What game have the best graphics, and why it's Crysis 1?

What game have the best graphics, and why it's Crysis 1?

maybe show the unmodded version

Crysis looks awful. It's a meme game.

>10 years old
>still unsurpassed graphically

Just fucking kill me.

What's wrong with modded games?
Do you play unmodded tes? Dark Souls without dsfix? What do you have against people using 'mods'?

You're tampering with the game designer's original vision for the game. Here, let me edit your favorite book to make it "better." Fuck off with that shit.

>game sells like shit because no one can play it
>10 yrs later the average person can finally max it out
>"hurr durr why does no company make games like this anymore"

Horizon zero Dawn.

It's not really fair to say that a game is the best looking if you have crammed it full of visual modifications. It is then the best looking modded game, sure, but if you want to say something is the best looking game at the time, it needs to be that out of the box.

>A simple google image search .shows the background is fake

I knew Sup Forums was retarded but...

What's wrong with making a game look objectively better, or playing it in high resolutions? I do understand that for purposes of comparing graphical fidelity stuff like texture mods are disingenuos, but come on mate, there's nothing wrong in wanting to play your games in as high quality as possible. It's not like you're modifying FOV in some multiplayer game or using a wallhack. At least, not my point here.

That being said the OP image is just some picture off a jungle in bolivia or someplace with a crysis gun slapped on top.
Well played, OP, you had me for a while. Have a (you)

Hat you just described is a thing that happens. See: annotated editions of things that use older forms of English. They're literally unreadable unless you know older forms of English/look each individual word up.

You're only allowed to be an elitist if you're actually elite.

forgot image. Good shit OP, have another (you)

Unmodded? It's the Star Citizen alpha.

And the reason? Because it's literally the only big budget PC release that's not a F2P cash shop MMO since... Crysis.


That's in the same category as translation. No shit that's acceptable. I'm talking about changing scenes, characters and themes because you don't like the author's vision.


>looks awful

>actually just a picture of jungle

look who's the meme now, you just said that real life looks awful

>not a cash shop


eyes don't work like that

Spare me the memes. Since the Sabre was put in the game, the objective four best dogfighters in the game are the Sabre, Super Hornet, Aurora LN, and 350R. The Aurora LN is like a 5 dollar upgrade on the cheapest pledge.

ITT: newfags have never seen this photoshop b8 before

I'd argue space engine is more impressive, but you can't really compare the two.

You can edit the LODs in text config files. You don't even need mods for it.