How was Doomguy able to fight through Hell? Wasn't he just an ordinary human?

How was Doomguy able to fight through Hell? Wasn't he just an ordinary human?

He was a Badass. I wish I could play him in Gearbox's Battleborn! Epic!

He was pissed off.

Same reason Ranger was able to fight through realms of the Old Ones.

It's called DOOM because's he's the one dooming, not the demons

His will was strong, his cause was just, and his gun was very, very, large.

I dunno, how did Duke Nukem repel an entire alien invasion? Wasn't he just an ordinary human?

I like to think that the music in Doom is a musical way of explaining how Doomguy feels.
So at first in E1M1 he's ready to fight, but in E2M8 he's tired, but still has to confront the Cyberdemon

Prep time

you could say he went through......... hell

heh... nothing personnel kid...

wat the fuck was that shitty ending?

I like to think that because of how Doomguy is more of an "idea/concept" and represents the player, all Doomguy's (but not shit like the scientist and major chick from D2RPG) are him because of some spiritual/transdimensional shit going on

Hayden knew Doomguy wasn't going to let him try to harvest Hell for energy again, so he had to get rid of him. He's talking to Doomguy, not the player. I doubt Doomguy fully understands why they were doing it, and I doubt he would care.

Reminder that the Ranger from Quake was worthy enough to grab Thor's hammer and telefragged a Lovecraft beast and is still on a lower tier than the Doomguy.

This is correct in Q3, right?

Also, BJ walked through shitty mazes while eating dog food and drinking blood, took the spear of destiny 3 times, killed the reincarnation or Heinrich the first, the Cyberdemon before being the Cyberdemon, Hitler with a mecha suit with 4 chainguns, shitload of frankensteinian monsters and supernatural beasts and yet fucked up and lost the war.

DLC expansion when?

Is doomguy christian?

Maybe the story of Doom is a metaphor for the hidden potential in all of us. The potential to kick ass, that is.

>Wasn't he just an ordinary human?
An ordinary human and a half.

>telefragged a Lovecraft beast
Big deal. Doomguy blew Satan's fucking brains out with a rocket launcher. Three times, if you count Final Doom.

But Lovecraft's monsters aren't supposed to die

Icon of Sin probably isn't Satan.

Neither is Satan.

Ok, sorry

Anyone else not buy into the whole Doomslayer thing? I don't understand how people think the guy from the old games and the guy from the new one are the same person. Old Doom specifically mentions that Doomguy came from Earth, and was a space marine. The new game implies the Doomslayer came from an ancient order of templar or some shit that exists in a dimension separate from Earth and Mars. How are they supposed to be the same guy? I mean, it's a neat idea to think that it all exists in one universe, but the lore makes that impossible.

He beat the demons back to hell in the first game, fought them in hell to keep them in hell, got trapped in hell, then reactivated by another timeline tearing through to hell

All those Doom wads are considered canon so he has killed demons in many different universes

People act like it's the same dude in Doom 3 too, even though Doom 3 has 3 different protagonists if you include the addons.

Original doomguy is by far the strongest.

Anger is the most powerful force in the universe user.
If you watched DBZ you'd know this.

his little animated face gets super excited when you start murderizing demons and zombies, even if they are demons and zombies, it's very unchristian like to find enjoyment from violence.

well depends on what mosnter. The Gods sure as hell aren't gonna be dying, but shit like Shoggoths and Elder Things can die. It's very hard to kill them, but they are mortal. They even find an Elder Thing corpse near the begging of Mountains of Madness.

>all this shitposting ITT

I won't be surprised if ID decided to retcon this and find a way to make all the DOOM guys connected

He can walk on water though

As in the frozen dudes who kill everyone in encampment?

is it shallow?

I don't remember the details, but wasn't it a shoggoth that killed everyone, including the dead Elder Thing they found?

>his little animated face gets super excited when you start murderizing demons and zombies, even if they are demons and zombies, it's very unchristian like to find enjoyment from violence.
He only puts on his happy face when he finds new hardware. He's all-business when it comes to actually killing the demons.

doesn't he get excited if you keep shooting the chaingun?

I assume this thread's either bait or you've never actually played Doom.

At the end of Episode One, you actually die.

Nope, he makes the same face he makes when you take damage.

It's more of an angry expression.

He was an angry american so no.

>captain america does all that he can to kick ass and same is home town

>shinji does all that he can to get out of doing shit because he's stupid

>one comes from america and the other Japan

Really makes you think

Oh, so that means you go to hell, for fucking up that superior officer, right?

And then, since you're technically not mortal anymore, since you died, you continue to fuck demons up!

You fuck up the demons so hard, Satan lets you live again just so you'll stop wrecking all his toys.

"implies", not states. And that info comes from a demon- what the fuck would they know? Also, alternate dimensions you nigger.

So if a demon in hell dies, does it go to second hell?

According to I believe the Doom II manual, dead demons are turned into revenants.

What other games let you play as the trauma?

so what happens to slain revenants in hell?

>it's very unchristian like to find enjoyment from violence.
then why did we have the crusades???

One soldier can't win the war, son. It takes a military to beat a military.

Implying you can kill skeletons.

Call me crazy, but I would assume that constantly fighting fucking demons and then going to Hell would give you some degree of supernatural strength/resilience.

Not to mention that Doomguy is fucking enormously jacked at the very beginning to start with.

some pretty funny comments in this thread

thanks for the laughs user. Maybe I'm just in a good mood but I found those both pretty above Sup Forums usual shitposting standard


You can easily kill imps with your fist and Pinkies if you have skill. Enemies only truly start becoming a threat with large numbers or if it's anything bigger than a hell knight.

Time works differently in hell. It also heavily implies that he's the same guy from the original game and this was an alternate universe he was found in. Basically all dimensional roads lead through hell

are you saying the the Knights Templars took pleasure from the fighting?

I know I did.

They probably just cease to exist.

>I don't understand how people think the guy from the old games and the guy from the new one are the same person.
Nobody but Sup Forums thinks this. I don't understand why people do it here, when it's stated pretty clearly that Doom Slayer is related to Argent D'nur. There's a possibility that DoomSlayer is a marine from Doom 64 that happens was trapped in hell, somehow escaped to the world of Argent D'nur, established Night Sentinels, doomed (no pun intended) the Argent D'nur to Hell, was trapped in Hell AGAIN and then was later recovered by an alternative Earth, but it's so far stretched that anyone thinking that Doom Guy and DoomSlayer are the same guy are idiots.

> knights were holier than thou and were performing god's will.

They turned Antioch into a whorehouse m8.

Hold up, how do you get imps to not slash the shit out of you if you close to brass knuckle distance.

I ain't defending the knights, I ain't even christian, but I doubt they enjoyed the wars, I doubt any soldier ever actually enjoyed being in a war.

Punch and then back off so they throw a fireball instead. It's riskier than pinkies but still doable.

Hard to get slashed when you rip their goddamn arms off.

I just assumed Doomslayer was someone as badass as Doomguy way back in the day, and that the demons see Doomguy (and possibly actually is) this beings reincarnation.

I wouldn't say he's supernaturally tough. I think it's realistic to expect a highly trained space marine to be able to kill a man (or zombie with the resilience of a normal man) with two or three strong punches using a bladed knuckleduster.

Unlike the current year, being a soldier for God himself was something to boast about.

I remember reading somewhere in the new game that his soul is so corrupted by his countless unspeakable acts of violence and aggression that he can't get into heaven, so I'm guessing no

Why wasn't Archie in Doom 4?

Because they're annoying shits that nobody likes.

because their engine couldn't handle persistent corpses

Knights Templar were rich guys with bloodlust.
Yes of course they enjoyed it.

He was mildly upset.