What does Sup Forums think?

What does Sup Forums think?

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It's vidyakino.

this and spacefuneral are fucking great

neo Sup Forums too casual to have played this

the creator is really good at picking soundtracks youtu.be/LXAbTW13edY?list=PL-0HlHSYAo5i8a7ezzUfqNrlXB6tZQXB3

Pretty great.
I fucking love weird games with very little context. This, space funeral, and .flow are some of my favorite.

Also for some reason it gives me similar vibes to Gregory Horror Show.

Gregory horror show is a fucking experience

I love weird and obtuse games, but this one was too much for me. The constant feeling of "am I achieving something or is there nothing to do in this fucking game" was too strong after exploring most of the world.

Its funny, this was the same person who made Space Funeral but thankfully didnt get an autistic fandom.

Neo Sup Forums knows about Vinesauce so some would know about Goblet Grotto.


Why is death so based?

was the game any good?

Are you goblet?


More of a Pleasuredomes of Kubla Khan guy.

Game kinda is meh. If you've not watched the anime you have no idea whats going on and if you have you'll have no real motivation to carry on.

Also fuck having to play Roulette Kids fucking Mario Party pile of shit.

Space Funeral being an RPG really puts me off. I don't want combat, the game doesn't have good combat, I just want to walk around and see weird stuff. If you're not going to make good gameplay then just drop the act and make it a walking sim.

Crypt Worlds was fun. Dungeon was not.


To be fair, Space Funeral has the Mystery command which does random fun things.

Eh, when you get to the end though it makes a bit more sense why it has RPG combat

this lacks Mouse corps

I'm really looking forward to Crypt Underworlds

Anyone looking forward to Burrito Galaxy or is that not edgy/creppy enough for this thread

I completely forgot about that. Is it still being developed?

TheCatamites's best game
like holy shit i cant believe how big it is

mush is a faggot

Visually it looks kind of unique but fuck it if I'm playing some game where everyone speaks in Tumblr posts.

me too
Lilith Zone's other short games are okay too

Doesnt have to be creepy or edgy, just surreal

monoliTHism is better

it looks alright but the tumblr is real

Can I find any of this game on Steam? I know Lisa is in and I already did LSD on PS1.

no, just google the titles


>mfw praying to an altar gives you goblet

Hylics is on Steam

It looks pretty good. I don't where people are getting tumblr from it, though. Mushbuh and Magdev/Mason both posted a bunch on /agdg/.

I love surreal games, and would like to make one. Too bad that I would only really feel comfortable doing it in full 3d and am a lazy, undisciplined piece of shit

LSD is still one of my favorite games ever made.