasn't as good nausicaa despite telling a similar story but it was still visually stunning and had some great setpieces. and the legend of ashitaka is one of the most evocative pieces of music in a ghibli film


>tfw no Arthur RPG

I want to suggest some city management game that has a Godzilla like event but I don't know any.

>that's a little strong user
Not for me.

I was so disappointed with TP that it single-handedly made me completely interested in the Wii. I just ended up emulating the few interesting ones years later.

And Twilight Princess was the first and only VHS that I ever bought and sold again.

I gave Princess Mononoke a 5/10 on anidb over a decade ago because I still hated it so fucking much and those 5 points are basically just the visual design.

As for TP, I'd probably give it a 6/10.

>And Twilight Princess was the first and only VHS that I ever bought and sold again.
Meant to say Princess Mononoke.

Just realized they both have princess in the name, what a coincidence.

Well, the old Sim City. The SNES version with Browser.

It deserve a sequel, tho.



Deus ex.

Oh fug that's a good one


Warhammer 40K: Space Marine.

Office Space.

I dont really see too much things in common, save for future setting.

I'm somewhat surprised to be the first one saying this, but:

I've been meaning to play that for years but never got around to getting a copy.



40k RPG set in a hive city when?

what the fuck are you me?



crusader kings 2

fuck off

Basically Undertale. Which is really weird because I didn't think about the similarities until this thread.

Blade of Darkness, kinda, if you don't mind it having orcs and skeletons and shit. I think it has a pretty similar feel.



Mountain Blade sieges, especially with some mods


one of the prestige posters here
I got it for xmas and I can't get into it
got bored of getting attacked by wandering frog monsters

Don't rec me Type Moon shit. The lack of being able to play CCC is true definition of despair.

There are a limited amount of monsters. They aren't random like in actual RPG's. You can kill all mobs in the game.

Mount and Blade, for sure.

After I watched Kingdom of Heaven (and I count it as one of my favorite movies overall), I just had to play M&B.



You should try one of the old point and click adventure.

If you mean the theme and not the "character action fighting", then definitely Chroma Squad.

>Super Sentai inspired tactical role playing game

Had no idea I wanted this, thank you.

Wonderful 101

>Interior shootouts
>Featuring THE LAW breaching Criminal-held locations
>destructible environments
>gameplay literally involves the floors above and below you

Join us, Brother.

I used to play GTA 3 pretending I was a terminator and chased down some random person for as long as possible.