Which was worse?

Which was worse?

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wind waker

Your least favorite Zelda.

wind waker

It's the difference between an expansive linear game and a tight linear game though, I can easily see why people would like wind waker.

twilight princess

TP's intro is painfully long, but WW's padding near the end when the game FINALLY gets good is ridiculous

WWHD fixes alot of problems, TPHD fixes none.

Wind waker

Wind Waker
WWHD didn't fix the shit dungeons

Wind Waker. Game is clearly rushed.

>hero mode doesnt fix anything
>touchpad inventory doesnt fix anything
>upgraded visuals from the 2006 mess


Celda > 8.8

Reminder that TP has bosses that don't attack and reuses the same zigzag layout for almost all the dungeons to fool you into thinking it's not linear.

You know there's something wrong when Aonuma himself condemned the touchpad inventory system and removed it along with the GamePad map from Breath of the Wild.

I just played both WWHD and TPHD.
TP >WW. They're both good games, but TP is better than WW, no question. WW is also the worst 3D Zelda.

>TP has bosses that don't attack

you mean...one?

They definitely removed it so the Switch was competitive with the Wii U version.

I wouldn't say TP's dungeons are good either
If they couldn't condense the like 2-3 hour tutorial down I don't care.

Touchpad inventory is in WWHD aswell, and its phenomenal.
This, Aonuma is a retard.

I'm so fucking glad Aonuma was the first major person at Nintendo to straight up say the Gamepad was distracting. He's right.

wind waker by miles

>>upgraded visuals from the 2006 mess
It still looks like shit on Wii U

I love both, but if I had to chose one I'd have to go Wind Waker, partially becausee I like TP's atmosphere more, but mostly I'm not a fan of sailing

I enjoyed both, but preferred Wind Waker.

thats wrong though

its not

I dont remember it looking this good on wii/GC

I like both games but TP is not as memorable in my opinion.

It plays it too safe and the wolf transformation was shit. Not even a novelty when MM exists and each one of the transformations in there had more depth than TPs gimmick.

WW is very flawed but it was more memorable in every way.

I'm not really into 3D Zelda games but this 2 are by far the most enjoyable of all 5.

Oh wow it looks like a 2009 game instead of a 2006 one.

>1080p in 2009

ok kid

I don't know why TP isn't memorable to some people. They really tried some cool stuff in each of the dungeons. Most notably the magnetism with the iron boots and the double claw shot.

The textures look like absolute shit

>Wind Waker was unfinished as fuck, not enough temples, very very few areas other than Generic Island #6, but got a great art style, great characters and smooth gameplay, although the Triforce Quest is one of the worst moments I had in vidya

>Twilight Princess was actually finished and it's pretty long, pretty satisfying journey with plenty of great temples, but has a dull art style, boring characters and some gameplay hiccups (aka Wolf Link parts)

>implying thats a bad thing at all

Look dude you can stop you're trying too hard to be a hater. No one is claiming it to be GOAT. Sheesh.

point out what part of that picture looks like shit, because Im not seeing it

>>implying thats a bad thing at all
How is it a good thing?

Wind waker. I still dislike the art style all these years later. Sailing was also not very good.

the floors, as well as anything in the over world
character models look godawful too, I don't even think they made new ones

>Not as memorable
This side part is on par with Wind Wakers finale

man, links face is ugly as fuck here

Lol, fucking landlubber.

You just hate everything don't you?

Could you explain why? I feel like OOT is still better for a few simple reasons. OOT throws you into a dungeon way faster than either game, and has minimal tutorials in relative terms, and it doesn't have tedious wolf/boat parts. It also has slightly less linear dungeon design and can let you sequence break if you know what you're doing. The 3DS remake also fixes a lot of the the awkward early 3D stuff or UI choices so the Gamecube titles don't really even have that over it anymore.

I think the dinamic lightning was a more interesting addition in WWHD.

Please don't bully Link.

2009-2010 is when games started to look "good enough". We're at that point now where extra polygons don't mean much unless you're doing a photorealistic art style.

WW has dull combat, a mix of abrupt, quick objectives + excessive late-game padding to make up for rushed development, sailing isn't as grandiose when you realize all islands are tiny things barely worth exploring with unsatisfying rewards and boring dungeons as a result of its lack of difficulty, especially when it comes to puzzles.

TP has dull combat, a sluggish start, plays it too safe in terms of setting/story, a really ugly art style, a plot that goes all over the place, and Wolf Link segments are tedious and repetitive thanks to being mandatory little fetch quests with gimped mechanics.

I feel like WW is the weaker entry. It tries something different, but as a result, its flawed moments are more obvious. Since "Ocarina of Time 2.0" didn't stray too far, it's more consistent all the way through.

And no, Hero Mode doesn't make either of them more difficult since you still have pretty stupid enemy AI, a lot of methods to deal with enemies, and it doesn't change up dungeons like Master Quest.

Wind Waker. It's the worst 3d Zelda after majoras mask

TP felt like a step back in all the wrong places while WW was trying to move itself forward from OOT

Wind Waker.

There's a lot of really cool ideas, and WWHD takes them an streamlines them a bit, but ultimately, the world is pretty empty and traversal combat is awful. There's very few places where you get the chance to use all of Link's arsenal, or places that are fun to explore.

On the other hand, TP has its fair share of flaws, but it definitely has a great world that is a bit more dense and allows the player to experiment with Link's abilities more.

twilight princess had a lot of great dungeon like the pyramid or the yeti castle in the mountain

wind waker had... the triforce hunt?

people that like wind waker only like wind waker because 1) it was gamecube zelda, 2) it had cellshaded graphics

Wind Waker had no content

that doesn't look good. in any way.

It's still a very good game and it had some very inspired points. The boar chase in particular was great (too bad that moment was spoiled 2 years before release on one of the earlier demos)

It's just that the general picture of the game wasn't as powerful/unique as the rest of the games in the saga, SS included.

I guess what the game aimed at was to be the "mature" comeback of the saga, but it felt forced and even then it didn't manage to have as genuinely mature moments as WW, Oot or MM.

They are equally great, as they are both the definitive ports of the two best Zelda games of all time.

Prove me wrong.

Twilight Princess. Worst 3D Zelda in my opinion. Too much forced and boring dialogue, story, and just all around filler. Not to mention the dungeons are overall piss easy and boring to look at. It has some cool items and nice music though.

ah yes, the classic autist with his three pictures again

>it's tp-kun

be ashamed of yourself

>Too much forced and boring dialogue, story
>just all around filler
>the dungeons are overall piss easy and boring to look at
>some cool items and nice music though
So you're saying Twilight Princess and Wind Waker are the worse 3D Zeldas?
Because all of that applies to both.

theres the second pic, now post the next one with her hand

The Iron Boots Magnetism stuff, Double Clawshots, design of Snowpeak, etc are some of the best parts of TP.

I honestly don't know what you would equate to those moments in WW. When you fight the bird after climbing the Forsaken Fortress Tower? The Dragon Roost boss is admittedly cool.

WInd Waker. TP is a 10/10 just because of the world design and all these great minigames.

shills fuck off

The gamepad better fucking turn off when you're using a pro controller.
I hate charging that thing constantly

SS from what I played was even worse for forced dialogue and bullshit story.

3D Zelda was only good for the first 3 games. BOTW seems to be a return to form though.

>Double Clawshot Minigame
>Cuckoo Landing Minigame
I can't think of any others though. Enlighten me?

>fishing hole
>SNOWBOARDING, how the fuck do you forget it
>that canoeing minigame down the river

he's going to defend everything

the one on the right is the original version, are you even try anymore?

>>SNOWBOARDING, how the fuck do you forget it
because it sucked
the fuck?

fishing was pointless and not fun and canoeing was short as fuck.


-appealing art style
-the atmosphere of the game was very pleasant
-the music compilation

-the dungeon design made completing the game super easy
-any island that isnt a main island is small as shit
-even the main islands are pretty fucking small
-fighting sharks in ur boat sucks dick

i feel like twilight had good dungeon design id do a whole pro and cons thing for it but i haven't played it in so long all i remember is that it had a LONG ASS start and alright dungeon design coupled with sum snow boarding mansion thing

Oh yeah, Snowboarding was easy as fuck, though. The flying up-river game was pretty cool, though.

Fishing kinda sucked though.

all shit

Your favorite zelda will always be the one you grew up with. Mine was TP and I cherish it. Although I'm of the opinion there has yet to be a bad zelda game (discluding cdi abominations). They are all in their own way excellent.

thanks watson. did you notice that the right one shows hair without alpha blending?

>general picture of the game wasn't as powerful/unique
What? Up until Ganondorf's reveal I can't really agree with you on that.
> didn't manage to have as genuinely mature moments
You mean like the opening scene? Or Link Coming To Save Us? Easy mode Midna's Lament? Let's not forget one of the most kino moments in all Zelda history, pic related.

I couldnt tell because it was so blurry

>Worst 3D Zelda
Really? You enjoyed Skyward Sword more despite it having more issues with everything you listed? Specifically filler and boring dialogue?

windwaker was pretty impressive when it came out. tp sucks dick and always did.

They're both good, but personally I enjoyed WW more.

this desu

TP has better dungeons and doesn't feel unfinished.
WW just looks pretty.

>a dip in exactly one area and amiibos that you dont need at all to play the game

ah yes, cherrypicking

Wind Waker. The wolf portions of Twilight Princess are shitty, but they aren't as bad as sailing everywhere and the fucking Triforce fragment hunt mission. Fuck that part.

>I expected a remake of a decade-old Gamecube game to look like a Wii U tech demo

I'm sorry, but you simply did not have realistic expectations. And the Wolf Link/Midna amiibo comes with the fucking game, how is that a paywall?


So Wii babies are old enough to post now?
Because I'm pretty sure almost everyone saying WW had TP as their first Zelda.

>Which was worse, the best Zelda game or the second worst 3D Zelda game?


Sorry, not even a remake, just a port

or people liked the game

People who were 8 when the Wii came out are old enough to post.

TP has much more bullshit so TP.

not everyone is a spergout who has been playing every popular series on release since they were born. I'm 24 and my first zelda was windwaker, it just happened to be.


>What? Up until Ganondorf's reveal I can't really agree with you on that.

Has nothing to do with ganondorf. It's just the fact that the game at it's best was just a bigger hyrule field from Oot, and its worst it was the same, only orange and you had to be a wolf.

>You mean like the opening scene? Or Link Coming To Save Us? Easy mode Midna's Lament? Let's not forget one of the most kino moments in all Zelda history, pic related.

Midna's lament is the only one of those I can accept because everybody cared about midna. Zant invading the castle was amazing, but the worst part of it is that we never got to PLAY through a scene this good in the rest of the game.

It's funny how rushed Zelda games are better than Zeldas that are "complete experiences"

MM and WW were on time restraints and they're much more memorable than either TP or SS

Vanilla WW is worse than TP though, but WWHD beats any release of TP through gameplay fixes alone.

My first Zelda was Zelda 2 so fuck off.

> It's just the fact that the game at it's best was just a bigger hyrule field from Oot, and its worst it was the same, only orange and you had to be a wolf.
That sounds more of you having an issue of the environment rather than memorability of the game and its themes/story

but ww and tp were unfinished and the others weren't

>Sup Forumsirgins liking TP more than WW

Is this a meme or what?

contrarian autists or underage retards