Hey Sup Forums I wanted to ask if you can recommend a low cost build that will be able to give me good performance for...

Hey Sup Forums I wanted to ask if you can recommend a low cost build that will be able to give me good performance for emulating PS2, I have an old vaio laptop it boots up nicely until the gameplay starts, the gameplay itself is very sluggish

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how about you purchase a BC ps3 and hack it???????

Get an actual ps2 + HDD

Make a g4560 with 1050/1050 ti build.

Ive had one but I also want to get in to PC gaymen

then do

Don't the mother boards die out on those models pretty quick though?
Thanks I'll look into it


Something like this. Just a quick search. It might be possible to find some combo deals to lower it.

you still here OP?

This is great thanks user


You can play pretty much any game on high with that on 1920x1080. Less demanding games on max

I'm interested in how well that OCable i3 works for emulation. I'd look into that.

Otherwise get an i5 you can overclock. GPU doesn't really matter unless you want to play at high resolution but make sure it's Nvidia.

He is asking for a low cost build. Not everyone can afford that. A g4560 is roughly on the levels of an i3 6100.

And it would be absolute shit for emulation.

We both know its perfectly fine for what he is asking.

It isn't though. Why in the hell would you recommend a sub-par build for specifically what he wants? He'd get that then be short in performance and be mad as hell he wasted his money.

Maybe you should stop thinking everyone can do so or unjustly make him believe he has to spend big bucks. Besides he could upgrade the cpu in the far future when it is needed.

Stop pretending that build would work well for PCSX2. You're only fucking him over.

whats ur budget
ill make one for u since im procarstinating on school projects anyway

have a video of pcsx2 with shadow of the colossus running just fine on a g3258+650ti

now fuck off nigger

As much as I love PC, if that's all you're getting it for then I'd say just get a modded PS2/PS3.

>recording the screen

my point exactly

What does posting a sub20fps video prove?