£280 console

>£280 console
>£60 pro controller
>£60 games
so this is the power of brexit

Not really, no.
This is the power of Neokikeshitendo.

330€ for a piece of shit Tegra processor from 2010 in rest of Europe.
70€ for shovelware trash like ARMS and 1,2 Switcharoo
Prices in America are also ridiculous.
Nintendo are the biggest Judenschweine.

You're too young to remember that the RRP for Mega Drive and Super Nintendo games was £60. You're probably too young to remember that the PS3 retailed at over £400 in some shops.

>blaming brexit when shit's overpriced globally

Man SM64 was like 70 USD when it debuted in the US in the 90's. The effect of Brexit on the price of this current gen of consoles is vastly outbalanced by globalization making everything cheaper. Go ask mum for more pocket money or go to JobCentre or don't buy it.

>you will never be a dumb britcuck
1 4 0 0


>Go ask mum for more pocket mone
OP BTFO. How will he ever recover?

No excuse NDF (Nintendo Dick Fellatioer)

Good thing I cherished the fuck out of all those games, I remember once going to pink planet games exchange to trade in three games to get one... biggest fucking buyers remorse a kid could have.

>RRP for Mega Drive and Super Nintendo games was £60

nobody actually paid that much except cucks that don't shop around

> PS3 retailed at over £400 in some shops

PS3 is more powerful than the bait and switch and yet again >>>some shops
this isn't comparable to 2017 where literally every shop is overcharging for games

>nobody actually paid that much except cucks that don't shop around

So what you're saying is, no one's going to pay £60 for a Switch game, because they'll shop around, invalidating your whole argument?

The Saturn also retailed at over £400 in certain retailers.

>no one's going to pay £60 for a Switch game
yeah because the switch is dead on arrival and there's literally 0 retailers offering any switcheroo game for less than 60bux
RIP shitendo
RIP 30+ manchildren cryin about the 90s and Nintendo's long gone glory days

NICE reddit spacing btw maybe you should go back

If you're a grown up with a decent job, the small amount of monetary difference you're crying about is immaterial. Let's not forget that you don't need to choose between consoles, because you have enough disposable income to buy all of them. Only children argue about which console is better, because they don't have the power of choice. When the Switch is launched, it will sit comfortably next to my Xbox and PS4. You'll have to wait until Christmas before your mother buys you a new PlayStation game.


What's the best EU country and why is it Greece?

>constantly decline for the past 100 years
>b-brexit's at fault!
get fucked m8

stop being poor

Did you get your lettuce ration today?

Isn't that due to spain's weather rather than brexit?

>next to my Xbone
>£20 extra is a small amount
good goy, throw all of your disposable income away to line the pockets of greedy businessmen

>£280 console
Nintendo don't get to set the price, the retailers do, and considering the pounds recent decline it seems like a safe amount given that the pound will drop again in March

>£60 pro controller

£15 more for a controller with 4-5 times the battery life seems fair

>£60 games

Literally where? (Other than GAME)

>so this is the power of brexit

Kind of

pay denbts

>britain seeing germany as most trustworthy

>tfw you voted Leave

peace in our time user

Had to take the bus to get my bike back from servicing.

The gloomy faces on everyone were delicious.

£20 a year is a tiny amount

>The scale is small because it over 200 years
>Can't see the dip in the value just after the vote
>It c-can't p-possibly be brexit that cucked the p-pound out of 20% of its value

Can't wait for another huge dip in the value of the pound in March, what a glorious day where the Pound will be weaker than the Euro, all for muh sovrignty

So did I.

Although now I've got to listen to that stupid bitch in charge of the SNP go on and on and on about muh second referendum. Wish she'd fuck off already.

>there's literally 0 retailers offering any switcheroo game for less than 60bux
this isn't even true dumb fuck. you shitpost like a 4 year old, take that shit back to neogaf

brexit was a mistake

Fuckin sweeeet split dude how are the graphics?

Nah man, the Pound will be weaker than the Euro, but we get all that Sovrignty, think about all of that Sovrignty


>be german
>plan holiday to bongland
>co-workers tell me to take 6 gorillion bong pounds and go on a shopping spree since the pound is worthless
>buy a 2,000 euro laptop and a Samsung galaxy s7, saving a total of roughly 400 euros
>mfw the UK is now a discount shopping center

>he hasn't hacked his wii u yet

you wanker, it's awesome. I just downloaded super Mario 3d world.

c'mon mate, don't be swaggish.