Do you have any real-life friends you play vidya with?

Do you have any real-life friends you play vidya with?

That's not socially acceptable.

Is that waffle's gf prepping the bulls ?

Yeah, my core group of about 5 or 6 people still play games with each other pretty regularly. Others friends outside sometimes, but it's not a regular thing or anything.

I have a whole group of friends from high school and college that I play games with online pretty regularly. We're all either in grad school or working new jobs in new cities, so we have shit social lives and plenty of time to play Rainbow Six and old RTS games and stuff.

lol fucking normies


pretty much the same situation here, been gaming with the same group since 8th grade or so, vidya is how we stay in touch now that we're split across a couple states

two people who i've known since I was in elementary school, one of them plays mostly shooters and zelda he sucks at shooters, and the other is his older brother who plays shooters a little (sucks ass at them),and ALL nintendo shit.

my real life friends would have an easier time discovering the location of the holy grail than the fact that I play video games

no ;_;

who's the qt in the middle?


A few

Not anymore, for some reason I stopped staying in touch than 2 years magically goes by.

someone that got 6 dicks in her that night

Not anymore. Just the wife. One friend started ignoring me once he saw my relationship get better as his fell, the rest just play shit like Dota 2


no, and i don't have much '' internet friends '' either, i am probably acoustic desu

Dont have friends at all

fuck you, that post hit too close to home

No, my friends have jobs and wives and shit. I mostly play with my loser cousin.

Just 1 and he moved to oregon

Better than being electric, I guess.

>real-life friends

>Do you have any friends

I've been losing friends over the years. It hurts sometimes.

I used to play with my brothers, but one of them only plays a shitty moba and the other only plays a different shitty moba. Even if I buy a pack of games and gift it to them they only play it once or twice then go back to their mobas. I miss them

birthday in 2 weeks and im still a massive fag lol

convince me to sewerside

This. I keep everything vidya related hidden from them and deny everything if anyone ever asks me if I play vidya. Nobody shall ever know about it.


I don't have online friends either.

It's weird for a 37 year old to have "friends"

I have two, but their shit taste and my growing disdain for multi-player games is making us drift apart.

We live in different parts of the country too so vidya is the only thing really keeping us in touch.

I've already prepared to lose contact with both of them.

Nah i live alone in my own house as a disabled neet that only sees his parents sometimes.

I'm pretty much a recluse.

Only my girlfriend

Friends are overrated though. They come and go, don't make it such a big deal

Yes. Every saturday we meet and play something for about 2 or 3 hours then we decide, continue playing with beers and snacks or go out with other friends.
I know these guys for about 12 years, real bros.

So like, Sup Forums is full of friendless faggots.
Why don't we all do something together?
>inb4 gay suggestions

You don't want to meet these people.

tfw all my friends are normalfags in a shitty small villiage.
I see them twice a month ,they all have their normalfags lives

doesn't have to be irl

I'm a total normie. I have a bunch of friends. It's pretty cool.

>Real life
i'm not a massive faggot like you OP

i'm shy as fuck, terrible at talking to others
also i don't play any mobashit or csgo

I want to play Swat 4 MP but I have literally zero friends

I just watch you tubers.

Yeah idk I guess we could all buttfuck each other and build a human choo-choo train but yeah it's gotta be no homo style otherwise that's pretty gay yeah

do you play street fighter though? that can be fun with awkward people as long as they like to be competitive.

>mandatory female
>mandatory asian
>mandatory black

OP is a racist fuck

Yeah my best friend and I play overwatch all the time.

She and I have college now tho so we haven't been playing as often, and her mom lost her job recently so we haven't been able to go do anything besides play games as of late. With her mom getting a job with a new company a state away we should be able to more stuff now.

black people already have friends though.

Yes but if our de facto leader isn't on, then no one else is on.

>tfw best friend got a gf and hasn't been online in 3 months


Yeah, i'm about to play Triforce Heroes with one of them

I used to. Not anymore.

not anymore

>most of my old friends are lefties
>all of them have shit tier tastes
>all of them hate trump
>finally last week i tell them all off as they are fucking faggot losers who are traitors
>"but user u need to calm down"

fuck those piles of shit i have Sup Forums and Sup Forums thats all anyone needs

>do you play street fighter
i bought Ultra Street Fighter IV, but it's so fucking hard
you really have to git gud to have fun

They're too busy gagging on each others' recycled body fluids in WoW and Overwatch...

>tfw I used to get high and fantasize about playing my favorite video games with Two Best Friends or Game Grumps

I'm off that shit now.

Prison made me too paranoid for friends

Is this from a /vg/ general? They look surprisingly non-autistic.

i'm pretty anti social and i'm ok with it

i need to get laid though

I pray you're joking, caring about any politician on that level makes you a fool and your friends are probably more tolerable than you are

My friend/business partner play a lot of borderlands

then get good then you homosex.

yeah dude


You guys are my only friends

You're joking, right?


None of us are friends. We're a dysfunctional family or society

I did that same shit with GG. I knew it's autistic, but fuck man.
Only reason I quit's because it doesn't help anymore..

Haha what a bunch of fucking losers

how? i'd have to watch hundreds of tutorials
would it even be worth doing now?

Have played with the same friends since we were 13, 23 now. Unfortunately they all started playing Dota 2 when it came out and I didn't so I only play other games with them occasionally these days.

Not really, the last time I did this was almost 3 years ago by now. I met up with a few friends I knew from high school. We played some sm4sh because it just came out around that time. God, that was great. I wish we would meet up again for those reasons. But they aren't interested anymore I think. They always pretend they don't have any time. There's only this one dude who still plays video games. Sometimes we play BF1 together but that's it.

Yes but we only play FIFA

Our vidya discussions are puddle deep too

Of course, my friends and I still play a lot if local mp. Bomberman, Micro Machines, Pro Evolution Soccer, Mario Kart and Party, Nintendo Land... It never gets old.

Sovitia the biggest e slut there. Literally cucked her bf because she met a more famous streamer than him on the Internet who also lives on a different continent

She did that like 3 times already lol

I played a lot when I was a kid and guess it is now over. At least got to enjoy playing N64 multiplayer while it was hot and new.

No, they all play garbage like CS:GO and Dota
Only one of them is interested in games beyond that, but he has dudebro tastes